U.S. Federal Depository Library Program


What is the Federal Depository Library Program?

Established by Congress in the mid-nineteenth century and managed by the Government Publishing Office since 1895, the Federal Depository Library Program has collected, organized, and preserved print and electronic information produced by all parts of the Federal government, distributed this information to designated libraries across the country, and assisted people in locating and using it.

The mission of Federal depository libraries is to provide local, free access to information from the Federal government in an impartial environment. Documents in print and electronic formats are available on a wide range of topics relevant to the general public and to professionals, researchers, and students in a variety of fields. 

The U.S. Department of the Interior Library collects titles produced by executive agencies on science and technology, nature and wildlife, geology, energy, the environment, Native Americans, and much more.

The Basic Collection

The Government Publishing Office has designated some Federal publications as belonging to the Federal Depository Library Program's Basic Collection. These publications are vital sources of information that support the public's right to know about the workings and essential activities of their Federal Government. 

Catalog of U.S. Government Publications

The Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP) is the finding tool for electronic and print publications from the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the U.S. government. These publications make up the National Bibliography of U.S. Government Publications. The CGP contains descriptive records for historical and current publications and provides direct links to those that are available online.

Locating Other Federal Depository Libraries

Everyone is welcome to visit Federal depository libraries and use their collections. Federal depository libraries are located in nearly every U.S. Congressional district. Altogether, there are almost 1,350 sites across the United States and its territories.

Locate Federal Depository Libraries - Use the clickable map or navigate to an advanced search feature.

Special Indexes of Federal Information on the Internet

Some Federal Depository libraries have gone the extra mile to make Federal information accessible on the Internet. Here’s a sample of their projects:


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