Applying for Funding

Proposals submitted for the 2024 funding cycle have been reviewed and compiled into the 2024 Draft Fisheries Resource Monitoring Plan. This Plan is being reviewed by the Regional Advisory Councils this fall and by the Federal Subsistence Board in early 2024. The Assistant Regional Director, Office of Subsistence Management, is the final selecting official. Applicants will subsequently be notified in writing of the status of their proposals. 

The 2026 Notice of Funding Opportunity will be announced in fall 2024 and will be posted on and  Additional information about submitting proposals can be found in the links below.

Matt Piche, Fish Biologist with the Native Village of Eyak

Project investigation plans are evaluated by the Technical Review Committee. Five criteria are used to evaluate proposals: strategic priorities, technical-scientific merit, investigator ability and resources, partnership-capacity building and cost/benefit. Project executive summaries are assembled into a Draft Fisheries Resource Monitoring Plan. The draft plan is distributed to Regional Advisory Councils for public review and comment. The Federal Subsistence Board will review the draft plan and will accept additional oral comments at the January 2024 meeting. At that time, the Federal Subsistence Board will make a recommendation to the selecting official, the Assistant Regional Director, Office of Subsistence Management, on the suite of projects to include with the final 2024 Fisheries Resource Monitoring Plan. The selecting official may use geographical dispersion in selecting applications for Federal award. Applicants will subsequently be notified in writing of the status of their proposals.

Required Forms:
Additional Federal Assistance Forms:

FRMP Geographic Regions and Federal Jurisdiction
Fisheries Resources Monitoring Program-Geographic Regions and Federal Jurisdiction

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