



Interesting Sources

  • African American Archaeology, History and Cultures
    This web site is designed to provide convenient access to online presentations and resources concerning the subjects of African-American archaeology, history and cultures, and broader subjects of African diaspora archaeology.
  • Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History
    The AMNH Anthropological Papers, which began with volume 1 in 1907, are available in PDF format. The series covers diverse areas of the world and emphasizes ethnography, prehistory/archaeology, and nonhuman paleontology. Users may browse by author, title, or date of publication, and search by a single word or number.
  • Anthropology Collections
    Anthropology Department, California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. The department actively collects material of the indigenous cultures of western North America (exclusive of Mexico) and of the Pacific Rim, including East Asia and all Pacific islands. Current collections strengths include the general holdings from the American Southwest and the Pacific Islands, and Californian basketry.
  • Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site
    One of the greatest cities of the world, Cahokia was larger than London was in AD 1250. Cahokia Mounds is located in Collinsville, Illinois, east of St. Louis, Missouri.
  • Crow Canyon Archaeological Center Field Manual and Laboratory Manual
  • DC Archaeology Tour
    Washington Underground:  Archaeology in Downtown Washington, DC
  • Diagnostic Artifacts in Maryland
    This site introduces some of the most significant types of datable artifacts recovered from archaeological sites in Maryland. Its goal is to assist the professional archaeologist, and anyone else with an interest in Maryland archaeology, to recognize the objects typically found here, and to become familiar with the descriptive terms commonly used. But many of these artifacts have a far broader geographical range than just Maryland, so it's hoped that the website will be of use to a wide audience.
  • Digital Archaeological Archive of Comparative Slavery
    This site describes archaeological evidence about enslaved Africans and their descendants living in the Chesapeake, Carolinas, and Caribbean during the Colonial and Ante-Bellum Periods. Analyze and compare archaeological assemblages and architectural plans from different sites at unprecedented levels of detail. DAACS is a community resource, conceived and maintained in the Department of Archaeology at Monticello, in collaboration with the research institutions and archaeologists working throughout the Atlantic World.
  • Grave Creek Mound Archaeological Complex
    The heart of this site in West Virginia is the largest of the Adena Burial mounds.
  • Jamestown Rediscovery
    A project of the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities
  • Kennewick Man
    Page provided by the National Park Service Archeology Program
  • Managing Archeological Collections
    Provided by the National Park Service Archeology Program, this source covers all aspects of caring for archeological collections.
  • National Archeological Database
    Maintained through a cooperative agreement between the National Park Service and the Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies (CAST) at the University of Arkansas. While the Permits and Maps modules are still available, NADB-Reports has been discontinued. Instead, the complete collection of over 358,000 technical reports can be found in Digital Antiquities' tDAR database.
  • National Park Service Archeology Program
  • Passport In Time
    Passport in Time (PIT) is a volunteer cultural heritage resources program sponsored by the US Forest Service, and which now includes such partners as the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), some State Parks and work with Historicorps. PIT volunteers work with professional archaeologists and historians on public lands throughout the U.S. on such diverse activities as archaeological survey and excavation, rock art restoration, archival research, historic structure restoration, oral history gathering, and analysis and curation of artifacts.
  • Publications of the Archeology Program
    Includes links to the magazine Common Ground, and the series Technical Briefs, Studies in Archeology & Ethnography, and other publications.
  • Texas Beyond History
    In this virtual museum you will find information on and images of many different aspects of the cultural legacy of Texas, a legacy spanning at least 13,500 years.
  • Topics in Archeology Webinar Series
    Produced by the National Park Service Archeology Program
  • Village Ecodynamics Project
    The Village Ecodynamics Project is a network of archaeologists, geologists, geographers, computer scientists and economists seeking to explain key aspects of the late prehistory of the northern Southwest through empirical research and modeling.


Related Laws

Directories of Web Sites on Archeology

  • Anthropological Index Online
    The Index is based on the journal holdings of The Anthropology Library at the The British Museum (formerly Museum of Mankind) which receives periodicals in all branches of anthropology, from academic institutions and publishers around the world.


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