Alaska Regional Office

Tribes Served

Alaska Native Villages

Our Staff

Donald Chambellan
Fiduciary Trust Officer
Cell: 505-225-4176

Loretta Frank
Trust Accounts Administrator
Office: 907-271-1588
Cell: 907-334-5227

Mailing Address

Bureau of Trust Funds Administration
Attn: Alaska Regional Office
P.O. Box 26928
Albuquerque, NM 87125

Office Location

3601 C Street, Room 216
Anchorage Alaska 99503

We are in the same building as the BIA (Frontier Building) at 36th Avenue and C Street.

Unclaimed Money

BTFA currently holds $80 million in trust for thousands of beneficiaries with no known address. Search our records to see if your name, or the name of someone you know, is on the list.

Realty Service Providers' contact numbers:

  • Alaska Regional Office, {Serving: Ahtna, Inc., Aleut Corp., Bristol Bay Native Corp., Chugach Alaska Corp., Cook Inlet Region, Inc., Koniag, Inc., Calista} Toll Free: 1-800-645-8465 Ext. 21 or 907-271-1602
  • Chugachmiut, Inc., {Serving: Chugach Region, except Eyak} Toll Free: 1-800-920-2772 or 907-562-4155
  • Bristol Bay Native Association, {Most of Bristol Bay Native Corp.} 907-842-5257
  • Association of Village Council Presidents, {Most of Calista Corp.} Toll Free: 1-800-478-3521 or 907- 543-7350
  • Kuskokwim Native Association, {Chuathbaluk, Georgetown, Lower Kalskag, Russian Mission} 907-675-4384
  • Organized Village of Kwethluk, {Kwethluk} 907-757-6714 or 757-6715
  • Asa'carsarmiut Tribal Council, {Mountain Village} 907-591-2814
  • Akiachak Native Community, {Akiachak} 907-825-4626
  • Native Village of Kwinhagak, {Quinhagak} 907-556-8165
  • Native Village of Emmonak, {Emmonak} 907-949-1723
  • Fairbanks Field Office, {Arctic Slope Regional Corporation} Toll Free: 1-800-822-3596 or 907-456-0229
  • Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope, {Anaktuvuk Pass, Atqasuk, Kaktovik, Nuiqsut, Point Lay, Wainwright} Toll Free: 1-888-788-4227 or 907-852-4227
  • Native Village of Barrow, {Barrow} 907-852-4411
  • Native Village of Point Hope, {Point Hope} 907-368-2330
  • Tanana Chiefs Conference, {Most of Doyon Ltd.} Toll Free: 1-800-478-6822 or 907-452-8251
  • Tanana Tribal Council, {Tanana} 907-366-7170
  • Gwichyaa Gwich'in Tribal Government, {Fort Yukon} 907-662-2581 Ext.107
  • Kawerak, Inc., {Bering Straits Native Corp.} 907-443-5231
  • Maniilaq Association, {about one-half of NANA Regional Corp.} 907-442-3311
  • Kotzebue IRA Council, {about one-half of NANA Regional Corp.} 907-442-3467
  • Native Village of Selawik, {Selawik} 907-484-2165
  • Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska, {Most of Sealaska Corporation} 907-586-1432
  • Organized Village of Kake, {Kake} 907-785-6471
  • Sitka Tribe of Alaska, {Sitka} 907-747-3207
  • Yakutat Tlingit Tribe, {Yakutat - Icy Bay} 907-784-3238 or 784-3375
  • Hoonah Indian Association, {Hoonah} 907-945-3545 Ex. 22
  • Chilkat Indian Village, {Chilkat} 907-767-5505

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