Federal Subsistence Board News

BLM Announces Winter Fortymile Federal Subsistence Caribou Hunt Dates and Harvest Limit


FAIRBANKS, Alaska — The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Eastern Interior Field Office, under authority delegated by the Federal Subsistence Board, after consulting with the National Park Service, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Eastern Interior Regional Advisory Council, will open caribou hunting on federal public lands in Units 20E, 25C, and 20F East of the Dalton Highway and South of the Yukon River on October 27, 2021 to provide opportunities for federal subsistence users.

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2021 Yukon River Salmon Fall Fishery Announcement # 27 Fall Update # 10, Yukon Area Salmon Fishery Districts Affected: Yukon Area


The Yukon River fall chum and coho salmon runs are the lowest on record. The fall chum salmon run is approximately 102,000 fish compared to a historical run size of 870,000 fish based on median timing. The coho salmon run is approximately 37,000 fish compared to a historical run size of 240,000 fish. The coho salmon run came in late and was extremely weak. According to the Fall Chum Salmon Management Plan, the run size did not meet the threshold of 300,000 fish needed to allow subsistence, personal use, sport or commercial fishing. The drainagewide escapement goal of 300,000-600,000 fall chum salmon, tributary escapement goals and Canadian treaty objectives are not expected to be achieved.

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2021 Yukon River Salmon Fall Fishery Announcement #25 District 6 Subsistence Fishing Schedule Districts Affected: Upper Yukon Area


The 2021 fall chum and coho salmon runs were the lowest on record which led to full season closures to subsistence salmon fishing. At this time, lower Yukon River assessment projects are complete for the season and very few salmon are entering the Yukon River. Subsistence fishing restrictions will be relaxed in the mainstem Tanana River on October 30 once majority of fall chum and coho salmon have passed through the area. However, tributary drainages including lakes will remain closed to subsistence salmon fishing through December to protect active spawning areas. To provide harvest opportunity, subsistence fishing for nonsalmon will be relaxed to seven days per week with 4-inch gillnets and selective gear in areas outside the mainstem Tanana

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2021 Yukon River Salmon Fall Fishery Announcement #24 District 5 Subsistence Fishing Schedule Districts Affected: Upper Yukon Area


The 2021 fall chum and coho salmon runs were the lowest on record which led to full season closures to subsistence salmon fishing. At this time, lower Yukon River assessment projects are complete for the season and very few salmon are entering the Yukon River. Subsistence fishing restrictions will be relaxed in District 5 in late October once the majority of fall chum and coho salmon have migrated through the area. However, the Teedriinjik and Porcupine River drainages will remain closed to subsistence salmon fishing through December to protect active salmon spawning areas. To provide more nonsalmon fishing opportunity, subsistence fishing for nonsalmon will be relaxed to seven days per week with 4-inch or smaller mesh gillnets and selective gear on October 30 in the Teedriinjik and Porcupine River drainages.

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2021 Yukon River Salmon Fall Fishery Announcement #23 District 4 and Koyukuk River Subsistence Fishing Schedule Districts Affected: Upper Yukon Area


The 2021 fall chum and coho salmon runs were the lowest on record which led to full season closures to subsistence salmon fishing. At this time, lower Yukon River assessment projects are complete for the season and very few salmon are entering the Yukon River. Subsistence fishing restrictions will be relaxed in District 4 once the majority of fall chum and coho salmon have migrated through the area. However, the Koyukuk River drainage will remain closed to subsistence salmon fishing through December to protect active salmon spawning areas. To provide more nonsalmon fishing opportunity, subsistence fishing for nonsalmon will be relaxed to seven days per week with 4-inch or smaller mesh gillnets and selective gear on October 30 in the Koyukuk River drainage.

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