DOI Career Connection

DOI Career Connection (DCC) was an online portal for sharing short-term broadening projects, details and lateral opportunities across DOI. DCC facilitated opportunities to broaden employees’ experience, address staffing needs, and build a highly-skilled workforce throughout the Department of the Interior. OED partnered with the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) Open Opportunities platform to bring DOI Career Connection (DCC) to the DOI workforce.  

DCC helped DOI managers and HR Specialists build capacity for an increased workload, increase employee engagement/retention, and fill skills and personnel gaps quickly through the promotion of short-term broadening projects, details and laterals. DCC empowered employees to gain a broader understanding of DOI, participate in cross-training opportunities, and increase their proficiency in desired technical and professional skills.

On March 14, 2025 Open Opportunities will officially close. After this date, you will no longer have access to your opportunity/internship data and documents (including completion certificates). Thank you for being part of our journey.