Federal Subsistence Board News

2017 Yukon River Fall Salmon Fishery News Release # 55 District 1 Commercial Fishing


Districts Affected: Lower Yukon AreaThe department does not anticipate any more commercial openings in District 1 for the coho salmon directed fishery due to low catches of coho salmon in the Lower Yukon Test Fishery and small harvest in recent commercial periods. In accordance with the Yukon River Coho Salmon Management Plan, the coho salmon directed commercial fishing season opened in District 1 on September 1 and will end by regulation after September 10. The Yukon Delta Fisheries Development Association will continue to operate the Lower Yukon River Test Fishery through September 10 and the Mountain Village Test Fishery will continue to operate through September 10. 

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2017 GMU 2 Wolf Harvest Quota Announced


CRAIG, Alaska – Biologists with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), in cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service, announce that the GMU 2 wolf harvest quota for regulatory year (RY) 2017 will be set at 46 wolves. 

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Bull Moose Harvest Quota Established for Unit 5A, except Nunatak Bench


The Yakutat District Ranger, under authority delegated by the Federal Subsistence Board, has established the moose harvest quota for Unit 5A, except the Nunatak Bench, at 60 bulls. No more than 30 of those bulls are to be taken from the area west of the Dangerous River. This quota is effective for the 2017 Federal Subsistence moose season, which is October 8 to November 15, 2017, or until the quota is met.  The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) has established the same quota in Unit 5A for the State season, effective October 15, extending through the end of the State season on November 15. The State and Federal quotas are not cumulative.

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2017 Yukon River Fall Salmon Fishery News Release # 53 Porcupine River Subsistence Fishing


Districts Affected: Upper Yukon AreaThe abundance of fall chum salmon in the upper Porcupine River has been low in recent years when compared to other stocks in the Yukon River drainage. Fall chum salmon escapements into the Canadian Fishing Branch River, a tributary of the Porcupine River, have fallen short of meeting the escapement objective agreed upon by U.S. and Canadian representatives in 5 of the last 10 years despite other Yukon River stocks meeting or exceeding their escapement goals or objectives. Similar to the action taken last year, in an attempt to improve fall chum escapement to the spawning grounds in Canada, subsistence salmon fishing restrictions in the Alaska portion of the mainstem Porcupine River is being implemented. Managers will closely monitor fall chum escapement into the Fishing Branch River throughout the season. If inseason information from the mainstem Porcupine River sonar and from the Fishing Branch River escapement monitoring projects indicates the fall chum salmon goal will be met, the department may relax subsistence fishing restrictions.

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Federal Subsistence Regional Advisory Councils to hold meetings statewide


Public is welcome and encouraged to participateThe 10 Federal Subsistence Regional Advisory Councils will meet late September through mid-November to discuss proposals to change Federal subsistence hunting and trapping regulations for the 2018-2020 regulatory years as well as other issues affecting subsistence in their regions. Regulatory proposals that will be considered by the Councils at these meetings can be found at: www.doi.gov/subsistence/proposal/current/index.cfm.

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**REVISED** 2017 Yukon River Fall Salmon Fishery News Release # 51 District 1 Commercial Period 16


Districts Affected: Lower Yukon Area​This news release is revised to notify District 1 fishermen that during subsistence salmon fishing closures in District 1, the Pastolik and Pastoliak rivers near Apoon Pass are closed to all gillnet fishing, including gillnets with 4 inch mesh or less, on Thursday, August 31 from noon until 10:00 p.m. These 2 rivers are also closed to commercial fishing, including 500 yards around the mouths. 

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