Office of Financial Management Staff

Office of Financial Management
1849 C Street NW
Mail Stop 5530
Washington, DC 20240
Phone: (202) 208-4701
Fax: (202) 208-6940

The Office of Financial Management is responsible for Department-wide functions related to financial and accounting policy and procedures, financial data and data integrity, financial management strategic planning, fiscal and financial reporting including Department-wide coordination of financial statements, financial management systems, the management control program and coordination of audits and audit follow-up. The Office provides executive level leadership and direction, coordinates policy development, program evaluation and guidance, and provides advocacy and support for program and bureau operations in all financial and related functional areas.

The Office of Financial Management is organized into the following six divisions to address the critical financial management issues that confront the United States Department of the Interior:

  • Audit Management Division – The Audit Management Division is responsible for providing guidance, governance, recommendations, corrective action plans, and audit follow-up. The Audit Management Division helps to ensure compliance with the Chief Financial Officer Act, the full scope of Office of Management and Budget Circular A-50 Revised- Audit Follow-Up, and Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133 Single Audit. The Audit Management Division also fulfills the Department’s audit follow-up responsibilities by providing oversight and guidance over Bureaus and Offices efforts to address audit findings and recommendations as well as resolving disputed audit findings and recommendations. The Audit Management Division manages the Conference Approval process for the Department.


  • Financial Policy and Operations Division – The Financial Policy and Operations Division is responsible for coordinating and maintaining financial and travel/relocation policies, and other operational policies/areas throughout the agency. This includes reviewing and updating policy from the Office of Management and Budget, Department of the Treasury, and for Department-wide decision-making and management, as well as participating in various workgroups to ensure that the interests of the Department of the Interior are addressed.   The Financial Policy and Operations Division is responsible for the coordination and completion of the Agency Financial Report (AFR); asset and debt management policy functions; maximizing the use of electronic media for communicating policies, processing receipts and disbursements; developing and prescribing financial policies, including but not limited to procedures related to cash management and accountability, pay administration and Treasury collections. 


  • Financial Reporting Division - Financial Reporting Division - The Financial Reporting Division is the principal lead on consolidating the Department’s financial reporting to the Department of the Treasury and the Office of Management and Budget. The Financial Reporting Division provides reporting leadership and guidance to the Department’s bureaus in preparation of the Agency Financial Report Financial and Analysis Section, Reconciliation to the Statement of Budgetary Resources, Intragovernmental Differences Report and Reconciliation in accordance with Treasury guidance. Financial Reporting Division serves as the authoritative guidance on financial reporting by interpreting and applying governance as defined by Office of Management and Budget A-136 Financial Reporting Requirements, Statements of Federal Financial Accounting, and the Federal Accounting Standard Advisory Board in compliance with the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990 and the Government Performance and Results Act.


  • Financial Systems and Data Analytics Division – The Financial Systems and Data Analytics Division is responsible for the monitoring and oversight of the Department’s financial system which is necessary for reporting to the President’s Office of Management and Budget, Treasury, and for department-wide decision making and management.  The Financial Systems and Data Analytics Division provides audit support to the Department by developing and providing department-wide financial data population files to externals auditors as part of the Chief Financial Officers Audit.  The Financial Systems and Data Analytics Division ensures effective system controls are implemented and supported in the financial system.  The Financial Systems and Data Analytics Division develops risk assessment dashboards and develops all financial statement templates used in the Agency Financial Report.  The Financial Systems and Data Analytics Division builds and maintains data analytic models and tools for key financial performance metrics to assist leadership in decision making within the Department.  The Financial Systems and Data Analytics Division participates in workgroups across the federal government to ensure the interests of the Department of the Interior are addressed and facilitates workgroups within the financial community at the Department of the Interior to ensure information is shared throughout the Department.


  • Internal Control and Evaluation Division – The Internal Controls and Evaluation Division is responsible for ensuring internal control testing, and assessments throughout the Department, fraud training, fraud awareness, and managing and evaluating these and other financial management risks. The Internal Controls and Evaluation Division also ensures compliance with the Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act as implemented by Office of Management and Budget Circular Number A-123 regarding internal control over financial reporting, Improper Payments Information Act of 2002, the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act of 2010, and the Improper Payment Elimination and Recovery Improvement Act of 2012.

Office of Financial Management Leadership

Deputy Chief Financial Officer and Director
Tonya R. Johnson-Simmons

Associate Chief Financial Officer/Deputy Director of Audit and Internal Controls
Naznin Rahman

Associate Chief Financial Officer/Deputy Director of Financial Operations
Jaime Rullan

Senior Advisor
Clarence Smith

Chief of Staff
Cynthia Snooks-Key

Division Chiefs

Sherrill E. Exum- Audit Management Division Chief

Julie Ehrlichman - Departmental Offices Finance Officer

DaCari Graham - Financial Policy and Operations Division Chief  

Kenneth T. Cason - Financial Reporting Division Chief 

Katrina Millette - Financial Systems and Data Analytics

Nelson Alvarado - Internal Control and Evaluation Division Chief

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