Federal Subsistence Board News

Plans Announced for 2017 Federal Subsistence Hunt of Chisana Caribou Herd


Copper Center, AK – Plans for the 2017 federal subsistence hunt for the Chisana caribou herd have been announced by Wrangell-St. Elias Superintendent Ben Bobowski, the designated federal manager for the hunt. The Federal Subsistence Board authorized a limited harvest from the Chisana caribou herd at its January 2012 meeting.

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Amendment of Chitina Subdistrict Federal Subsistence Fishing Schedule Announced


Under the Authority of:36 CFR Part 242.10 and .1950 CFR Part 100.10 and .19Copper Center, AK. The pre-season fishing schedule for Federally qualified subsistence users in the Chitina Subdistrict of the Copper River was amended today by the Federal Subsistence Board. This season schedule is identical to the State season schedule and is subject to change based on numbers of salmon entering the Copper River.

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2017 Yukon River Summer Salmon Fishery News Release # 32 Summer Update # 6, Yukon Area Salmon Fishery


Districts Affected: Yukon AreaBased on passage at the Pilot Station sonar, the drainage-wide Chinook salmon run has exceeded the upper end of the preseason outlook of 195,000 fish and is projected to be between 228,000 and 287,000 fish. Chinook salmon passage is estimated to be about 97% complete at the Pilot Station sonar as of July 9. The summer chum salmon run has exceeded the upper end of the preseason outlook range of 2.5 million fish and is projected to be between 3.0 and 3.4 million fish.  

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2017 Yukon River Summer Salmon Fishery News Release # 31 Districts 1 and 2 Commercial Fishing Schedule


Districts Affected: Lower Yukon AreaInseason assessment indicates that over 2.6 million summer chum have entered the Yukon River. In order to harvest summer chum salmon from this strong run, commercial openings with 6-inch or smaller mesh are being announced in District 1 and District 2. Commercial fishermen should confirm their market before they fish and stand by for the announcement of additional periods.

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Federal Closure to the Harvest of Chinook Salmon in Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge Waters Rescinded


In consultation with the Kuskokwim River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the Federal In-season Manager is rescinding previously issued special actions concerning the harvest of Chinook Salmon within Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge waters. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game will manage fishing openings, closings, and fishing methods.

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2017 Yukon River Summer Salmon Fishery News Release # 30 Summer Update # 5, Yukon Area Salmon Fishery


Districts Affected: Yukon AreaBased on passage at the Pilot Station sonar, the drainage-wide Chinook salmon run has exceeded the upper end of the preseason outlook of 195,000 fish and is projected to be between 225,000 and 285,000 fish. Chinook salmon passage is estimated to be almost 90% complete at the Pilot Station sonar as of July 2. The summer chum salmon run has exceeded the upper end of the preseason outlook range of 2.5 million fish and is projected to be between 3.0 and 3.4 million fish.  

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2017 Yukon River Summer Salmon Fishery News Release # 29 Districts 1 and 2 Commercial Fishing Schedule


Districts Affected: Lower Yukon AreaInseason assessment indicates that over 2.2 million summer chum have entered the Yukon River. In order to harvest summer chum salmon from this strong run, four commercial openings with 6-inch or smaller mesh are being announced in District 1.  Due to limited buyer capacity, District 2 commercial openings will continue with selective gear only. Commercial fishermen should confirm their market before they fish and stand by for the announcement of additional periods.

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Federal public waters of the Kuskokwim River will be opened to gillnet fishing July 3, 2017 from Noon to Midnight


In consultation with the Kuskokwim River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the Federal In-season Manager announces the opening of the Federal public waters of the Kuskokwim River main-stem within the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge boundary, to a 12-hour gillnet opportunity for Federally qualified subsistence users to harvest fish other than Chinook Salmon. During this opportunity, Federally qualified subsistence users may fish from 12:01 p.m. (noon) July 3, 2017, until 11:59 p.m. (midnight) July 3, 2017 using set or drift gillnets with 6 inch or less stretched mesh and not exceeding 45 mesh in depth. Nets cannot exceed 25 fathoms (150 feet) in length. Federally qualified subsistence users identified in the ANILCA Section 804 subsistence user prioritization may retain Chinook Salmon incidentally harvested in gillnets.

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