Federal Register Items of Interest to the Department of the Interior, Issue #2205


August 7-11, 2023

Below is the weekly list of Federal Register Items of Interest to the Department of the Interior. This list includes items appearing in the Federal Register during the week of August 7-11, 2023. If you have any questions or wish to receive full-text copies of any of the items on this list, please contact Interior Library by phone at (202) 208-5815.


AUGUST 7, 2023

1. 88 FR 52205-01

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement 

NOTICES Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for Signal Peak Energy, LLC’s Federal Mine Plan for Federal Lease MTM-97988; Bull Mountains Mine Amendment 3 and 5 EIS 2023 WL 4999399

2. 88 FR 52204-01

National Park Service 

NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Visitor Perceptions of Climate Change Study 2023 WL 4999398

3. 88 FR 52086-01

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement 

PROPOSED RULES Montana Regulatory Program 2023 WL 4999807

4. 88 FR 52084-01

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement 

PROPOSED RULES Montana Regulatory Program 2023 WL 4999806

5. 88 FR 52082-01

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement 

PROPOSED RULES Montana Regulatory Program 2023 WL 4999805

6. 88 FR 52203-01

National Park Service 

NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore Visitor Use Management Study 2023 WL 4999397

7. 88 FR 52156-01

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 

NOTICES Idaho Power Company; Notice of Application Accepted for Filing and Soliciting Motions To Intervene and Protests 2023 WL 4999363

8. 88 FR 52130-02

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 

NOTICES Endangered Species; File No. 23200 2023 WL 4999343

9. 88 FR 52186-01

Indian Health Service 

NOTICES Request for Public Comment: 30-Day Information Collection: Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act Contracts 2023 WL 4999382

10. 88 FR 52262-01

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 

PROPOSED RULES Medicare and Medicaid Programs; CY 2024 Payment Policies Under the Physician Fee Schedule and Other Changes to Part B Payment and Coverage Policies; Medicare Shared Savings Program Requirements; Medicare Advantage; Medicare and Medicaid Provider and Supplier Enrollment Policies; and Basic Health Program 2023 WL 4999810

11. 88 FR 52026-01

Office of Foreign Assets Control 

RULES and REGULATIONS Mali Sanctions Regulations 2023 WL 4999794

12. 88 FR 52088-01


PROPOSED RULES Access to Video Conferencing 2023 WL 4999808

13. 88 FR 53200-01

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 

RULES and REGULATIONS Medicare Program; Prospective Payment System and Consolidated Billing for Skilled Nursing Facilities; Updates to the Quality Reporting Program and Value-Based Purchasing Program for Federal Fiscal Year 2024 2023 WL 4999802


AUGUST 8, 2023

14. 88 FR 53514-01

Fish and Wildlife Service 

NOTICES Receipt of Incidental Take Permit Application and Proposed Habitat Conservation Plan for the Sand Skink; Lake County, FL; Categorical Exclusion 2023 WL 5016045

15. 88 FR 53515-01

Fish and Wildlife Service 

NOTICES Receipt of Incidental Take Permit Application and Proposed Habitat Conservation Plan for the Florida Scrub-Jay; Brevard County, FL; Categorical Exclusion 2023 WL 5016046

16. 88 FR 53510-01

Fish and Wildlife Service 

NOTICES Marine Mammal Protection Act; Stock Assessment Reports for the Pacific Walrus Stock and Three Northern Sea Otter Stocks in Alaska 2023 WL 5016044

17. 88 FR 53516-01

Bureau of Land Management 

NOTICES Public Land Order No. 7927; Withdrawal, Arizona 2023 WL 5016047

18. 88 FR 53519-01

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement 

NOTICES Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Subsidence Insurance Program Grants 2023 WL 5016050

19. 88 FR 53520-01

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement 

NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Rights of Entry 2023 WL 5016051

20. 88 FR 53517-01

Bureau of Land Management 

NOTICES Notice of Realty Action: Classification for Recreation and Public Purposes Lease and Conveyance (N-101539) for a Public Park in Las Vegas Valley, Clark County, Nevada 2023 WL 5016048

21. 88 FR 53518-01

Bureau of Land Management 

NOTICES Notice of New Recreation Fees on Public Lands in the Colorado River Valley Field Office, Colorado 2023 WL 5016049

22. 88 FR 53477-01

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 

NOTICES Endangered and Threatened Species; Take of Anadromous Fish. 2023 WL 5016010

23. 88 FR 53585-01

Federal Transit Administration 

NOTICES FY 2023 Competitive Funding Opportunity: Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development Planning 2023 WL 5016093

24. 88 FR 53453-01

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 

NOTICES Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to a Marine Geophysical Survey in Coastal Waters Off of Texas 2023 WL 5016005

25. 88 FR 53473-02

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 

NOTICES Notice of Availability of Final Management Plan and Final Environmental Assessment for Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary 2023 WL 5016007

26. 88 FR 53604-01


RULES and REGULATIONS Accessibility Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way 2023 WL 5016112


AUGUST 9, 2023

27. 88 FR 53908-01

Bureau of Land Management 

NOTICES Notice of Intent To Amend the Resource Management Plan for the Proposed GridLiance West Core Upgrades Transmission Line Project in Nye and Clark Counties, Nevada and Prepare an Associated Environmental Impact Statement 2023 WL 5038646

28. 88 FR 54118-01


PROPOSED RULES Revisions to the Air Emissions Reporting Requirements 2023 WL 5038767

29. 88 FR 53774-01

Bureau of Indian Affairs 

RULES and REGULATIONS Appeals From Administrative Actions 2023 WL 5038718

30. 88 FR 53904-01

Fish and Wildlife Service 

NOTICES Endangered and Threatened Species; Receipt of Recovery Permit Applications 2023 WL 5038643

31. 88 FR 54026-01

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 

RULES and REGULATIONS Endangered and Threatened Species; Critical Habitat for the Threatened Caribbean Corals 2023 WL 5038731

32. 88 FR 53916-01

Bureau of Land Management 

NOTICES Notice of Realty Action: Direct Sale of Public Lands in Montrose County, CO 2023 WL 5038648

33. 88 FR 53907-01

Bureau of Land Management 

NOTICES Statewide Call for Nominations for Colorado Resource Advisory Councils 2023 WL 5038645

34. 88 FR 53790-01

Office of Natural Resources Revenue 

RULES and REGULATIONS Electronic Provision of Records During an Audit 2023 WL 5038720

35. 88 FR 53902-01

Fish and Wildlife Service 

NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; North American Woodcock Singing Ground Survey 2023 WL 5038642

36. 88 FR 53911-01

Bureau of Land Management 

NOTICES Public Land Order No. 7929; Partial Revocation of Public Land Order Nos. 5169, 5173, 5174, 5178, 5179, 5180, 5184, and 5186, as Amended, Modified, and Corrected, and Opening of Additional Lands for Selection by Alaska Native Vietnam-Era Veterans; Alaska 2023 WL 5038647

37. 88 FR 53885-02

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 

NOTICES Equitrans, L.P.; Notice of Scoping Period Requesting Comments on Environmental Issues for the Proposed Swarts and Hunters Cave Well Replacement Project 2023 WL 5038622

38. 88 FR 53877-01

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 

NOTICES Commission Information Collection Activities (Ferc-521); Comment Request; Extension 2023 WL 5038613

39. 88 FR 53890-02


NOTICES Environmental Modeling Public Meeting; Notice of Public Meeting (Virtual and In-Person) 2023 WL 5038624


AUGUST 10, 2023

40. 88 FR 54263-01

Fish and Wildlife Service 

PROPOSED RULES Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Designation of Critical Habitat for Sacramento Mountains Checkerspot Butterfly 2023 WL 5097406

41. 88 FR 54392-02

Federal Highway Administration 

NOTICES Notice of Final Federal Agency Action on the Rocky Flats NWR Trails and Rocky Mountain Greenway Connections Project in Colorado 2023 WL 5097330

42. 88 FR 54346-01

National Park Service 

NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH 2023 WL 5097288

43. 88 FR 54348-01

National Park Service 

NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: University of Georgia Laboratory of Archaeology, Athens, GA 2023 WL 5097290

44. 88 FR 54350-01

National Park Service 

NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: Fowler Museum at University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, and California Department of Transportation, Sacramento, CA 2023 WL 5097295

45. 88 FR 54347-01

National Park Service 

NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: Indiana State Museum and Historic Sites Corporation, Indianapolis, IN 2023 WL 5097289

46. 88 FR 54349-01

National Park Service 

NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: California Department of Parks and Recreation, Sacramento, CA, and California State University, Chico, Chico, CA 2023 WL 5097292

47. 88 FR 54351-01

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management 

NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; North Atlantic Right Whale Research and Management Activities 2023 WL 5097297

48. 88 FR 54302-01

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 

NOTICES Request for Information; Data for Marine Spatial Studies in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands 2023 WL 5097229

49. 88 FR 54400-01


NOTICES Solicitation of Nominations for the Appointment to the Advisory Committee on Tribal and Indian Affairs 2023 WL 5097340

50. 88 FR 54303-01

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 

NOTICES Notice of Availability of Draft Environmental Assessment on the Effects of Issuing an Incidental Take Permit No. 27106 2023 WL 5097230

51. 88 FR 54301-01

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 

NOTICES Endangered and Threatened Species; Notice of Intent To Prepare a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for NOAA’s Expenditure of Funds To Increase Prey Availability for Southern Resident Killer Whales 2023 WL 5097228


AUGUST 11, 2023

52. 88 FR 54649-01

Bureau of Indian Affairs 

NOTICES Fiscal Year 2023 List of Programs Eligible for Inclusion in Funding Agreements Negotiated With Self-Governance Tribes by Interior Bureaus Other Than the Bureau of Indian Affairs; Fiscal Year 2024 Programmatic Targets 2023 WL 5146325

53. 88 FR 54659-01


NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; the Interagency Access Pass and Senior Pass Application Processes 2023 WL 5146327

54. 88 FR 54830-01

Fish and Wildlife Service 

RULES and REGULATIONS Migratory Bird Hunting; Final 2023-24 Frameworks for Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations 2023 WL 5146366

55. 88 FR 54548-01

Fish and Wildlife Service 

PROPOSED RULES Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Removing the Apache Trout From the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife 2023 WL 5146373

56. 88 FR 54660-01

Bureau of Land Management 

NOTICES Notice of Intent To Amend the Taos Resource Management Plan for the R[iacute]o Grande del Norte National Monument Management Plan and Prepare an Associated Environmental Assessment 2023 WL 5146328

57. 88 FR 54644-02

Bureau of Indian Affairs 

NOTICES Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Grants to Indian Organizations for Off-Reservation Indian Child and Family Service Programs 2023 WL 5146324

58. 88 FR 54662-01

Bureau of Land Management 

NOTICES Public Land Order 7928; Permanent Withdrawal and Transfer of Jurisdiction, Wyoming 2023 WL 5146329

59. 88 FR 54665-01

National Park Service 

NOTICES National Register of Historic Places; Notification of Pending Nominations and Related Actions 2023 WL 5146331

60. 88 FR 54663-01

Bureau of Land Management 

NOTICES Notice of Availability of the Draft Resource Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement for the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in Utah 2023 WL 5146330

61. 88 FR 54654-01

Bureau of Indian Affairs 

NOTICES Indian Entities Recognized by and Eligible To Receive Services From the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs 2023 WL 5146326

62. 88 FR 54575-01

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 

NOTICES Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Marine Site Characterization Surveys Off New Jersey and New York 2023 WL 5146287

63. 88 FR 54714-01


PROPOSED RULES Regulations To Implement the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act 2023 WL 5146374

64. 88 FR 54592-01

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 

NOTICES Final 2022 Marine Mammal Stock Assessment Reports 2023 WL 5146288

65. 88 FR 54612-01

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 

NOTICES Union Falls Hydro Power, L.P.; Notice of Settlement Agreement and Soliciting Comments 2023 WL 5146297

66. 88 FR 54495-01

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 

RULES and REGULATIONS Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Monkfish; Framework Adjustment 13 2023 WL 5146365


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