About the Departmental Cases Hearings Division

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The Departmental Cases Hearings Division serves as the Department's administrative trial court for cases involving lands and resources under the Department's jurisdiction and provides an impartial forum for the resolution of disputes.

DCHD conducts formal hearings under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) and other fact-finding hearings in accordance with statutes and regulations. DCHD adjudicates a wide range of matters related to the use and disposition of public lands and natural resources as well as select cases involving American Indians, Tribal Nations, and Alaska Natives. Case types include grazing appeals, civil penalties involving oil and gas resources, civil penalties under various wildlife and resource protection laws, surface coal mining cases, certain cases involving the ISDA, disputed issues of material fact involving conditions and prescriptions in hydropower licenses, and contest proceedings related to mining claims, Alaska Native allotment applications, and other interests in federal lands. DCHD also conducts hearings based on referrals from other entities within the Department, including the OHA Appeals Boards and the Director. Examples of case types referred for hearing include adjudications relating to oil and gas leases, rights-of-way, and alleged trespasses on federal land and resources. 

DCHD decisions are typically appealable to the Interior Board of Land Appeals or the Interior Board of Indian Appeals. ISDA decisions involving the Indian Health Service are appealable to the Departmental Appeals Board within the Department of Health and Human Services. DCHD decisions that are not administratively appealable include those determining issues of material fact with respect to conditions or prescriptions that the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, or Interior develop for inclusion in hydropower licenses under the Federal Power Act.

OHA also probates estates under the White Earth Reservation Land Settlement Act of 1985 (WELSA).

Departmental Cases Hearings Division

Office of Hearings and Appeals
U.S. Department of the Interior
351 South West Temple, Suite 6.300 
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 
801-524-5344 (voice) 
dchdwelsa@oha.doi.gov (for WELSA cases)


  • Dawn S. Perry, Supervisory Administrative Law Judge
  • Kelly J. Latimer, Administrative Law Judge
  • Joshua D. Rosen,  Administrative Law Judge
  • Kirsten S. Rønholt, Administrative Law Judge
  • Lauren M. Doxey,  Attorney-Advisor
  • Jacob F. Bandas,  Attorney-Advisor
  • Amanda Lamp, Paralegal Specialist
  • Odile Bahizire, Legal Assistant


OHA Standing Orders

Procedural Regulations for Cases before the Departmental Cases Hearings Division


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