Federal Subsistence Board News

Chignik River Federal Subsistence Fishery for Chinook Salmon


The Federal In-season Manager, pursuant to delegated authority from the Federal Subsistence Board under ANILCA Title VIII section 816, will issue an emergency special action ([[{"fid":"67354","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","alignment":""},"type":"media","field_deltas":{"2":{"format":"default","alignment":""}},"link_text":"8-KS-01-21","attributes":{"class":"file-default media-element","data-delta":"2"}}]]) to close fishing for Chinook Salmon to all users, non-federal and Federally qualified users, in Federal public waters of the Chignik River drainage, effective 12:01 a.m. Wednesday July 14.

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The purpose of the weekly fisheries update is to provide the reader with an overall summary of the status of subsistence related fisheries throughout the state of Alaska.  The target audience is the Federal Subsistence Board and its Staff Committee.  The report was compiled with the assistance of the Federal in-season managers and OSM staff that provided weekly updated information by the close of business on Friday of the reporting week.  My goal is to have the report sent by the close of business the following Monday.  Web links have been included to provide additional information.  You may obtain additional information on a fishery of particular interest by contacting the in-season manager, provided contacts, follow the provided web links, or contact George Pappas.

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Reminder–comments on proposed changes to Federal subsistence hunting and trapping regulations accepted through July 19


The Federal Subsistence Board (Board) is accepting written comments through July 19, 2021 on proposed changes to Federal subsistence hunting and trapping regulations. These proposed changes would affect Federal subsistence seasons, harvest limits, and methods and means for the taking of wildlife, and customary and traditional use determinations for the regulatory years July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2024.

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2021 Yukon River Salmon Summer Fishery Announcement #11 Summer Update # 3, Yukon Area Salmon Fishery


Districts Affected: Yukon Area

The 2021 Chinook salmon run size is forecasted to be smaller than the 2020 run and may not be strong enough to meet escapement objectives. In accordance with the preseason management strategy to take a conservative approach this season, subsistence salmon fishing closures have been announced throughout the river. This is intended to protect the trickle and first pulse of Chinook salmon while more information about the timing and strength of the run is collected.

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2021 Yukon River Salmon Summer Fishery Announcement #10 Subdistrict 5-D Subsistence Fishing Schedule


Districts Affected: Upper Yukon Area

The 2021 Chinook salmon run size is forecasted to be smaller than the 2020 run and may not be strong enough to meet escapement objectives. When run forecasts are this weak, regulations require that salmon fishing be closed on the first pulse. In accordance with the preseason management strategy to take a conservative approach this season, subsistence fishing will be closed during the trickle and first pulse of the Chinook salmon run. Closure dates are based on average swim speeds and when Chinook salmon are expected to arrive in each district.

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2021 Yukon River Salmon Summer Fishery Announcement #9 District 6 Subsistence and Personal Use Fishing Schedule


Districts Affected: Upper Yukon Area

The 2021 Chinook salmon run size is forecasted to be smaller than the 2020 run and may not be strong enough to meet escapement objectives. When run forecasts are this weak, regulations require that salmon fishing be closed on the first pulse. In accordance with the preseason management strategy to take a conservative approach this season, subsistence and Personal Use fishing will be closed during the trickle and first pulse of the Chinook salmon run. This is intended to protect Chinook salmon while more information about the timing and strength of the run is collected.

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Federal Subsistence Board defers action on Temporary Wildlife Special Action Request WSA21-01 (Units 23 and 26A caribou and moose)


In a June 16, 2021 public teleconference, the Federal Subsistence Board (Board) discussed Temporary Wildlife Special Action Request WSA21-01. Temporary Special Action Request WSA21-01, submitted by the Northwest Arctic Subsistence Regional Advisory Council, asked to close Federal public lands in Units 23 and 26A to the harvest of caribou and moose by non-Federally qualified users from August 1 through September 30, 2021. This meeting was open to the public to listen in; however, a comment session was not provided since the Board previously had a public hearing and a written public comment period open for the public to address this special action.

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2021 Yukon River Salmon Summer Fishery Announcement #8 Summer Update #2, Yukon Area Salmon Fishery


Districts Affected: Yukon Area

The 2021 Chinook salmon run size is forecasted to be smaller than the 2020 run and may not be strong enough to meet escapement objectives. In accordance with the preseason management strategy to take a conservative approach this season, subsistence fishing will be closed during the trickle and first pulse of the Chinook salmon run. This is intended to protect Chinook salmon while more information about the timing and strength of the run is collected. Closure dates are based on average swim speeds and when Chinook salmon are expected to arrive in each district.

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