Federal Subsistence Board News

Bristol Bay Subsistence Regional Advisory Council to hold working group meeting on deferred Wildlife Proposal WP22-40 (Units 9, 17; wolf, wolverine)


For Immediate Release:

September 13, 2022

Public is welcome and encouraged to participate via teleconference

The Bristol Bay Regional Advisory Council (Council) will hold a working group meeting via teleconference on September 29, 2022, beginning at 10 a.m. to discuss deferred Wildlife Proposal WP22-40.  This proposal requests allowing the use of a snowmachine to position wolves and wolverines for harvest on Federal public lands in Units 9B, 9C, 17B, and 17C.  The Federal Subsistence Board (Board) deferred Proposal WP22-40 during its April 2022 meeting at the request of the Council, so that the Council can gather more information and input from the public.  The Board will deliberate Proposal WP22-40 at its January 2023 regulatory meeting. 

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Federal Subsistence Regional Advisory Councils to hold public meetings


For Immediate Release:

August 18, 2022

Public is welcome and encouraged to participate

The Federal Subsistence Regional Advisory Councils will hold public meetings between September and November 2022 to develop recommendations to the Federal Subsistence Board on fisheries closure reviews and proposals to change Federal subsistence fish and shellfish regulations and nonrural determinations for the 2023-2025 regulatory years and to discuss other issues affecting subsistence in their regions.

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Results from Federal Subsistence Board Work Session


During their July 26, 2022 work session, the Federal Subsistence Board (Board) discussed and approved Regional Advisory Council (Council) Annual Report Replies and revisions to the Ahtna Intertribal Resource Commission Community Harvest System framework, . The Board received a briefing on Federal fisheries managers and delegations of authority; and a status update regarding the Sitka Kaagwaantaan petition for Secretarial extraterritorial jurisdiction.

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Regulations for the Subsistence Take of Wildlife Published in Federal Register


For Immediate Release:

July 26, 2022

On July 26, 2022, the Federal Subsistence Board (Board) published the final rule for the Federal Subsistence Management Regulations for the Taking of Wildlife on Federal public lands and waters in Alaska in the Federal Register (87 FR 44846). This final rule revises regulations for seasons, harvest limits, and methods and means related to the taking of wildlife for subsistence uses in Alaska for 2022–23 and 2023–24 regulatory years. This rule also revises customary and traditional use determinations for wildlife, the general regulations, and a deferred proposal from the last fish cycle.

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Federal Waters of Yukon River District 4 and the Koyukuk River Closed to Subsistence Fall Chum Salmon Fishing


For Immediate Release:

July 22, 2022


The Yukon River is transitioning from summer season (Chinook and summer Chum salmon) management to fall season (fall Chum and Coho salmon) management. Because the 2022 fall Chum Salmon runs are forecasted to be poor with little to no harvestable surplus available for subsistence uses, closures to the harvest of fall Chum Salmon are necessary, and gill nets will continue to be restricted to 4-inches or less, with a maximum of 60 feet length. Manned fish wheels are an additional gear being provided at this time. Previous closures for harvest of Chinook and summer Chum salmon are still in effect.

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Federal Waters of the Coastal District and Districts 1, 2 and 3 of the Yukon River Closed to Subsistence Fall Chum Salmon Fishing


For Immediate Release:

July 14, 2022

The Yukon River is transitioning from summer season (Chinook and summer Chum salmon) management to fall season (fall Chum and Coho salmon) management. Because the 2022 fall Chum Salmon runs are forecasted to be poor with little to no harvestable surplus available for subsistence uses, closures to the harvest of fall Chum Salmon are necessary, and gill nets will continue to be restricted to 4-inches or less, with a maximum of 60 feet length. Manned fish wheels are an additional gear being provided at this time. Previous closures for harvest of Chinook and summer chum are still in effect.

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Federal Subsistence Board to Hold Work Session in Anchorage, July 26-27, 2022


For Immediate Release:

July 13, 2022


The Federal Subsistence Board (Board) will hold a work session, July 26-27, 2022, beginning at 9:00 a.m. daily and adjourning at 5:00 p.m. or when the Board has completed its work.  The work session will be held in the Dimond Center Hotel, Chesloknu Conference Room, at 700 E. Dimond Blvd. in Anchorage.

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