Eastern Region

Tribes Served

Aroostook Band of Micmacs, Cayuga Nation, Catawba Nation, Houlton Band Maliseet Indians, Miccosukee Tribe, Oneida Nation of New York, Onodaga Nation, Passamaquoddy Tribe of Maine, Penobscot Nation, Seminole Tribe of Florida, Seneca Nation of New York, Tonawanda Band of Seneca, Tuscarora Nation, Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head.

Our Staff

Donnie Smith
Fiduciary Trust Officer
Cell: 405-638-2759

Office Location

545 Marriott Drive, Suite 700
Nashville, TN 37214

Mailing Address

Bureau of Trust Funds Administration
Attn: Eastern Region
P.O. Box 26928 
Albuquerque, NM 87125

Unclaimed Money

BTFA currently holds over $100 million in trust for thousands of beneficiaries whose whereabouts are unknown because we don't have an address on file for them. Search our records to see if your name, or the name of someone you know, is on the list.

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