Wildland Fire Blog

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A prescription for safety: burning in the wildland urban interface


The use of prescribed fire is a valuable tool in preventing catastrophic wildfires and promoting natural ecological processes of fire dependent ecosystems. Prescribed fire is an important management tool utilized to fulfill the mission and goals of Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge in Florida. It is used to restore and maintain biological integrity of refuge habitats and reducing threats to public health and safety from potential catastrophic wildfires in those communities near the wildland urban interface.

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LANDFIRE remap marks major improvements (www.usgs.gov)


LANDFIRE released the most significant upgrade in its 15-year history this week—the most comprehensive land cover dataset the program has ever produced. The LANDFIRE Remap for the conterminous United States includes new national base maps across the product suite, as well as a promise of improved accuracy and ease of use for what has become one of the most widely-cited data sources in the Nation, both in and outside of the fire science community.

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