Regional Advisory Council Membership

Membership applications or nominations for seats on the 10 Federal Subsistence Regional Advisory Councils are being accepted now through February 16, 2025.

The Regional Advisory Councils provide advice and recommendations to the Federal Subsistence Board about subsistence hunting, trapping, and fishing issues on Federal public lands. Membership on the Councils is one way for the public to become involved in the Federal subsistence regulatory process.

Informational Video: Becoming Involved with a Federal Subsistence Regional Advisory Council

Council Membership

Regional Advisory Council members are usually appointed to three-year terms. The Councils meet at least twice a year; once in the fall (September or October) and once in the winter (late February through early April). Council members are not paid for their volunteer service; however, their transportation and lodging are pre-paid and per diem is provided for food and other expenses under Federal travel guidelines.

Council Responsibilities

  • Review and make recommendations to the Federal Subsistence Board on proposals for regulations, policies, management plans, and other subsistence-related issues;
  • Develop proposals that provide for the subsistence harvest of fish and wildlife;
  • Encourage and promote local participation in the decision-making process affecting subsistence harvests on Federal public lands;
  • Make recommendations on customary and traditional use determinations of subsistence resources; and,
  • Appoint members to National Park Subsistence Resource Commissions.


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