Technology Innovation
Across the federal government there are many exciting innovations beng developed every day. There are opportunities to apply the latest technological advances to help in the fight against invasive species, such as Earth system science at NASA; advanced genetics work within NOAA, USDA and USGS; and critical science breakthroughs at the National Science Foundation.
NISC staff are working with its member agencies and the wider community to identify opportunities where cutting-edge science and technology done at federal labs (or funded through federal programs) can help address priority invasive species management needs as conveyed through the Council. Current topics include:
- The use of environmental DNA (eDNA) to detect invasive species
- Advanced biotechnologies for controlling invasive species
- Information technologies for sharing data on invasive species
Special Issues on advanced technology - Annals of the Entomological Society of America
NISC staff has partnered with the Entomological Society of America (ESA to generate a series of scientific articles related to emerging technologies at the nexus of insects and invasive species. The result was two special collections - one on the use of geospatial techniques and one pertainin to genetics. Collectively, these papers provide useful tools to minimize the negative impats of Invasive Arthropod Alien Species.
Additional Technology Innovation
Here are some activities on which NISC staff has worked with member agencies to explore new ways to bring innovation and advanced solutions to bear on invasive species management.
- Providing expertise on federal prize and challenge competitions, including:
- The ARSX Disruptive Pest Challenge (sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service, facilitated by Conservation X Labs)
- The White Nose Syndrome Challenge (sponsored by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
- The Ohia Challenge (co-sponsored by the National Park Service and the Department of the Interior's Office of Native Hawaiian Relations, facilitated by Conservation X Labs)
- Hosting the 2016 "Innovation Summit"