Federal Subsistence Board News

Federal Subsistence Board approves changes to subsistence fishing regulations


*This news release is corrected from the version originally released January 29, 2021, to reflect the specific area closed under the second bullet under Subsistence Fisheries Closure Reviews, Yukon-Northern Area on the next page. The corrected text is underlined.The Federal Subsistence Board (Board) met January 26-29, 2021 via teleconference to consider 13 proposed changes to Federal subsistence fisheries regulations, one nonrural determination proposal, 12 fisheries closure reviews, the individual customary and traditional use determination process, and Temporary Wildlife Special Action WSA20-07 (regarding the framework for the Ahtna Inter-Tribal Resource Commission administered community harvest system for moose and caribou in Units 11, 12, and 13). The Board also heard status updates on deferred wildlife proposal WP20-26 and Regional Advisory Council (RAC) appointments, and conducted Tribal and Alaska Native Corporation consultations.

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Federal Subsistence Board to consider proposals to change Federal subsistence fish regulations


The Federal Subsistence Board (Board) will meet January 26−29, 2021, via teleconference, to consider proposed changes to Federal subsistence fish and shellfish regulations for the 2021-2023 regulatory years. The Board will also discuss Nonrural Determination Proposal RP19-01 requesting Moose Pass be considered a rural community, fisheries closure reviews, the individual customary and traditional use determination process, Temporary Wildlife Special Action WSA20-07 (regarding the Ahtna Inter-Tribal Resource Commission administered community harvest system for moose and caribou in Units 11, 12, and 13, and its framework), and other subsistence issues.

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2020 Yukon Area Fall Season Summary


This announcement provides a preliminary summary of the 2020 Yukon Area (Figure 1) fall chum and coho salmon harvests and escapements. All results are considered preliminary.2020 Fall Season OutlookThe fall chum salmon run size forecast, using brood year analysis, was for 936,000 fish, with a range of 827,000 to 1,045,000 fish. A preseason run size projection was made in mid-July using the relationship between historical summer and fall chum salmon run size estimates. Using the estimate of 782,000 summer chum salmon, the preseason projection for a fall chum salmon was a run size of less than 450,000 fish.The coho salmon outlook for 2020 was for an average run size of 240,000 fish. The outlook assumed an average survival of fish from the 2016 parent year and was based on recent trends of average to below average runs.

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