Fisheries Special Actions

A Special Action Request is an out-of-cycle change in a season, harvest limit, or method of harvest. Special Actions are taken when unusual situations arise, such as a significant change in resource abundance that could not reasonably have been anticipated. The Federal Subsistence Board may take a Special Action to restrict, close, open, or reopen the taking of fish and wildlife on Federal public lands and waters. Such actions are taken to ensure the continued viability of a particular fish or wildlife population, to ensure continued subsistence use, or for reasons of public safety. These guidelines and requirements can be found in 36 CFR 242.19 and 50 CFR 100.19.

View informational flyer on submitting a Special Action Request.

The table below contains information on fisheries special actions currently in effect.

Effective Date






Expires 4/15/2025 at 11:59 p.m.

Ketchikan - District 1 Federal public waters that flow into District 1 will be closed to the taking of Eulachon except to Federally-qualified subsistence users in the Unuk River drainage.


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