Park Ranger Speaker Series

The Interior Library is proud to present a series of programs on the background and history of sites of interest in the Washington, D.C. region and around the country, as well as subjects highlighting the history of the United States. The onehour programs, presented by National Park Service Rangers, are presented virtually via webinar.

To register for a future Park Ranger Speaker Series program, please use our Park Ranger Speaker Series registration form. If the registration form does not work at your location, you may use the Library's contact form. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Interior Library by e-mail at or by phone at (202) 208-5815.

Webinar recordings of recently completed Park Ranger Speaker Series programs are available upon request. Please contact the Interior Library by phone at (202) 208-5815, e-mail at or via the Library's comment form for more information.

Upcoming Program

Cuyahoga Valley National Park
Tuesday, April 15, 2025, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm ET

On December 27, 1974, President Gerald Ford signed legislation to create Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area between the cities of Akron and Cleveland in Ohio. That moment capped off decades of the community treasuring the valley for outdoor recreation and working for its protection. Many places had shown the scars of heavy land use. Over the past 50 years, park stewards and community partners have worked hard to renew park natural and cultural resources and improve visitor recreational experiences. Renamed in 2000, Cuyahoga Valley National Park is now one of the most visited national parks in the country. Please join Chief of Interpretation, Education & Visitor Services Jennie Vasarhelyi as she celebrates all that has been accomplished in creating this national park.

Please note: This program is only being offered as a simultaneous online webinar. Please contact the Library to obtain webinar information for this program.

The 80th Anniversary of V-E Day
Wednesday, May 21, 2025, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm ET

On May 8, 1945, World War II in Europe was over. The Third Reich finally capitulated, and celebrations erupted throughout the continent. While it was a moment of jubilation for the end of the war in Europe, V-E Day was also a moment of reflection on the enormous human cost of the conflict. Questions that still surround the end of the war include those asking why American troops stopped their advances at the River Elbe, and why the Soviet Union was so vengeful in their attacks on the Germany military and civilians. Please join Park Ranger Paul O’Brian as he reflects on the historical significance of V-E Day and looks into some of the mysteries that encompass this final chapter of the conflict in Europe.

Please note: This program is only being offered as a simultaneous online webinar. Please contact the Library to obtain webinar information for this program.


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