Finding Indian Decisions of the Department of the Interior Prior to the Creation of the Interior Board of Indian Appeals in 1970

Some Departmental decisions in Indian matters prior to 1970 can be found in Decisions of the Department of the Interior Relating to Public Lands (generally referred to as Lands Decisions or LD; July 1881 through December 1929) and Decisions of the Department of the Interior (generally referred to as Interior Decisions or ID; after January 1930). These volumes are available at the Department of the Interior in Washington, D.C., and at the Office of Hearings and Appeals in Arlington, Virginia, as well as in several other locations around the country.

Appellate decisions in Indian probate matters prior to 1970 are not readily available. However, the Board maintains the most complete set of these decisions in Arlington, Virginia. Copies of individual decisions may be requested by the decedent's name or docket number by contacting the Board, at 703-235-3816.


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