Senate Hearing 2013
The Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources held a full committee hearing on wildlife management in Alaska under the Alaska National Interest Lands Act (ANILCA) and the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA), with a focus on subsistence management issues. Subsistence under ANILCA is the “customary and traditional uses by rural Alaska residents of wild, renewable resources for direct personal or family consumption.” Wildlife management and subsistence in Alaska is a complex issue governed by many statutes and informed by a number of perspectives of stakeholders and managers. The hearing took place at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, September 19, 2013.
Assistant Regional Director, Office of Subsistence ManagementFish and Wildlife Service, Alaska Region, Department of the InteriorPeltola Testimony 9.19.13.pdf (172.6 KBs)
Regional Forester, Alaska RegionU.S. Forest Service, U.S. Department of AgriculturePendleton Testimony 9.19.13.pdf (176.5 KBs)
Deputy Commissioner, Alaska Department of Fish and GameJuneau, AKFleener Testimony 9.19.13.pdf (189.4 KBs)
Witness Panel 2
President/CEO, Bethel Native CorporationBethel, AKHoffman Testimony 9.19.13.pdf (72.2 KBs)
Professor of Law and Director, Native American Law CenterUniversity of Washington School of Law, Seattle, WAAnderson Testimony 9.19.13.pdf (86.5 KBs)
President, Sealaska CorporationJuneau, AKWorl Testimony 9.19.13.pdf (74.4 KBs)
President, Tanana Chiefs ConferenceFairbanks, AKIsaac Testimony 9.19.13.pdf (194.0 KBs)