Inland Oil Spill Preparedness Program (IOSPP)

In response to the growth in domestic oil production and increased inland transportation of petroleum products, DOI developed and implemented the Inland Oil Spill Preparedness Program beginning in 2015. The IOSPP facilitates wider participation and contributions by DOI in nation-wide oil spill contingency planning and response activities by providing resources to support four key focus areas:   


  1. DOI bureau/office participation and coordination in Regional, Area, and Geographic (GRP) committee planning activities;
  2. DOI bureau/office participation in inland oil spill response exercises and drills held by the EPA, U.S. Coast Guard, and National (NRT) or Regional Response Teams (RRT);
  3. Development of an online library of applicable guidance, templates, and technical resources related to contingency planning and response activities; and
  4. Development and delivery of targeted training primarily for DOI, but to include local and regional non-DOI response personnel, to support effective engagement in inland oil spill contingency planning and response activities, with a special emphasis on highlighting protective measures for our natural and cultural resources and tribal lands.

This forward-leaning approach improves DOI’s overall ability to prepare for and respond to inland oil spills.  This translates into not only increased efficiency and efficacy during response operations, but also decreased response-related costs to industries which develop and transport oil.  


The IOSPP is led and coordinated by OEPC and DOI’s Office of Restoration and Damage Assessment, with a work group consisting of DOI Bureau representatives and the DOI Regional Environmental Officers.  The DOI bureau representatives on the IOSPP are:


Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)

Bureau of Land Management (BLM)

United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)

National Park Service (NPS)

Office of Surface Mining and Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE)

United States Geological Survey (USGS)

United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR)

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