NSRAC Meeting Material Archives

Subsistence Regional Advisory Council Meeting Books are kept on our website for five years. If you require additional information dating past the five years please contact our office.

Winter 2024

All-Council Meeting Materials

Meeting Materials:

Fall, 2023

Meeting Materials:

Draft Agenda (as of 10/19/2023) Meeting Book

Supplemental Materials:

February 22-23, 2023

 Meeting Materials:



 October 13-14, 2022

Agenda (updated as of 10/6/22)

Meeting Materials:


North Slope Subsistence Regional Advisory Council March 8-9, 2022

Meeting Materials:

  1.   Agenda
  2.   Roster
  3.   Fall 2021 DRAFT Council Meeting Minutes
  4.   Review updates to wildlife proposals: WP22-55 Muskox Unit 26A - Establish hunt
  5.  Deferred WSA21-01:
         a. WSA21-01a (caribou)
         b.  ADF&G Caribou reports
         c.  National Park Service Caribou report
         d.  WACH migration fact sheet
         e.  WSA21-01b (moose)
  6. ANSEP student project report -- Dolly Varden Char genetics -- AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST
  7. How to Submit a Proposal to Change Federal Subsistence Regulations
    How to Submit a Proposal for Non-Rural Determination
  8. FY2021 DRAFT Council Annual Report
  11. Gates of the Arctic NPP Report
    NPS Dall’s Sheep- 2021 Survey Summary
  12. Ambler Mining District Access Road -- Ambler Access Project
  13. Office of Subsistence Management Report
  14. Fall 2022 Council Meeting Calendar
    Winter 2023 Council Meeting Calendar
  15. 2021 Council Charter
    Region Map

Supplemental Materials:

  1.  Overview  of:
      a) Federal Subsistence Board Annual Report Reply Process Review and Revision Guided Discussion
      b) Receiving Public Testimony Protocol - Guided Discussion
      c) Briefing and Council comments on proposed actions to automate Federal subsistence permits
      d) Briefing on the Secretarial regulations proposing the inclusion of identified submerged lands in the Tongass National Forest
  2. WSA22-01 Special Action Request muskoxen NPS/BLM


Fall 2021

Winter 2021

Fall, 2020 Meeting Materials:

Supplemental Material:

PDF DocumentComparison of Current and Proposed Review Processes for National Park Service Individual Customary and Traditional Use Determinations (77.42 KB)

Winter 2020
Fall 2019
Winter 2019
Fall 2018
Winter 2018
Fall 2017
Winter 2017
Fall 2016
Fall 2015
Winter 2015
Fall 2014
Winter 2014
Fall 2013
Winter 2013
Fall 2012
Winter 2012
Fall 2011
Winter 2011

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