Hunting News

Mountain goat harvest closed in Lisa Creek Zone on Baranof Island


For Immediate Release:

August 19, 2022

SITKA, Alaska – Sitka District Ranger Eric Garner, under authority delegated by the Federal Subsistence Board, is closing the Lisa Creek Zone to the harvest of mountain goats. The closure will be effective Friday, August 19, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. and will remain in effect through the rest of the 2022 season which ends December 31. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) has issued a concurrent closure in the same zone. Additional mountain goat harvest in this zone could have long term negative effects on the conservation of the mountain goat subpopulation. The remainder of Baranof Island is open to goat hunting until the season closes, unless closed by special action.  

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Unit 7 Dall Sheep Federal Drawing Hunt Closed


For Immediate Release:

August 4, 2022

MOOSE PASS, Alaska – Seward District Ranger Ruth D’Amico, under authority delegated by the Federal Subsistence Board, is closing the Unit 7 Federal subsistence sheep drawing hunt to the harvest of Dall sheep. The closure will be effective for the entire season of August 10 - September 20, 2022.

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2022 Fall Federal Nushagak Peninsula Caribou Season Opening


For Immediate Release:

July 29, 2022

This special action is valid for federal public lands occurring in portions of Units 17A and 17C consisting of the Nushagak Peninsula south of the Igushik River, Tuklung River and Tuklung Hills, west to Tvativak Bay – communities of Manokotak, Aleknagik, Clark’s Point, Twin Hills, Togiak, and Dillingham.

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For Immediate Release:

July 22, 2022


Under the authority of:
36 CFR §242.10 and .19
50 CFR §100.10 and .19


COPPER CENTER, AK – The Superintendent of Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve, under authority delegated by the Federal Subsistence Board, has issued an Emergency Special Action setting a harvest quota of zero and closing the Federal subsistence hunt for the Chisana Caribou Herd in a portion of Unit 12 for the 2022 season. The closure is for the purposes of conserving caribou populations, and the closed area is that portion of the unit that lies east of the Nabesna River and Glacier and south of the Winter Trail. The closure is effective Wednesday, August 10, at 12:01 a.m., and will remain in effect through Friday, September 30, 2022, at 11:59 p.m.

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Mountain goat harvest closed in South Baranof Zone on Baranof Island


Under the authority of:
36 CFR §242.10 and .19
50 CFR §100.10 and .19

SITKA, Alaska – Sitka District Ranger Eric Garner, under authority delegated by the Federal Subsistence Board, is closing the South Baranof Zone to the harvest of mountain goats. The closure will be effective Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. and will remain in effect through the rest of the 2022 season which ends December 31. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) has issued a concurrent closure in the same zone. Additional mountain goat harvest in this zone could have long term negative effects on the conservation of the mountain goat subpopulation. The remainder of Baranof Island is open to goat hunting until the season closes, unless closed by special action.

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Decision on March 1-5, 2022 Antlerless Moose Hunt for GMUs 21D, B, and 24D. Decision on April 10-15, 2022 Antlered Moose Hunt for GMU 24D.


Biological Status


Overall trends from the 2021 fall Trend Count Areas (TCAs) appear to be promising. All trend areas appear stable, but with lower production and recruitment again this year. With that said, adult moose numbers in the Nowitna and upper Koyukuk Refuges remain below average. Refuge biologists recommend a conservative harvest strategy for GMUs 21B, upper 21D and 24D under consideration and do not support cow or bull harvest at this time. However, the population in the lower portion of GMU 21D (Kaiyuh and Koyukuk River mouth) has stopped growing. Though numbers are still above the long-term average for cows and bulls, yearling recruitment and calf production/survival to fall are good, but not as high as they had been in years past (See attached Moose Trend Survey Summary 2021).

Sightability was good or excellent most days because of high overcast and adequate snow cover, though heavy frost created a “canopy” in dense brush and forested areas.

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MOOSE TREND SURVEY SUMMARY 2021 Koyukuk/Nowitna/Innoko NWR Complex (Game Management Units 21A, 21B, 21D and 24D


We conducted aerial moose trend surveys on the Koyukuk/Nowitna/Innoko NWR from November 5-18, 2021. We completed four Trend Count Areas (TCAs) on the Koyukuk, one TCA on Innoko, two TCAs on the Nowitna, and three TCAs on the Kaiyuh (Northern Innoko). The State survey crew flew one TCA on the Koyukuk. Snow conditions this year were excellent (6”-8” on the ground) everywhere in all TCAs. Temperatures were mostly average (-22 to

+25°F) throughout the survey. Sightability was good or excellent most days because of high overcast and adequate snow cover, though heavy frost created a “canopy” in dense brush and forested areas.

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Decision to Close Winter Moose Hunt on Federal public lands in GMU 24D


Biological Status:

We conducted moose surveys in November 2021 throughout the Huslia area, including the Huslia Flats and Treat Island trend count areas. Survey conditions were relatively good everywhere we surveyed this year. These two combined TCAs cover a continuous area north/northeast of Huslia totaling 306 mi². Results from this year’s 2021 surveys indicate that adult cow numbers are a little below what we’ve seen the last three years and are just below the long-term average while bull numbers are back up near the long-term average again this year.

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