Federal Subsistence Board News

2020 Yukon River Salmon Summer Fishery Announcement #16 Districts 5, and 6 Subsistence and Personal Use Fishing Gear


Districts Affected: Upper Yukon AreaThe opportunity to harvest non-salmon with 4-inch or smaller mesh gillnets is being reinstated at this time. There is still a conservation concern for Chinook salmon and therefore fishermen are reminded to set this gear in areas where resident fish are abundant, but where Chinook salmon are not abundant. Gillnets must be 4-inch or smaller mesh, must be set from shore, (may not be drifted), and are restricted to a maximum length of 60 feet.

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2020 Yukon River Salmon Summer Fishery Announcement #15 Districts 2 and 3 Subsistence Fishing Schedule


Districts Affected: Lower Yukon AreaSalmon are entering the mouths of the river but the Chinook salmon run projections still indicate the run may be too small to meet escapement goals, therefore there are no extra Chinook salmon in the run for harvest. The summer chum salmon run is late, but the first large group of chum is beginning to move through Districts 2 and 3. In order to provide opportunity to harvest chum salmon, fishing will be allowed with selective gear only (dip nets and beach seines) and all Chinook salmon must be released alive to the water. During fishing closures, gillnets, dip nets, beach seines and fish wheels are not allowed.

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2020 Yukon River Salmon Summer Fishery Announcement #14 District 1 Commercial and Subsistence Fishing Schedule


Districts Affected: Lower Yukon AreaAfter a late start, the summer chum salmon run is beginning to enter the Yukon River. Current projections indicate a commercial surplus is available for harvest. Commercial summer chum salmon fishing with selective gear only (dip nets and beach seines) is beginning in District 1. Chinook salmon are also moving through the river, but projections indicate a very poor return and no surplus for harvest is available for subsistence. Subsistence fishing periods to target summer chum with dip nets and beach seines are being extended. At this time, no gillnets are allowed in District 1 (including the Black River), and all Chinook salmon must be released alive during subsistence and commercial openings with dip nets and beach seines.

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2020 Yukon River Salmon Summer Fishery Announcement #13 Districts 1, 2 and 3 Subsistence Fishing Schedule


Districts Affected: Lower Yukon AreaThe Chinook salmon run is late and projected to be much smaller than average. Fish are now entering the mouths but the run projections still indicate the run may be too small to meet biological escapement. At this time there is no extra Chinook salmon in the run for harvest. The summer chum salmon run is late, but entering now. In order to provide some opportunity to harvest chum salmon, fishing will be allowed only with selective gear (dip nets and beach seines) and all Chinook salmon must be released alive to the water.

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Federal public waters of the Kuskokwim River will be opened for one 12 Hour opportunity on June 24th, 2020 to the Harvest of Chinook Salmon by Federally Qualified Subsistence Users


This emergency special action announces one 12-hour harvest opportunity for Kuskokwim River residents identified as Federally qualified subsistence users in the Section 804 subsistence user prioritization analysis, which includes residents of the Kuskokwim River drainage and the villages of Chefornak, Kipnuk, Kwigillingok, and Kongiganak, to the use of gillnets for the harvest of Chinook Salmon on Federal public waters of the Kuskokwim River main stem from the mouth to a line downstream of Kalskag at the south edge of Uknavik Slough and then due east to the edge of the bluff line (see regulatory language below), except for the section referred to as the Aniak Box (see 3-KS-01-20 or regulatory language below for description), on June 24, 2020. The start time and end time for this opportunity is from 06:00 AM to 06:00 PM.

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2020 Yukon River Salmon Summer Fishery Announcement #10 Districts 4, 5, and 6 Subsistence and Personal Use Fishing Schedules


Districts Affected: Upper Yukon AreaThe first pulse of Chinook salmon is late, and current projections indicate there may be no harvestable surplus on a run of this size. At this time it is essential to close subsistence fishing for Chinook salmon and allow all of the early tricklers to head toward their spawning grounds. The first large group of summer chum salmon are arriving now in the lower river, slightly later than last year. Opportunity for selective harvest of chum salmon will be allowed once chum salmon arrive in each area.

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2020 Yukon River Salmon Summer Fishery Announcement #9 Districts 1, 2 and 3 Subsistence Fishing Schedule


Districts Affected: Lower Yukon AreaThe first pulse of Chinook salmon is late, and current projections indicate there may be no harvestable surplus on a run of this size. It is essential to close subsistence fishing for Chinook salmon and allow all of the early tricklers to head toward their spawning grounds. The first large group of chum salmon are arriving now in the lower river, slightly later than last year. In order to provide some opportunity to harvest chum salmon, fishing will be allowed only with selective gear (dip nets and beach seines) and all Chinook salmon must be released alive to the water.

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2020 Yukon River Salmon Summer Fishery Announcement #8 - Districts 1 and 2 Subsistence Fishing Schedule


Districts Affected: Lower Yukon AreaThe first pulse of Chinook salmon is late, and the run size may be towards the lower end of the forecast. Therefore, in order to protect the first pulse, the next subsistence period is being cancelled. The chum run also appears to be late, as we haven’t seen large numbers enter the river. Closing the subsistence fishing period should allow more Chinook and chum salmon that enter the lower river to make it to the spawning grounds, while we assess the strength of both runs.

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