ISAC White Papers
The Invasive Species Advisory Committee (ISAC) was created by Executive Order 13112 and continued by Executive Order 13751 to provide advice to the NISC on invasive species. It was placed in administratively inactive status on May 2, 2019, and re-authorized on October 1, 2021. Below are the work products the ISAC has generated from 2006 to present.
ISAC White Papers and Memoranda
2021 - Present
- Island Resilience is American Resilience: Actions Towards Reducing the Impacts of Invasive Species on US and US Affiliated Islands | October 2024
- ISAC Recommendations to NISC on the National Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR) Framework (Questions 3-4 ) | October 2024
- ISAC Recommendations to NISC on the National Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR) Framework (Questions 1-2) | May 2024
- Invasive Species Threaten the Success of Climate Change Adaptation Efforts | November 2023
- Underserved Communities and Invasive Species | November 2023
- National Priorities of the Invasive Species Advisory Committee, 2022-2024 | November 2023
- The Interface Between Invasive Species and the Increased Incidences of Tick-Borne Diseases, and the Implications for Federal Land Managers | May 2019
- ISAC Memorandum | May 2019
- ISAC Memorandum | March 2018
- Reducing the Risk of Invasive Pathogens to Wildlife Health in the United States | March 2018
- Managed Relocation: Reducing the Risk of Biological Invasion | December 2017
- Advanced Biotechnology Tools for Invasive Species Management | December 2017
- Enhancing Federal-Tribal Coordination of Invasive Species | December 2017
- Strengthening Federal-State Coordination | March 2017
- Invasive Species Impacts on Infrastructure | December 2016
- Addressing the Needs of Classical Biological Control Programs | July 2016
Invasive Species Advisory Committee White Papers and Recommendations 2006–2015
- Enhancing the Effectiveness of Biological Control Programs of Invasive Species by Utilizing an Integrated Pest Management Approach | October 2015
- Systematics Background Paper | May 2015
- Harvest Incentives: A Tool for Managing Aquatic Invasive Species | May 2014
- Invasive Species and E-Commerce | May 2012
- Validation of PCR-Based Assays and Laboratory Accreditation for Environmental Detection of Aquatic Invasive Species | May 2012
- Marine Bioinvasions and Climate Change | June 2011
- Invasive Species and Climate Change | December 2010
- Invasive Species and Public Investment in the Green Economy | June 2010
- Biofuels: Cultivating Energy, not Invasive Species | August 2009
- Invasive Species Definition Clarification and Guidance White Paper | April 2006
Peer-Reviewed Papers
- Invasive Species Defined in a Policy Context: Recommendations from the Federal Invasive Species Advisory Committee
Invasive Plant Science and Management 1: 414–421. - Biofuel vs. Bioinvasion: Seeding Policy Priorities
Environmental Science and Technology 44: 6906–6910.