Southwest Region

Tribes Served

Acoma Pueblo, Cochiti Pueblo, Isleta Pueblo, Jemez Pueblo, Jicarilla Apache Nation, Laguna Pueblo, Mescalero Apache Tribe, Nambe Pueblo, Ohkay Owingeh, Picuris Pueblo, Pojoaque Pueblo, Sandia Pueblo, San Felipe Pueblo, San Ildefonso Pueblo, Santa Ana Pueblo, Santa Clara Pueblo, Santo Domingo Pueblo, Taos Pueblo, Tesuque Pueblo, Ysleta del sur, Zia Pueblo.

Our Staff

Ivory Vicenti
Accounting Technician
Office: 505-563-3562
Cell: 505-221-8276

Vivian L. Chavez
Accounting Technician
Office: 505-563-3771

Mona L. Ashley
Fiduciary Trust Officer
Office: 505-563-3564
Cell: 505-318-6364

Office Hours

Monday through Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Office Location

Southwest Region
1001 Indian School NW Ste 163A
Albuquerque, NM 87104


  • From I-40 east...take the 12th street exit. Turn left onto 12th street and merge to the right hand lane. Take a right turn at the traffic light onto Indian School. Take the first left and follow the road around to the main parking lot. We are in the east building, first floor. Check in with security.
  • From I-40 west...take 6th street exit. There will be a traffic light on 6th street. Continue on the frontage road and take a right at the next traffic light onto 12th street. Merge into right lane and take the first right turn at the light onto Indian School. Take the first left and follow the road around to the main parking lot. We are in the east building, first floor. Check in with security.
  • From I-25 north or I -25 south...take the I-40 interchange going west. Follow above direction for I-40 west.

Mailing Address

Bureau of Trust Funds Administration
Attn: Southwest Region
P.O. Box 26928
Albuquerque, NM 87125

Unclaimed Money

BTFA currently holds over $100 million in trust for thousands of beneficiaries whose whereabouts are unknown because we don't have an address on file for them. Search our records to see if your name, or the name of someone you know, is on the list.

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