Wildlife Special Actions

A Special Action Request is an out-of-cycle change in a season, harvest limit, or method of harvest. Special Actions are taken when unusual situations arise, such as a significant change in resource abundance that could not reasonably have been anticipated. The Federal Subsistence Board may take a Special Action to restrict, close, open, or reopen the taking of fish and wildlife on Federal public lands and waters. Such actions are taken to ensure the continued viability of a particular fish or wildlife population, to ensure continued subsistence use, or for reasons of public safety. These guidelines and requirements can be found in 36 CFR 242.19 and 50 CFR 100.19.

View informational flyer on submitting a Special Action Request.

The table below contains information on wildlife special actions currently in effect.

Effective Date




8/23/2024 11:59 p.m.


12/31/2024 11:59 p.m. Unless superseded by subsequent special action 

Unit 4 Goat

News Release


Special Action 

This Temporary Special Action closes the Indigo Lake Zone on Baranof Island near Sitka, Alaska
to the harvest of mountain goats.

8/16/2024 11:59 p.m.


12/31/2024 11:59 p.m. Unless superseded by subsequent special action 

Unit 4 Goat

News Release


Special Action 

This Temporary Special Action closes the Indian River Zone on Baranof Island near Sitka, Alaska to the harvest of mountain goats.

8/14/2024 11:59 p.m.


12/31/2024 11:59 p.m. Unless superseded by subsequent special action 

Unit 4 Goat

News Release


Special Action 

This Temporary Special Action closes the Lisa Creek Zone on Baranof Island near Sitka, Alaska to the harvest of mountain goats.

8/9/2024 :



Unit 12 Moose News Release Extend FM1203 moose season by 10 days, closing September 30 for the 2024 and 2025 seasons. 




Unit 13 Moose News Release Close Federal public lands in Unit 13B to moose hunting by non-federally qualified users for the 2024 and 2025 seasons.




Unit 4 Goat

News Release


Special Action

South Baranof Zone on Baranof Island in Unit 4 is closed to the harvest of Mountain Goats.





Units 11, 12, 13 Caribou News Release Federal public lands in Units 11, 12, and 13 are closed to caribou hunting by all users for the 2024/25 regulatory year. 





News Release


WSA24-05 Request

The Federal Subsistence Board (Board) approved Emergency Wildlife Special Action WSA24-05 to implement changes to Federal subsistence wildlife harvest regulations that were already approved by the Board during their April 2024 wildlife regulatory meeting. Due to the delayed publication of the final rule, approving this request serves as an interim measure to implement these regulation changes, effective Jul. 1-Aug. 29 or until the final rule is published in the Federal register.


Expires 6/30/2026

Units 20E and 25C Sheep News Release Through the 2024 regulatory season, closure on Federal public lands in Units 20E and 25C. 
05/09/2024 Unit 1C Moose News Release No permits to be issued for 2024 Berners Bay Federal subsistence moose season. 


Expires 06/30/2024

Units 24A/26B Sheep WSA22-02 News Release Through the 2024 regulatory season, closure on Federal public lands in Unit 24A and 26B west of the Sagavanirktok River to all users.









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