DOI Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey

The Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) is an annual tool for employees to share their perceptions about their work experiences, their agency, and leadership. Employee feedback is voluntary, confidential, and anonymous.

FY 2023 FEVS at a Glance:

The 2023 FEVS was administered by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) on behalf of the Department of the Interior (DOI). The survey was open from May 15, 2023, through July 14, 2023 to a full census of the DOI Workforce, rather than a sample population. This year, the survey included new questions that support the implementation of Executive Order 14035 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce

  • 56,491 DOI employees received the survey
  • 35,949 employees responded
  • 64% DOI response rate compared to 39% government-wide
  • 65 items identified as strengths and zero items identified as challenges
  • 72% of employees believe that DOI is fully committed to DEIA

The Department’s Employee Engagement Index (EEI) score is 72% - an increase of 2% from the previous two years that had remained consistent. The EEI measures the extent to which an agency created an environment conducive to high employee satisfaction with their job and commitment to the organization and mission.

The Department’s Global Satisfaction Index (GSI) score increased by 2% from last year, returning to 65%. The GSI measures employees’ satisfaction with their job, pay and the organization.

The Department’s Performance Confidence Index (PCI) score is 85% - an uptick of 1% over the FY 2022 score. The PCI measures employees’ belief that their work unit improved in processes, product, services, outcome, and achieve organizationally.

The Department’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) score trended up 2% from the FY 2022 rating of 70% to 72% in FY 2023.  The DEIA measures employees’ belief that their organization is committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.

Your Feedback is Our Future!

Based on survey feedback, the Department instituted the following work flexibilities to continue to promote work-life balance for employees and a safe work environment:

  • Expanded core telework opportunities to include supervisory and managerial employees, and
  • Remote work arrangements for eligible employees who initiated the remote work requests and met and maintain acceptable performance criteria to accomplish DOI's mission.

For DOI employees connected on the network, visit the DOI FEVS SharePoint for more information about our FY 2022 results.  DOI leadership will continue to leverage the FEVS and other survey results to ensure our work environment is safe and inclusive.

Click the links below to view FEVS results:

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