Shelton Johnson shares a secret of the NPS


I know what that,
if someone were to ask me what would
surprise people that don't know about
the Park Service and how I would answer
that. That kind of throws me for a bit,
because I don't know if people
realized that, that there is really this
sense of esprit de corps in the Park
Service. We are green. We wear the
green color. You know, I wish it was
even chlorophyll as opposed to some sort
of pigment but, it is a family. The Park
Service is not just a government
institution. The Park Service is
basically a group of people who are in
love, who have fallen in love. And people
who are in love, their eyes are open.
Their ears are open. Their heart is open.
And they feel the need for other people
to feel the same way. It's not just being
a bureaucrat. It's, the most bureaucratic
individual that you can meet in the Park
Service, they could say in a whisper,
But really the reason I'm doing all of this is
I love Badlands National Park. That place
speaks to my soul, but keep it quiet.
It's that. It's people who are
in love with a place. People who
are in love with a story. People who
are in love with an idea and all they
can think of is sharing that love with
other people.


Shelton Johnson shares a secret of the NPS