Wildland Fire Blog

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Improving Wildfire Risk Reduction through Ecosystem Mapping


The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is providing an additional $20 million to the Joint Fire Science Program over five years to support wildland fire science. One proposal that received funding through the law will develop improved ecosystem maps to support strategic fire and fuel management planning at regional and landscape scales.

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In the News: To Find and Fight Fires (express.adobe.com)


Hundreds of wildland fires burned more than 3 million acres in over 580 blazes across Alaska in 2022, the fifth largest area burned since 1990. How do fire managers track and monitor these fires while dispatching and protecting firefighters? The answer, in part, is satellites.

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Director’s Report: A Historic Down Payment on the Future


The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is a historic down payment on the future that will help overcome the worsening climate crisis and increasingly severe wildfires. Accelerating the pace and scale of the Interior Department’s wildland fire management activities is a priority in 2023.

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