Federal Subsistence Board News

2021 Yukon River Salmon Fall Fishery Announcement #22 Coastal District and Districts 1-3 Subsistence Fishing Schedule Districts Affected: Lower Yukon Area


The 2021 fall chum and coho salmon runs were the lowest on record and led to full season closures to subsistence salmon fishing. At this time, lower Yukon River assessment projects are complete for the season and very few salmon are entering the Yukon River. Subsistence fishing restrictions are being removed starting in the Lower Yukon Area, based on fall chum salmon travel time.

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2021 Yukon River Salmon Fall Fishery Announcement # 21 Fall Update # 9, Yukon Area Salmon Fishery Districts Affected: Yukon Area


The Yukon River fall chum and coho salmon runs are the lowest on record. The fall chum salmon run is approximately 102,000 fish compared to a historical run size of 870,000 fish based on median timing. The coho salmon run is approximately 37,000 fish compared to a historical run size of 240,000 fish. Both the fall chum and coho salmon runs are nearly done entering the Yukon River. According to the Fall Chum Salmon Management Plan, the run size did not meet the threshold of 300,000 fish needed to allow subsistence, personal use or commercial fishing. The drainagewide escapement goal of 300,000-600,000 fall chum salmon, tributary escapement goals and Canadian treaty objectives are not expected to be achieved

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2021 Yukon River Salmon Fall Fishery Announcement # 20 Fall Update # 8, Yukon Area Salmon Fishery Districts Affected: Yukon Area


The Yukon River fall chum and coho salmon runs are the lowest on record, see Figures 1 and 2. The fall chum salmon run is approximately 99,000 fish compared to a historical run size of 870,000 fish based on median timing. The coho salmon run is approximately 37,000 fish compared to a historical run size of 240,000 fish. Both the fall chum and coho salmon runs are nearly done entering the Yukon River. According to the Fall Chum Salmon Management Plan, the run size did not meet the threshold of 300,000 fish needed to allow subsistence, personal use or commercial fishing. The drainagewide escapement goal of 300,000-600,000 fall chum salmon, tributary escapement goals and Canadian treaty objectives are not expected to be achieved.

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Applicants Sought for Subsistence Regional Advisory Council Membership Deadline: February 28, 2022


For Immediate Release:

September 17, 2021

Applicants Sought for Subsistence Regional Advisory Council Membership
Deadline: February 28, 2022

The Federal Subsistence Board is accepting applications through February 28, 2022 to fill seats on the
10 Subsistence Regional Advisory Councils (Councils). Council membership appointments are
typically for 3-year terms. There are approximately 38 seats open for appointment among all Councils.

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2021 Yukon River Salmon Fall Fishery Announcement # 19 Fall Update # 7, Yukon Area Salmon Fishery Districts Affected: Yukon Area


The Yukon River fall chum and coho salmon runs are projecting to be the lowest on record (1974–2020), see Figures 1 and 2. The fall chum salmon run is projected to be 99,000 fish compared to a historical run size of 870,000 fish based on median timing. The coho salmon run size is projected to be near 37,000 fish and run timing is late. Both the fall chum and coho salmon runs are nearly complete entering the Yukon River. According to the Fall Chum Salmon Management Plan, the inseason projections did not meet the threshold of 300,000 fish needed to allow subsistence, personal use or commercial fishing. A run of this size did not meet the drainagewide escapement goal of 300,000-600,000 fall chum salmon, tributary escapement goals and Canadian treaty objectives are not expected to be achieved as well.

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