2025-2027 Regulatory Cycle

Fisheries Regulatory Proposals and Closure Reviews

Southeastern Alaska Area

FP25-01: Taku River Salmon Fishery Regulations

FP25-02:  Unuk River Limit Eulachon Users

FCR25-03: Makhnati Herring (36 CFR 242.27(e)(13)(xx))    

Prince William Sound Area

FP25-03: Tolsona C&T Freshwater Fish and Salmon in Copper River

Kodiak Area

FP25-04: Buskin River Salmon Limits

FP25-05: Afognak Bay Rod & Reel Only

FP25-06: Kodiak Road Zone Salmon Limits

Alaska Peninsula Area

FP25-07: Russel and Trout Creeks Salmon Limits and Permitting

Aleutian Islands Area

FP25-08: Adak & Kagalaska Salmon Limits and Permitting

Bristol Bay Area

FP25-09: Bristol Bay Red Buoys

FP25-10: Bristol Bay Rescind Closures Near Stream Mouths

FP25-11: Bristol Bay Add Gear Types to Align with State

FP25-12: Egegik River Rescind Set Gillnet Restrictions

FP25-13: Togiak Drainage Repeal Fish Marking Requirements

FP25-14: Togiak Refuge Additional Gear Types

Kuskokwim Area

FP25-15: Kuskokwim River Set Gillnet Restrictions to Align with State

Yukon-Northern Area

FP25-16: Kanuti River and Bonanza Creek Gear Types and Harvest Limits

FP25-17: Delta River Add Rod and Reel with Limits Matching State

FCR23-05 (deferred) Delta River All Fish (50 CFR 100.27(e)(3)(x))

FCR25-02 Nome Creek Arctic Grayling (50 CFR 100.27(e)(3)(xi))

Norton Sound-Port Clarence Area

FCR25-01: Unalakleet River Chinook Salmon (50 CFR 100.27(e)(2)(ii)(C)

Wildlife Regulatory Proposals 


WP24-01 Allow the Sale of Brown Bear Hides

Southcentral Alaska

WP25-01 Nelchina Caribou Seasons, Hunt Management, and §804 user prioritization analysis

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