Office of Financial Management

Mission: Financial Management excellence and increasing value through collaboration and continuous learning.

Functions: The Office of Financial Management serves as the focal point for the Department of the Interior's financial matters by providing direction, planning, and oversight for financial policy and procedures, financial reporting, the management control program, accounting policy and systems, and audit follow-up. The Office is committed to strengthening financial management within the Department through a coordinated program involving the modernization and integration of financial systems, the improvement of financial reporting and accountability, the enhancement of efficient and effective management controls, and the preparation of financial statements for audit.

Organization: The Office of Financial Management is led by a Director and Deputy Chief Financial Officer; who reports to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget, Finance, Performance and Acquisition; who reports to the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy, Management and Budget; who reports to the Assistant Secretary for Policy, Management and Budget; who reports to the Deputy Secretary of the Interior; who reports to the Secretary of the Interior.

The Director of Financial Management is supported by a 2 Deputy Directors, 6 Division Chiefs, a Senior Advisor, Chief of Staff, and staff in the following divisions.

  • Audit Management Division
  • Departmental Offices Finance Division
  • Financial Policy Division
  • Financial Reporting Division
  • Financial Systems and Data Analytics Division
  • Internal Control and Evaluation Division

Core Values

Excellence and Value

Commitment to providing financial management leadership across the Department as well as providing timely thorough and thoughtful responses and beneficial information to the Department's various Bureaus and Offices.


Maintain the highest ethical standards in people and processes.


Value our stakeholders and customers, place confidence in them, and treat them well. We are committed to understanding the unique requirements of our various Bureaus and Offices, and deliver services that meet those requirements.


Value our number one asset - our people. We value a highly skilled, enthusiastic and motivated workforce. We are committed to breaking down workplace barriers and working together in order to provide an organization where all members have an equal opportunity for success.

Collaboration and Transparency

Promote advocacy and support for program and Bureau operations in all financial and related functional areas. Provide transparency into our processes through open access and collaboration. Leverage the knowledge that exists across the Department to achieve collective success.


Most of the Office of Financial Management staff work in either Washington, District of Columbia or Denver, Colorado. There are some staff who work remotely.

Main Interior Office

1849 C Street, NW
Mailstop 5530
Washington, DC 20240