The International Journal of Wilderness
Department of the Interior employees are offered access to this database at their desktops; employees who are teleworking may access it through the Department's VPN. Others must contact a Reference Librarian for assistance.
The National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service and Bureau of Land Management, in coordination with the Library, are jointly offering Department-wide access to the International Journal of Wilderness.
The International Journal of Wilderness (IJW) is the tool of choice for wilderness professionals, managers, and advocates, produced through a unique collaboration between the WILD Foundation and its many partners and sponsors. The IJW links wilderness professionals, scientists, educators, environmentalists, and interested citizens worldwide with a forum for investigating and discussing:
- Wilderness ideas and issues
- Inspirational ideas and international perspectives
- Wilderness and conservation planning and management strategies
- Education and communication techniques
- Practical research of management approaches for wilderness stewardship
Each issue contains peer-reviewed research articles and feature presentations from numerous countries, as well as book reviews and additional online content. The IJW presents the latest in wilderness research and practice, while also examining issues related to the sustainability of wildlands internationally, community involvement in protected areas, and policy issues.
The IJW is published three times a year, in April, August, and December. The Journal was initiated in 1995 by The University of Idaho-Wilderness Research Center, the WILD Foundation and Fulcrum Publishing. You can access full copies of every past issue in an easy-to-read online format and the website provides downloadable past volumes from 1995 onward, in PDF format.
The 2018 volume includes an updated design, expansion of social media outlets, access to featured manuscripts, and the inclusion of new multimedia content. After 2017, IJW is not published in print volumes, but subscribers are welcome to print a copy of each issue for personal use.
Updated November 2021