Federal Subsistence Board News

2018 Yukon River Summer Salmon Fishery News Release # 43 - District 6 Subsistence, Personal Use, and Commercial Fishing Schedules


Districts Affected: Upper Yukon AreaThis news release relaxes subsistence and personal use fishing to the regulatory schedule and opens commercial fishing to target summer chum salmon.Commercial fishermen should coordinate with the buyer on a daily basis regarding scheduling deliveries. All salmon harvested during commercial fishing operations must be recorded on a fish ticket at the time of sale. Chinook salmon may not be sold. All Chinook salmon kept for personal use must be recorded on the fish ticket. Processors, catcher-sellers, or direct marketers should notify the department of their intent to operate by contacting the Fairbanks office at 459-7274.

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Situk River to close to the harvest of Sockeye Salmon


YAKUTAT, Alaska – The Yakutat District Ranger, under authority delegated by the Federal Subsistence Board, is closing the Situk River to the harvest of Sockeye Salmon. The closure will be effective 12:01 a.m., July 7, 2018, through 11:59 p.m. September 4, 2018. The fishery may open on short notice if the escapement improves.

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Federal Closure to the Harvest of Chinook Salmon in Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge Waters Rescinded


In consultation with the Kuskokwim River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the Federal In-season Manager is rescinding previously issued special actions concerning the harvest of Chinook Salmon within Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge waters. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game will manage fishing openings, closings, and fishing methods.

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2018 Yukon River Salmon Fishery News Release # 39 - Subdistrict 5-D Subsistence Fishing Schedule


Districts Affected: Upper Yukon AreaCurrent assessment is indicating the 2018 Chinook salmon run may be coming in below the lower end of the preseason projection. Subsistence restrictions including reduced fishing time and restricted gillnet mesh size are necessary to reduce the overall subsistence harvest for Chinook salmon. Fishermen may need to adjust their Chinook salmon harvest goals to account for this weaker than expected run size.

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2018 Yukon River Salmon Fishery News Release # 38 - Subdistricts 5-A, 5-B, and 5-C Subsistence Fishing Schedule


Districts Affected: Upper Yukon AreaCurrent assessment is indicating the 2018 Chinook salmon run may be coming in below the lower end of the preseason projection. Subsistence restrictions including reduced fishing time and restricted gillnet mesh size are necessary to reduce the overall subsistence harvest for Chinook salmon. Fishermen may need to adjust their Chinook salmon harvest goals to account for this weaker than expected run size.

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Federal public waters of the Kuskokwim River will be opened to the Harvest of Salmon by Federally Qualified Subsistence Users For 12 Hours on July 5


In consultation with the Kuskokwim River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the Federal In-season Manager announces the opening of the Federal public waters of the Kuskokwim River to the harvest of salmon, by Federally qualified users for 12 hours effective July 5, 2018 from 9:00 AM until 9:00 PM. 

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