Fishing News

Federal Closure to the Harvest of Chinook Salmon in Federal Public Waters of the Chignik River has been Extended Until 11:59 pm Tuesday August 31, 2021


The Federal In-season Manager, pursuant to delegated authority from the Federal Subsistence Board and Section 816 of Title VIII of ANILCA, issued an Emergency Special Action (8-KS-01- 21) to close fishing for Chinook salmon by all users, effective 12:01 a.m. Wednesday, July 14, 2021 until 11:59 pm Monday August 9. Effective immediately, Emergency Special action 8-KS- 01-21 will be extended until 11:59 pm Tuesday August 31 due to continued poor escapement of Chinook Salmon into the Chignik River. This extension of the Emergency Special Action is necessary to ensure the continued viability of the Chignik River Chinook Salmon population. This Emergency Special Action prohibits all fishing for Chinook Salmon, and they may not be retained or possessed. Chinook Salmon incidentally caught while fishing for other species may not be removed from the water and must be released immediately.

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Results from Federal Subsistence Board Work Session


For Immediate Release

August 5, 2021

During their August 4, 2021 work session, the Federal Subsistence Board (Board) discussed and approved Regional Advisory Council (Council) Annual Report Replies, Wildlife Special Action Request WSA21-03, Individual Customary and Traditional Use Determination Proposal ICTP21-01, and revisions to the Forty-Mile Caribou Herd Delegation of Authority Letter, as outlined in the meeting materials. The Board reviewed and approved the Interagency Staff Committee recommendations on Council Charter Change Requests included in the meeting materials. The Board also heard updates on the Nonrural Policy Regulatory Cycle and Federal Subsistence Management Program budget, and received a briefing on tribal consultation on Yukon River and Copper River fisheries in-season actions.

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The purpose of the weekly fisheries update is to provide the reader with an overall summary of the status of subsistence related fisheries throughout the state of Alaska.  The target audience is the Federal Subsistence Board and its Staff Committee.  The report was compiled with the assistance of the Federal in-season managers and OSM staff that provided weekly updated information by the close of business on Friday of the reporting week.  My goal is to have the report sent by the close of business the following Monday.  Web links have been included to provide additional information.  You may obtain additional information on a fishery of particular interest by contacting the in-season manager, provided contacts, follow the provided web links, or contact George Pappas.

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2021 Yukon River Salmon Fall Fishery Announcement # 7 Subdistricts 4-B and 4-C Subsistence Fishing Schedule


Districts Affected: Upper Yukon Area

The 2021 fall chum salmon run size is anticipated to be critically low. The fall chum salmon preseason projection, based on the relationship between summer chum salmon and fall chum salmon run sizes, is for a run size less than 300,000 fish. According to the Fall Chum Salmon Management Plan, the preseason projection does not meet the threshold of 300,000 fish needed to allow subsistence fishing. In addition, the current run projection is unlikely to meet the drainagewide escapement goal of 300,000-600,000 fall chum salmon, tributary escapement goals and Canadian treaty objectives. Therefore, subsistence salmon fishing will be closed to begin the fall season. Subsistence fishermen should prepare for continued closures.

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2021 Yukon River Salmon Fall Fishery Announcement # 6 Fall Update # 1, Yukon Area Salmon Fishery


The 2021 fall chum salmon run size is anticipated to be critically low, similar to this season’s summer chum salmon that was the lowest on record. The fall chum salmon preseason projection, based on the relationship between summer chum salmon and fall chum salmon run sizes, is for a run size less than 300,000 fish. According to the Fall Chum Salmon Management Plan, the preseason projection does not meet the threshold of 300,000 fish needed to allow subsistence fishing. In addition, the current run projection is unlikely to meet the drainagewide escapement goal of 300,000-600,000 fall chum salmon, tributary escapement goals and Canadian treaty objectives. Similar to last year, the Western Alaska chum salmon stocks in Kuskokwim and Norton Sound are also performing poorly.

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The purpose of the weekly fisheries update is to provide the reader with an overall summary of the status of subsistence related fisheries throughout the state of Alaska.  The target audience is the Federal Subsistence Board and its Staff Committee.  The report was compiled with the assistance of the Federal in-season managers and OSM staff that provided weekly updated information by the close of business on Friday of the reporting week.  My goal is to have the report sent by the close of business the following Monday.  Web links have been included to provide additional information.  You may obtain additional information on a fishery of particular interest by contacting the in-season manager, provided contacts, follow the provided web links, or contact George Pappas.

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Emergency Special Action No: 8-SS-01-21


EXPLANATION: This Emergency Special Action closes Federal public waters of the Chignik River drainage to the harvest of Sockeye Salmon except by Federally qualified subsistence users, beginning 12:01 am on July 8, 2021, through July 31, 2021. This action is necessary to ensure the conservation of healthy populations of Chignik River Sockeye Salmon and the continuation of subsistence uses. Sockeye Salmon may only be harvested by Federally qualified subsistence users who are residents of Chignik Bay, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Lake, Ivanof Bay, or Perryville who are in possession of a Federal Subsistence Harvest Permit during this time.

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Chignik River Federal Subsistence Fishery for Sockeye Salmon


The Federal In-season Manager, pursuant to delegated authority from the Federal Subsistence Board under Section 815 of Title VIII of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA), has issued an emergency special action (8-SS-01-21) to close Federal public waters of the Chignik River drainage to the harvest of Sockeye Salmon except by Federally qualified subsistence users, beginning 12:01 am on July 8, 2021, through July 31, 2021. This action is necessary to ensure the conservation of healthy populations of Chignik River Sockeye Salmon and the continuation of subsistence uses. Sockeye Salmon may only be harvested by Federally qualified subsistence users who are residents of Chignik Bay, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Lake, Ivanof Bay, or Perryville who are in possession of a Federal Subsistence Harvest Permit during this time.

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The purpose of the weekly fisheries update is to provide the reader with an overall summary of the status of subsistence related fisheries throughout the state of Alaska.  The target audience is the Federal Subsistence Board and its Staff Committee.  The report was compiled with the assistance of the Federal in-season managers and OSM staff that provided weekly updated information by the close of business on Friday of the reporting week.  My goal is to have the report sent by the close of business the following Monday.  Web links have been included to provide additional information.  You may obtain additional information on a fishery of particular interest by contacting the in-season manager, provided contacts, follow the provided web links, or contact me.

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