Gale Directory Library


Department of the Interior employees are offered access to this database at their desktops; employees who are teleworking may access it through the Department's VPN. Others must contact a Reference Librarian for assistance.

Search the Gale Directory Library


Gale, part of Cengage Learning, is known for publishing authoritative directories on companies, publishers, associations and more. Now these trusted sources that have been available on the shelves of the DOI Library are available to Departmental employees at their desktops.

With Gale Directory Library, researchers can perform a range of data sorting, filtering and exporting activities.

  • Find contacts - Finding a company, person, publication or other entity is easy. Basic search lets users quickly look up entries by name or keyword, or use Advanced Search to search specific fields of information.
  • Generate lists, analyze trends - Exporting search results for use in programs like Word or Excel greatly assists with the creation of mailing lists and with data analysis.
  • Cross-searchable - The Gale Directory Library supports a growing number of directory titles. Each can be searched individually by its own data fields, or users can search the entire directory collection.

A list of directories that are part of the Interior Library's subscription to the Gale Directory Library is available by clicking the "View All" link under "Directories available in this library" on the Gale Directory Library Basic Search Page.


Updated November 2021


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