Employee Experience

At IBC, we believe employees are our greatest asset. Focusing on the Employee Experience recognizes that our organizational successes cannot be achieved without the full support and engagement of our workforce. This is a belief we take great pride in and carry out each and every day. We offer a variety of training programs and employee development opportunities, recognizing how important it is to invest in our employees.

Career Growth

At IBC, we realize employee development is a vital tool for improving individual performance and opportunities, as well as the performance of IBC and the Department of the Interior. Some of the development programs IBC offers include:

Leadership: The IBC leadership development program builds participants’ competency in leadership, customer service, and business planning & resource management so that they are equipped to lead IBC's people and work. Our senior leaders play a direct role in the program’s design and implementation by serving as instructors, mentors, and project sponsors.

Mentoring: IBC’s Mentor Program is designed to help develop our future leaders. The 6-month program gives participants an opportunity to gain increased self-awareness, self-esteem, skill and competency, and greater confidence.

Job Shadowing: Job shadowing is a simple and powerful technique for learning in the workplace. This program gives employees an opportunity to gain greater understanding of our organization's mission, cultures, and work, and to build networks with colleagues who drive our success.

Awards and Recognition

IBC offers a robust employee rewards and recognition program that has been enormously successful and that is continually enhanced. The program acknowledges the positive impact our employees have on the IBC's mission accomplishment. Some of the recognitions include:

IBC Award for Excellence: This is the highest honor award in the Interior Business Center. It’s presented every summer to recognize a team who expended considerable discretionary effort in accomplishing a task, project, or work assignment.

IBC Annual Awards: Held each winter, this award recognizes the IBC Employee of the Year, IBC Supervisor of the Year, and the IBC Outstanding New Employee.

Our compensation program also includes various cash rewards given throughout the year such as project-based and “special thanks” awards as well as annual performance-based awards.

Giving Back

At IBC, we continually find ways to partner with both internal and external organizations to assist and volunteer in a variety of ways. One of the biggest and most successful endeavors our employees participate in is the annual Combined Federal Campaign. The CFC is the world's largest and most successful annual workplace charity campaign. The money raised goes towards supporting eligible non-profit organizations that provide health and human service benefits throughout the world.

Employee Council and Advisory Groups

The IBC Employee Council’s focus is on information sharing and identifying best practices and employee concerns that impact the organization. They also provide the varying employee perspectives and feedback as it relates to strengthening IBC’s culture to align with IBC values. The advisory groups are meant to support employee engagement and a positive workplace for their directorate employees, recognizing that each directorate has different needs, challenges, strengths and sub-cultures. 

Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey

Understanding how our employees feel and what they think of working for IBC is important to our executive leadership. Each year we participate in the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey, a survey that measures our employees' perceptions of whether, and to what extent, conditions characterizing successful organizations are present in our organization.

Working at Interior

IBC is part of the U.S. Department of the Interior. The Department protects and manages the Nation's natural resources and cultural heritage; provides scientific and other information about those resources; and honors its trust responsibilities or special commitments to American Indians, Alaska Natives, and affiliated island communities. IBC is in the Office of the Secretary under the Assistant Secretary for Policy, Management and Budget (PMB), reporting to the Deputy Assistant Secretary (DAS) for Administrative Services.

Hear from Employees About Working at the Department of the Interior The work done across the Department of the Interior is vast and varied. Hear directly from a few Department employees and get a better idea of what a career at the Department of the Interior looks like through the diversity of our people, occupations, and workplaces.

Brittany Gonzalez on career advancement


So you went from a student
and now you're a supervisor.
Can you tell us about the career
growth opportunities that you've had?
Sure. DOI has a lot of opportunities
where you can start into the the lower
graded positions or just get in the door
and then apply for other jobs that have
similar skill sets, but you can, you have
the opportunity to promote yourself or
apply for jobs. So, I've been
participating in mentorships,
coaching. I was part of the the first
cohort at IBC for the Emerging Leaders
Program, which provided all sorts of
internal opportunities, networking,
relationships that wouldn't have been
available to me if I didn't take that
take that chance.

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