Regional Offices - Denver





General Information

Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance
Denver Region
Denver Federal Center
Building 46, PO Box 25207
Denver, CO 80225-0007
Telephone: (303) 478-3373
States: CO, IA, KS, MO, MT, ND, NE, SD, UT, WY

Please note this office is not a personal identification verification (PIV) card (also known as a credential, common access card, LincPass, smart card, badge, etc.) credentialing center. For these services, please contact your local Personnel Security Office or visit the GSA Credentialing website for assistance in locating a credentialing center.


Name Title
Courtney Hoover Regional Environmental Officer
Karen Skaar Regional Environmental Protection Specialist

Principal Program Areas

Principal program areas of the Regional Office include:

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

The Office assures compliance with NEPA through review of environmental documents and by providing environmental compliance consultation with bureaus.

Federal Project Reviews

The Office manages the Department's technical and policy reviews of the environmental and natural resource aspects of non-Interior projects and proposals through NEPA, FERC, and other environmental reviews in Regions VII and VIII.

Emergency Response

The Office assists the Department's National Coordinators for response and recovery of natural and cultural resources and historic properties under the Stafford Act National Response and National Recovery Frameworks following natural disasters. The Office provides regional leadership, coordination, and promotes consistency in the Department's response to and recovery of Department managed lands and resources following discharges of oil and hazardous substances under the National Contingency Plan. This includes removals at hazardous materials sites under Superfund in Region VII and VIII as well as representation of the Department on the Region VII and VIII Regional Response Teams.

Hazardous Materials Management

The Office assists headquarters and bureaus in the coordination and oversight of remedial, corrective, and management actions of the Department.

Staff Support to Secretary

The Office, through the headquarters office, advises the Secretary, the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget, and other top Departmental officials about policies, programs, and individual actions affecting natural resources and environmental quality in Regions VII and VIII.

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