Federal Subsistence Board News

2020 Yukon River Salmon Fall Fishery Announcement #27 Subdistrict 5-D Middle Subsistence Fishing


Districts Affected: Upper Yukon AreaThis year’s fall chum salmon run fell below the 300,000 fish threshold needed to allow subsistence fishing. In accordance with the Yukon River Fall Chum Salmon Management Plan, subsistence fishing for fall chum salmon has been closed for most of the season. The fall chum salmon run is currently estimated to be around 200,000 fish, the lowest on record. As the end of the 2020 fall chum salmon run is complete in Subdistrict 5-D Middle, subsistence fishing restrictions are being relaxed to provide fishing opportunity for other fish species.

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2020 Preliminary Yukon River Summer Season Summary


The following is a summary of the 2020 Yukon River Chinook and summer chum salmon fisheries. All data reported here are considered preliminary. For management purposes, the Yukon River is divided into several fishing districts and subdistricts (Figure 1). 

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2020 Yukon River Salmon Fall Fishery Announcement #26 Subdistrict 5-D Lower Subsistence Fishing


Districts Affected: Upper Yukon AreaThis year’s fall chum salmon run fell below the 300,000 fish threshold needed to allow subsistence fishing. In accordance with the Yukon River Fall Chum Salmon Management Plan, subsistence fishing for fall chum salmon has been closed for most of the season. As the end of the 2020 fall chum salmon run is complete in Subdistrict 5- D Lower, subsistence fishing restrictions are being relaxed to provide fishing opportunity for other fish species.

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2020 Yukon River Salmon Fall Fishery Announcement #25 Subdistricts 5-A, 5-B, and 5-C Subsistence Fishing


Districts Affected: Upper Yukon AreaThis year’s fall chum salmon run fell below the 300,000 fish threshold needed to allow subsistence fishing. In accordance with the Yukon River Fall Chum Salmon Management Plan, subsistence fishing for fall chum salmon has been closed for most of the season. As the end of the 2020 fall chum salmon run is essentially complete in Subdistricts 5-A, 5-B, and 5-C, subsistence fishing restrictions are being relaxed to provide fishing opportunity for coho salmon and other fish species.

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