Hearings and Testimony of the 114th Congress

Date   Hearing Subject Witness(es)
Dec. 7, 2016

Land Buy Back Program for Tribal Nations

Full Committee oversight hearing on Examining the Department of the Interior’s Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations, Four Years Later 

Senate Committee on Indian Affairs (Barrasso)

Mike Connor, Deputy Secretary
Dec. 6, 2016

Oversight of the USGS

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Examining Decades of Data Manipulation at the United States Geological Survey 

House Natural Resources S/C on Oversight and Investigation (Gohmert)

William Werkheiser, Deputy Director, U.S. Geological Survey
Nov. 30, 2016

Parks and Lands Bills 

Subcommittee hearing on
H.R. 5129 (LaMalfa), Guides and Outfitters (GO) Act

H.R. 799 (Nolan), North Country National Scenic Trail Route Adjustment Act 

H.R. 3683 (Clay), African American Civil Rights Network Act

House Natural Resources S/C on Federal Lands (McClintock)

Stephanie Toothman, Associate Director for Cultural Resources, Partnerships and Science, National Park Service

Statement for the Record, Bureau of Land Management

Nov. 15, 2016

Lands Bills  

Subcommittee hearing on 
H.R. 866 (Black), To achieve domestic energy independence by empowering States to control the development and production of all forms of energy on all available Federal land

H.R. 1484 (Amodei), To direct the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain Federal lands to the State of Nevada in fulfillment of the Nevada Statehood Enabling Act

House Natural Resources S/C on Energy and Mineral Resources (Lamborn)

Statement for the Record, Bureau of Land Management 
Oct. 18, 2016

Hawaii Water Security

Full Committee oversight field hearing on Opportunities for Federal an Non-Federal Partnerships in Integrated Water Management and Efforts to Improve Water Security in Hawaii

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (Murkowski)

Steve Anthony, Director, Pacific Islands Water Science Center
Oct. 18, 2008

Tribal Cultural Items 

Full Committee oversight field hearing on The Theft, Illegal Possession, Sale, Transfer and Export of Tribal Cultural Items 

Senate Indian Affairs Committee (Barrasso)

Cheryl Andrews-Maltais, Senior Advisor, Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs
Sep. 22, 2016

NPS Oversight 

Full Committee oversight hearing on the National Park Service

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee (Chaffitz)

Michael Reynolds, Deputy Director for Operations, National Park Service
Sep. 22, 2016

Alaska and Lands Bills

Full Committee hearing on
S. 346 (Wyden), Southwestern Oregon Watershed and Salmon Protection Act of 2015

S. 437 (Murkowski), Improved National Monument Designation Process Act

S. 1416 (Flake), A bill to amend title 54, United States Code, to limit the authority to reserve water rights in designating a national monument

H.R. 1838 (Farr), Clear Creek National Recreation Area and Conservation Act

H.R. 2009 (Grijalva), Pascua Yaqui Tribe Land Conveyance Act

S. 2056 (Murkowski), A bill to provide for the establishment of the National Volcano Early Warning and Monitoring System

S. 2681 (Heinrich), San Juan County Settlement Implementation Act of 2016

S. 2991 (Murray), Methow Headwaters Protection Act of 2016

S. 3049 (Udall), Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks Conservation Act

S. 3102 (Heller), Pershing County Economic Development and Conservation Act

S. 3167 (Manchin), Appalachian Forest National Heritage Area Act of 2016

S. 3192 (Daines), Alex Diekmann Peak Designation Act of 2016

S. 3203 (Murkowski), Alaska Economic Development and Access to Resources Act

S. 3204 (Murkowski), King Cove Road Land Exchange Act

S. 3273 (Murkowski), Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 2016

S. 3312 (Gardner), A bill to extend the authorization of the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978 relating to the disposal site in Mesa County, Colorado

S. 3315 (Murkowski), A bill to authorize the modification or augmentation of the Second Division Memorial

S. 3316 (Heinrich), Advancing Conservation and Education Act of 2016

S. 3317 (Lee), A bill to prohibit the further extension or establishment of national monuments in the State of Utah except by express authorization of Congress

S. 3254 (Thune), Spearfish Canyon and Bismarck Lake Land Exchange Act

S. 2380 (Flake), RPPA Commercial Recreation Concessions Pilot Program Act of 2015

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (Murkowski)

Neil Kornze, Director, Bureau of Land Management

Statement for the Record, National Park Service 

Statement for the Record, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Statement for the Record, U.S. Geological Survey 

Sep. 21, 2016

FWS Mitigation Policy

Subcommittee oversight hearing on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Mitigation Policy

Senate Environment and Public Works S/C on Fisheries, Water and Wildlife (Sullivan)

Michael Bean, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks
Sep. 21, 2016

Wolf Management 

Subcommittee hearing on The Status of the Federal Government’s Management of Wolves

House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations (Gohmert)

Steve Guertin, Deputy Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Sep. 14, 2016

Utah Public Lands 

Subcommittee hearing on
H.R. 5780 (Bishop), Utah Public Lands Initiative

House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Federal Lands (McClintock)

Neil Kornze, Director, Bureau of Land Management 
Sep. 14, 2016

Indian Affairs Bills

Full Committee hearing on
S. 2636 (Tester), Reservation Land Consolidation Act of 2016

S. 3216 (Grassley), Repealing the Act entitled “An Act to confer jurisdiction on the State of Iowa over offenses committed by or against Indians on the Sac and Fox Indian Reservation

S. 3222 (Merkley), Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to assess sanitation and safety conditions at BIA facilities that were constructed to provide treaty tribes access to traditional fishing grounds and expend funds on construction of facilities and structures to improve those conditions

S. 3300 (Flake), Hualapai Tribe Water Rights Settlement Act of 2016

Senate Indian Affairs Committee (Barrasso)

Larry Roberts, Acting Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs 
Sep. 13, 2016

CNMI Worker Program

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Reviewing the Economic Impacts from the Implementation of a Commonwealth-Only Worker Program in the Northern Mariana Islands under P.L. 110-229

House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs (Young)

Statement for the Record, Office of Insular Affairs 
Sep. 7, 2016 

Indian Affairs Bills

Full Committee hearing on 
S. 2285 (Burr), Lumbee Recognition Act 

S. 3234 (Barrasso), Indian Community Economic Enhancement Act of 2016

S. 3261 (Tester), Native American Business Incubators Program Act 

H.R. 4685 (McCarthy), Tule River Indian Reservation Land Trust, Health, and Economic Development Act

Senate Indian Affairs Committee (Barrasso)

Cheryl Andrews-Maltais, Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs  
Aug. 30, 2016

Stakeholder Outreach 

Oversight of the Impact of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Fish and Wildlife Service Regulations on Citizens’ Private Property Rights

Senate Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Superfund, Waste Management, and Regulatory Oversight (Rounds)

Noreen Walsh, Regional Director, Mountain Prairie Region, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Aug. 17, 2016

Indian Country Health Issues 

Full Committee oversight field hearing on Addressing Trauma and Mental Health Challenges in Indian Country 

Senate Indian Affairs Committee (Barrasso)

Darren Cruzan, Director, Office of Justice Services, Bureau of Indian Affairs 
Jul. 27, 2016

Antiquities Act

Full Committee oversight field hearing on Designation of Monuments Pursuant to the Authority Provided by the Antiquities Act 

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (Murkowski)

Statement for the Record, National Park Service 
Jul. 26, 2016

Public Land Management in Nevada

Subcommittee oversight field hearing on Improving Federal Land Management and Use to Better Serve Las Vegas Valley Communities

House Natural Resources S/C on Federal Lands (McClintock)

John Ruhs, Nevada State Director, Bureau of Land Management 
Jul. 14, 2016

Solar Project Oversight

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Status of Ivanpah and other Federal Loan-Guaranteed Solar Energy Projects on BLM Lands

House Natural Resources S/C on Oversight and Investigations (Gohmert)

Mike Nedd, Assistant Director – Energy, Minerals, and Realty Management, Bureau of Land Management
Jul. 12, 2016

Mancos Shale

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Opportunities and Challenges of Developing the Mancos Shale Resource

House Natural Resources S/C on Energy and Mineral Resources (Lamborn)

Walter Guidroz, Energy Resources Program Coordinator, U.S. Geological Survey
Jul. 12. 2016

California Water

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Changing Demands and Water Supply Uncertainty in California

House Natural Resources S/C on Water, Power and Oceans (Fleming)

David Murillo, Regional Director, Mid-Pacific Region, Bureau of Reclamation
Jul. 7, 2016

BLM Planning 2.0

Subcommittee oversight hearing on State Perspectives on BLM’s Draft Planning 2.0 Rule

House Natural Resources S/C on Oversight and Investigations (Gohmert)

Jim Lyons, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management 
Jul. 6, 2016

Palau Agreement  

Subcommittee hearing on
H.R. 4531 (Sablan), To approve an agreement between the United States and the Republic of Palau

House Natural Resources S/C on Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs (Young)

Esther Kia'aina, Assistant Secretary for Insular Areas
Jul. 6, 2016

Online Offshore Leasing Sales

Subcommittee hearing on
H.R. 5577 (Graves), To amend the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct offshore oil and gas lease sales through Internet-based live lease sales

House Natural Resources S/C on Energy and Mineral Resources (Lamborn)

Abigail Hopper, Director, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management 
Jul. 6, 2016

Safeguarding Firearms and Munitions

Full Committee oversight hearing on Firearms and Munitions at Risk: Examining Inadequate Safeguards

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee (Chaffetz)

Steve Ellis, Deputy Director for Operations, Bureau of Land Management 
Jun. 29, 2016

Indian Affairs Bills

Full Committee hearing on
S. 2796 (Rounds), An Act to Repeal Existing Substandard Provisions Encouraging Conciliation with Tribes

S. 2959 (McCain), White Mountain Apache Water Settlement Act

S. 3013 (Tester), Salish and Kootenai Water Rights Settlement Act of 2016

Senate Committee on Indian Affairs (Barrasso)

Letty Belin, Senior Counselor to the Deputy Secretary 
Jun. 28, 2016

Sage Grouse Conservation 

Subcommittee oversight hearing on The Status of the BLM and Forest Service’s Efforts to Implement Amendments to Land Use Plans and Specific Management Plans Regarding Sage Grouse Conservation

Senate Energy and Natural Resources S/C on Public Lands, Forests, and Mining (Barrasso)

Jim Lyons, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management
Jun. 23, 2016

Parks Bills

Subcommittee hearing on 
H.R. 2167 (Grijalva), Public Lands Service Corps Act 

H.R. 2333 (Jenkins), To Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to acquire certain property related to the Fort Scott National Historic Site in Fort Scott, Kansas

H.R. 4387 (LaMalfa), Tule Lake National Historic Site Establishment Act 

H.R. 5114 (McSally), 21st Century Conservation Service Corps Act

House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Federal Lands (McClintock)

Michael Reynolds, Associate Director, Workforce and Inclusion, National Park Service 
Jun. 23, 2016

Land and Water bills

Subcommittee hearing on
H.R. 5032 (Brat), To allow certain property in the town of Louisa, Virginia, to be used for purposes related to compliance with water quality standards

H.R. 5430 (Gohmert), Public Water Supply Invasive Species Compliance Act

H.R. 5468 (Bishop), To direct the Secretary of the Interior to allow for prepayment of repayment obligations under Repayment Contracts between the United States and the Weber Basin Water Conservancy District

H.R. __, To authorize the Pechanga Band of Luiseño Mission Indians Water Rights Settlement (to be introduced)

House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water, Power and Oceans (Fleming)

Dionne Thompson, Deputy Commissioner for External Affairs, Bureau of Reclamation 
Jun. 23, 2016

FWS Oversight

Subcommittee oversight hearing on the Oversight of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

House Natural Resources S/C on Oversight and Investigations (Gohmert)

Steve Guertin, Deputy Director for Policy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 
Jun. 23, 2016

Wildfire Budget, Response and Forest Management

Full Committee hearing on
S. __, Wildfire Budgeting, Response and Forest Management Act of 2016

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (Murkowski)

Bryan Rice, Director, Office of Wildland Fire 
Jun. 22, 2016

Wild Horses and Burros

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Challenges and Potential Solutions for BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro Program

House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Federal Lands (McClintock)

Steve Ellis, Deputy Director for Operations, Bureau of Land Management
Jun. 21, 2016

Public Land Management Modernization 

Subcommittee oversight hearing on The Bureau of Land Management's Planning 2.0 Initiative

Senate Energy and Natural Resources S/C on Public Lands, Forests and Mining (Barrasso)

Neil Kornze, Director, Bureau of Land Management 
Jun. 15, 2016

Parks and Lands Bills

Subcommittee hearing on
H.R. 3004 (Clyburn) and S. 2839 (Graham), To amend the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Heritage Act to extend the authorization for the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor Commission

H.R. 3036 (MacArthur), An act to designate the National September 11 Memorial located at the World Trade Center site in New York City, New York, as a national memorial

H.R. 3620 (Marino), An act to amend the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area Improvement Act to provide access to certain vehicles serving residents of municipalities adjacent to the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area

H.R. 4119 (Palazzo), An act to authorize the exchange of certain land located in Gulf Islands National Seashore, Jackson County, Mississippi, between the National Park Service and the Veterans of Foreign Wars

S. 211 (Casey), A bill to establish the Susquehanna Gateway National Heritage Area in the State of Pennsylvania

S. 630 (Feinstein), A bill to establish the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta National Heritage Area

S. 1007 (Portman), A bill to amend the Dayton Aviation Heritage Preservation Act of 1992 to rename a site of the Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park

S. 1623 (Cantwell), A bill to establish the Maritime Washington National Heritage Area in the State of Washington

S. 1662 (Kirk), A bill to include Livingston County, the city of Jonesboro in Union County, and the city of Freeport in Stephenson County, Illinois, to the Lincoln National Heritage Area

S. 1690 (Cantwell), A bill to establish the Mountains to Sound Greenway National Heritage Area in the State of Washington

S. 1696 (Isakson) and H.R. 482 (Bishop), A bill to redesignate the Ocmulgee National Monument in the State of Georgia, to revise the boundary of that monument

S. 1824 (Gillibrand), A bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a study to assess the suitability and feasibility of designating certain land as the Finger Lakes National Heritage Area

S. 2087 (Moran), A bill to modify the boundary of the Fort Scott National Historic Site in the State of Kansas

S. 2412 (Boxer), A bill to establish the Tule Lake National Historic Site in the State of California

S. 2548 (Kaine), A bill to establish the 400 Years of African-American History Commission

S. 2627 (Heller), A bill to adjust the boundary of the Mojave National Preserve

S. 2807 (Cassidy), A bill to amend title 54, United States Code, to require State approval before the Secretary of the Interior restricts access to waters under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service for recreational or commercial fishing

S. 2805 (Franken), A bill to modify the boundary of Voyageurs National Park in the State of Minnesota

S. 2923 (Shaheen), A bill to redesignate the Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site as the `Saint-Gaudens National Park for the Arts'

S. 2954 (Blunt), A bill to establish the Ste. Genevieve National Historic Site in the State of Missouri

S. 3020 (Gardner), A bill to update the map of, and modify the acreage available for inclusion in, the Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument

S. 3027 (King), A bill to clarify the boundary of Acadia National Park

S. 3028 (Cantwell), A bill to redesignate the Olympic Wilderness as the Daniel J. Evans Wilderness

Senate Energy and Natural Resources S/C on National Parks (Cassidy)

Dr. Stephanie Toothman, Associate Director, Cultural Resources, Partnerships, and Science, National Park Service
Jun. 14, 2016

Indian Lands Bills 

Subcommittee hearing on 
H.R. 4685 (McCarthy), Tule River Indian Reservation Land Trust, Health, and Economic Development Act

H.R. 5379 (Grijalva), Requirements, Expectations, and Standard Procedures for Executive Consultation with Tribes Act

House Natural Resources S/C on Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs (Young)

Cheryl Andrews-Maltais, Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs
Jun. 14, 2016

State/Tribal Energy Royalty Policy  

Subcommittee hearing on 
H.R. 5259 (Zinke), Certainty for States and Tribes Act

House Natural Resources S/C on Energy and Mineral Resources (Lamborn)

Amanda Leiter, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management
Jun. 14, 2016

NPS Oversight

Full Committee oversight hearing on Oversight of the National Park Service

House Oversight and Government Reform (Chaffetz)  

Jon Jarvis, Director, National Park Service

Mary Kendall, Deputy Inspector General 

Jun. 9, 2016

War on Terror Finance

Joint Committee oversight hearing on Stopping the Money Flow: The War on Terror Finance

House Foreign Affairs S/C on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade (Poe)

House Armed Services S/C on Emerging Threats and Capabilities (Langevin)

William Woody, Chief of Law Enforcement, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 
Jun. 8, 2016

Tribal Wildfires / Forest Management

Full Committee oversight hearing on Improving Interagency Forest Management to Strengthen Tribal Capabilities for Responding to and Preventing Wildfires and

S. 3014 (Daines), A bill to improve the mangement of Indian Forest and land 

Senate Indian Affairs Committee (Barrasso)

Mike Black, Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs 
May 24, 2016

Future of Recreation.gov  

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Examining the Future of 


House Oversight and Government Reform S/C on Interior (Lummis)

Rick DeLappe, Recreation.gov Program Manager, National Park Service
May 24, 2016

DOI's Culture of Corruption

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Investigating the Culture of Corruption at the Department of the Interior 

House Natural Resources S/C on Oversight and Investigations (Gohmert)

Ed Keable, Deputy Solicitor for General Law

Mary Kendall, Deputy Inspector General 

May 24, 2016

Water Settlements Legislation

Subcommittee hearing on 
H.R. 4366 (Valadao), San Luis Unit Drainage Resolution Act

H.R. 5217 (Costa), San Luis Unit Drainage Resolution Act

H.R. 5633, Blackfeet Water Rights Settlement Act of 2016 (Discussion Draft)

House Natural Resources S/C on Water, Power and Oceans (Fleming)

John Bezdek, Counselor to the Deputy Secretary
May 24, 2016

Public Lands Bills

Subcommittee hearing on
H.R. 3480 (Carter), Fort Frederica National Monument Boundary Expansion Act of 2015

H.R. 4202 (Katko), Fort Ontario Study Act

H.R. 4789 (Beyer), To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to establish a structure for visitor services on the Arlington Ridge tract, in the area of the U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial

H.R. 5244 (Knight), Saint Francis Dam Disaster National Memorial Act

House Natural Resources S/C on Federal Lands (McClintock)

William Shaddox, Acting Associate Director for Park Planning, Facilities, and Lands, National Park Service
May 19, 2016

OCS/Gas Leasing

Full Committee oversight hearing on BOEM’s 2017-2022 OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (Murkowski)

Abigail Hopper, Director, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
May 18, 2016

Indian Affairs Bills

Full Committee hearing on
S. 2785 (Tester), A bill to protect Native children and promote public safety in Indian country

S. 2916 (Udall), A bill to provide that the Pueblo of Santa Clara may lease for 99 years certain restricted land

S. 2920 (Barrasso), Tribal Law and Order Reauthorization Act of 2016

Senate Indian Affairs Committee (Barrasso)

Michael Black, Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs
May 18, 2016

Indian Affairs Bills

Subcommittee legislative hearing on
S. 246 (Heitkamp), Alyce Spotted Bear and Walter Soboleff Commission on Native Children Act

H.R. 4289 (Young), To provide for the conveyance of certain property to the Tanana Tribal council located in Tanan, AK, and to the Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation located in Dillingham, AK 

House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs (Young)

Cheryl Andrews-Maltais, Senior Advisor, Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs 
May 17, 2016

California Water

Subcommittee legislative hearing on
S. 2524 (Gardner), Bolts Ditch Access and Use Act 

S. 2533 (Feinstein), California Long-Term Provisions for Water Supply and Short-Term Provisions for Emergency Drought Relief Act

S. 2616 (Gardner), To modify certain cost-sharing and revenue provisions relating to the Arkansas Valley Conduit, Colorado

S. 2902 (Flake), Western Water Supply and Planning Enhancement Act

S. 2907 (Reid), To amend the Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2015, to strike the termination date for funding for pilot projects to increase Colorado River System water in Lake Mead

Senate Energy and Natural Resources S/C on Water and Power (Lee)

Estevan Lopez, Commissioner, Bureau of Reclamation
May 17, 2016

Marine Debris

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Marine Debris and Wildlife: Impacts, Sources, and Solutions

Senate Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Fisheries, Water, and Wildlife (Sullivan)

Jim Kurth, Deputy Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
May 12, 2016

Lands Bills 

Subcommittee legislative hearing on
H.R. 3565 (Capps), California Coastal National Monument Expansion Act

H.R. 3839 (Noem), Black Hills National Cemetery Boundary Expansion Act

H.R.4233 (Rohrbacher), To eliminate an unused lighthouse reservation

H.R. 5132 (Walden), To adjust the eastern boundary of Whychus-Deschutes Wilderness Study Area in the State of Oregon to facilitate fire prevention and response activities to protect adjacent private property

House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Federal Lands (McClintock)

Abbie Jossie, Acting Assistant Director, National Landscape Conservation System and Community Partnerships, Bureau of Lands Management
May 11, 2016

Indian Affairs Bills

Full Committee hearing on
S. 2417 (Thune), Tribal Veterans Health Care Enhancement Act

S. 2842 (Heitkamp), Johnson-O'Malley Supplemental Indian Education Program Modernization Act

Senate Indian Affairs Committee (Barrasso)

Michael Black, Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs 
Apr. 28, 2016

Federal Land Invasive Species Control

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Impacts of Invasive Species on the Productivity, Value, and Management of Land and Water Resources and Possible Management Options to Control and Prevent them; and

S. 2240 (Barrasso), Federal Land Invasive Species Control, Prevention, and Management Act

Senate Energy and Natural Resources S/C on Public Lands, Forests and Mining (Barrasso)

Mike Pool, Acting Deputy Director, Bureau of Land Management 
Apr. 28, 2016

Border Security

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Consequences of Federal Lands Management Along the U.S. Border to Rural Communities and National Security

House Natural Resources S/C on Oversight and Investigations (Gohmert)

Jon Andrew, Interagency Borderlands Coordinator 
Apr. 28, 2016

Federal-Local Land Management Cooperation 

Subcommittee hearing on 
H.R. __, Locally-elected Officials Cooperating with Agencies in Land Management Act (LOCAL Management Act

House Natural Resources S/C on Federal Lands (McClintock)

Karen Mouritsen, Deputy Assistant Director, Energy, Minerals, and Realty Management, Bureau of Land Management
Apr. 27, 2016

Methane Emissions Regulation

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Bureau of Land Management’s Regulatory Overreach into Methane Emissions Regulation

House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Energy and Minerals (Lamborn)

Amanda Leiter, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management
Apr. 21, 2016

Lands Bills 

Subcommittee hearing on 
S. 1167 (Crapo), Owyhee Wilderness Areas Boundary Modifications Act

S. 1423 (Boxer), Central Coast Heritage Protection Act

S. 1510 (Murray), Wild Olympics Wilderness and Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 2015

S. 1699 (Wyden), Oregon Wildlands Act 

S. 1777 (Risch), A bill to amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to maintain or replace certain facilities and structures for commercial recreation services at Smith Gulch in Idaho

S. 2018 (Murkowski), A bill to convey, without consideration, the reversionary interests of the United States in and to certain non-Federal land in Glennallen, Alaska

S. 2223 (Thune), Black Hills National Cemetery Boundary Expansion Act

S. 2379 (Flake), Udall Park Land Exchange Completion Act of 2015 

S. 2383 (Hatch), Utah Test and Training Range Encroachment Prevention and Temporary Closure Act

Senate Energy and Natural Resources S/C on Public Lands, Forests and Mining (Barrasso)

Mike Pool, Acting Deputy Director for Programs, Bureau of Land Management

Statement for the Record, National Park Service 

Apr. 21, 2016

ESA Delisting 

Joint Subcommittee oversight hearing on Barriers to Endangered Species Act Delisting, Part II

House Oversight and Government Reform S/C on Interior (Lummis)

House Oversight and Government Reform S/C on Healthcare, Benefits and Administrative Rules (Jordan)

Dan Ashe, Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Apr. 20, 2016

Water Bills

Subcommittee hearing on 
H.R. 1869 (Gosar), Environmental Compliance Cost Transparency Act of 2015

H.R. 2993 (Matsui), Water Recycling Acceleration Act of 2015

H.R. 4582 (Denham), Save Our Salmon (SOS) Act

House Natural Resources S/C on Water, Power and Oceans (Fleming)

Tom Iseman, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Water and Science
Apr. 19, 2016

Critical Habitat 

Full Committee oversight hearing on the Recent Final Rules and Policy on Critical Habitat Under the Endangered Species Act

House Natural Resources Committee (Bishop)


Dan Ashe, Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 
Apr. 14, 2016

Natural Gas Waster Reduction Rule 

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Waste Prevention, Production Subject to Royalties, and Resources Convention 

Senate Energy and Natural Resources S/C on Public Lands, Forests, and Mining (Barrasso)

Amanda Leiter, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management
Apr. 13, 2016

Indian Affairs Pending Legislation

Full Committee hearing on
S. 2205 (Tester), Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts Act of 2015

S. 2421 (Murkowski), A bill to provide for the Conveyance of Certain property to the Tanana Tribal Council in Tanana Alaska

S. 2564 (McCain), Dine College Act of 2016

S. 2643 (Udall), Pueblo de Cochiti Self Governance Act

S. 2717 (Barrasso), DRIFT Act of 2016

Senate Indian Affairs Committee (Barrasso)

Michael Black, Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs 
Apr. 7, 2016

USGS Oversight

Full Committee oversight hearing on Oversight of the U.S. Geological Survey 

Senate Energy and Natural Resources (Murkowski)

Suzette Kimball, Director, U.S. Geological Survey
Apr. 6, 2016

Indian Affairs Pending Legislation 

Legislative hearing on
S. 2304 (Tester), A bill to provide for tribal demonstration projects for the integration of early childhood development, education, including Native language and culture, and related services, for evaluation of those demonstration projects

S. 2468 (Tester), A bill to require the Secretary of the Interior to carry out a 5-year demonstration program to provide grants to eligible Indian tribes for the construction of tribal schools

S. 2580 (Barrasso), A bill to establish the Indian Education Agency to streamline the administration of Indian education

S. 2711 (McCain), A bill to expand opportunity for Native American children through additional options in education

Senate Committee on Indian Affairs (Barrasso)

Lawrence Roberts, Acting Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs 
Apr. 5, 2016

U.S. - Affiliated Islands Issues 

Full Committee hearing on
S. 2360 (Murkowski), Omnibus Territories Act of 2015

S. 2610 (Murkowski), A bill to approve an agreement between the United States and the Republic of Palau

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (Murkowski)

Esther Kia’aina, Assistant Secretary for Insular Areas
Mar. 23, 2016

FY17 Budget Request - OSM

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Effect of the President’s FY 2017 Budget and Legislative Proposals for the Office of Surface Mining on Private Sector Job Creation, Domestic Energy Production, State Programs and Deficit Reduction

House Natural Resources S/C on Energy and Mineral Resources (Lamborn)

Joe Pizarchik, Director, Office of Surface Mining 
Mar. 23, 2016

BLM Public Lands Leasing 

Subcommittee oversight hearing on the Examining the Bureau of Land Management Public Lands Leasing 

House Oversight and Government Reform S/C on Interior (Lummis)

Neil Kornze, Director, Bureau of Land Management 
Mar. 22, 2016

FY17 Budget Request - FWS, NOAA, BOR, PMA

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Examining the Missions and Impacts of the President's Proposed Fiscal Year 2017 Budgets of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration, the Bureau of Reclamation and the Power Marketing Administrations

House Natural Resources S/C on Water, Power and Oceans (Fleming)

Jim Kurth, Deputy Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 

Estevan Lopez, Commissioner, Bureau of Reclamation


Mar. 22, 2016

Indian Country/Insular Area Budget

Subcommittee oversight hearing on the President’s Fiscal Year 2017 Funding Priorities and Impacts on Indian Country and Insular Area

House Natural Resources S/C on Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs (Young)

Larry Roberts, Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs

Vince Logan, Special Trustee for American Indians

Esther Kia’aina, Assistant Secretary for Insular Areas

Mar. 17, 2016

Parks Bills 

Subcommittee hearing on
S. 2177 (Cochran)/ H.R. 959 (Thompson),  A bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a special resource study of the Medgar Evers House, located in Jackson, Mississippi

S. 651(Boxer) / H.R.1289 (DeSaulnier), A bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to acquire certain land in Martinez, California, for inclusion in the John Muir National Historic Site

H.R. 1949 (Butterfield), A bill to provide for the consideration and submission of site and design proposals for the National Liberty Memorial approved for establishment in the District of Columbia

S. 1329 (Kaine) / H.R. 2288 (Goodlatte), A bill to remove the use restrictions on certain land transferred to Rockingham County, Virginia

H.R. 2880 (Lewis), A bill to redesignate the Martin Luther King, Junior, National Historic Site in the State of Georgia

S. 1930 (Isakson) / H.R. 3371(Loudermilk), A bill to adjust the boundary of the Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park to include the Wallis House and Harriston Hill

S. 119 (Shaheen), A bill to amend the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act to provide for a lifetime National Recreational Pass for any veteran with a service-connected disability

S. 718 (Warner), A bill to modify the boundary of Petersburg National Battlefield in the Commonwealth of Virginia

S. 770 (Rubio), A bill to authorize Escambia County, Florida, to convey certain property that was formerly part of Santa Rosa Island National Monument and that was conveyed to Escambia County subject to restrictions on use and reconveyance

S. 1577 (Tester), A bill to amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate certain segments of East Rosebud Creek in Carbon County, Montana, as components of the Wild and Scenic Rivers System

S. 1943 (Alexander), A bill to modify the boundary of the Shiloh National Military Park located in the States of Tennessee and Mississippi, to establish Parker's Crossroads Battlefield as an affiliated area of the National Park System

S. 1975 (Mikulski), A bill to establish the Sewall-Belmont House National Historic Site as a unit of the National Park System

S. 1982 (Cardin), A bill to authorize a Wall of Remembrance as part of the Korean War Veterans Memorial and to allow certain private contributions to fund the Wall of Remembrance

S. 1993 (McCain), A bill to establish the 21st Century Conservation Service Corps to place youth and veterans in the United States in national service positions to protect, restore, and enhance the great outdoors of the United States

S. 2039 (Enzi), A bill to designate the mountain at the Devils Tower National Monument, Wyoming, as Devils Tower

S. 2061 (Moran), A bill to designate a National Memorial to Fallen Educators at the National Teachers Hall of Fame in Emporia, Kansas

S. 2309 (Brown), A bill to amend title 54, United States Code, to establish within the National Park Service the U.S. Civil Rights Network

S. 2608 (Kirk), A bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to place signage on Federal land along the trail known as the `American Discovery Trail'

S. 2620 (Blumenthal), A bill to facilitate the addition of park administration at the Coltsville National Historical Park

S. 2628 (Coons), A bill to authorize the National Emergency Medical Services Memorial Foundation to establish a commemorative work in the District of Columbia and its environs

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks (Cassidy)

Peggy O'Dell, Deputy Director for Operations, National Park Service
Mar. 17, 2016

DOI Law Enforcement Records System

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Implementation of the Department of the Interior’s Law Enforcement Records System

House Natural Resources S/C on Oversight and Investigations (Gohmert)

Harry Humbert, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Safety, Resource Protection, and Emergency Services
Mar. 16, 2016

FY17 Budget Request - BIA / BIE Oversight 

Subcommittee oversight hearing on the Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Request for Indian Affairs and Oversight of Bureau of Indian Education Schools

House Appropriations S/C on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies (Calvert)

Larry Roberts, Acting Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs 

Charles "Monty" Roessel, Director, Bureau of Indian Education

Michael Black, Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs

Mar. 16, 2016

FY17 Budget Request - NPS

Subcommittee oversight hearing on the Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Request for the National Park Service 

House Appropriations S/C on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies (Calvert)

Jon Jarvis, Director, National Park Service
Mar. 15, 2016

Mitigating Impact on Natural Resources 

Full Committee oversight hearing on Mitigating Impacts on Natural Resources from Development and Encouraging Related Private Investment 

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (Murkowski)

Michael Bean, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks 
Mar. 15, 2016

FY17 Budget Request - FWS

Subcommittee oversight hearing on the Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Request for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 

House Appropriations S/C on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies (Calvert)

Dan Ashe, Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 

Chris Nolin, Budget Officer, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Mar. 9, 2016

FY17 Budget Request - Indian Country

Full Committee oversight hearing on the President's Fiscal Year 2017 Indian Country Budget Request 

Senate Indian Affairs Committee (Barrasso)

Larry Roberts, Acting Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs 
Mar. 3, 2016

FY17 Budget Request - BLM 

Subcommittee oversight hearing on the 2017 Budget Request for the Bureau of Land Management 

House Appropriations S/C on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies (Calvert)

Neil Kornze, Director, Bureau of Land Management 
Mar. 3, 2016

FY17 Budget Request - OSMRE 

Subcommittee oversight hearing on the Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Request for the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement 

House Appropriations S/C on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies (Calvert)

Joseph Pizarchik, Director, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement 
Mar. 2, 2016

FY17 Budget Request - Army Corps Eng & BOR

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Request and Funding Justification for the Army Corps of Engineers and the Department of the Interior's Bureau of Reclamation 

Senate Appropriations S/C on Energy and Water Development (Alexander)

Tom Iseman, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Water and Science

Estevan Lopez, Commissioner, Bureau of Reclamation

Mar. 2, 2016

FY Budget Request - DOI 

Subcommittee oversight hearing on the Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Request for the Department of the Interior 

House Appropriations S/C on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies (Calvert)

Sally Jewell, Secretary 
Mar. 2, 2016

FY Budget Request - BOEM, BSEE, BLM

Subcommittee oversight hearing on The Impact of the President's FY 2017 Budget on the Energy and Mineral Leasing and Production Missions of the Bureau of Energy Management (BOEM), the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)

House Natural Resources S/C on Energy and Mineral Resources (Lamborn)

Abigail Hopper, Director, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management 

Neil Kornze, Director, Bureau of Land Management 

Brian Salerno, Director, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement 

Mar. 2, 2016

FY17 Budget Request – DOI

Subcommittee oversight hearing on the Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Request for the Department of the Interior

Senate Appropriations S/C on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies (Murkowski) 

Sally Jewell, Secretary
Mar. 1, 2016

FY17 Budget Request - DOI

Full Committee oversight hearing on the Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Request for the Department of the Interior 

House Natural Resources Committee (Bishop) 

Sally Jewell, Secretary 

Michael Connor, Deputy Secretary 

Feb., Feb. 25

Lands Bills

Subcommitee hearing on 
H.R. 2316 (Labrador), Self-Sufficient Community Lands Act

H.R. 3650 (Young), State National Forest Management Act of 2015

H.R. 3826 (Walden), Mount Hood Cooper Spur Land Exchange Clarification Act

H.R. 4510 (Polis), Bolts Ditch Access and Use Act

H.R. 4579 (Stewart), Utah Test and Training Range Encroachment Prevention and Temporary Closure Act

House Natural Resources S/C on Federal Lands (McClintock)

Karen Mouritsen, Deputy Assistant Director, Energy, Minerals and Realty Management, Bureau of Land Management 
Feb. 24, 2016

Mitigation Regulations 

Subcommittee oversight hearing on The Imposition of New Regulations Through the President's Memorandum on Mitigation

House Natural Resources S/C on Oversight and Investigations (Gohmert)

Michael Bean, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks
Feb. 24, 2016

Lands Bills 

Subcommittee hearing on 
H.R. 3477 (Mullin), The Native American Tourism and Improving Visitor Experience Act

H.R. 3599 (Fleischmann), Eastern Band Cherokee Historic Lands Reacquisition Act

House Natural Resources S/C on Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs (Young)

Ann Marie Bledsoe Downes, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and Economic Development in Indian Affairs 
Feb. 24, 2016

California Water Supply Outlook

Subcommittee oversight hearing on The 2016 California Water Supply Outlook During the El Nino and Three Years of Restricted Water Deliveries 

House Natural Resources S/C on Water, Power and Oceans (Fleming)

David Murillo, Regional Director, Mid-Pacific Region, Bureau of Reclamation 
Feb. 23, 2016

FY17 Budget Request - DOI 

Full Committee oversight hearing on the Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Request for the Department of the Interior 

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (Murkowski)

Sally Jewell, Secretary

Michael Connor, Deputy Secretary 

Feb. 11, 2016

FY17 Budget Request – BOR

Appropriations Subcommittee oversight hearing on the Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Request for the Bureau of Reclamation

House Appropriations S/C on Energy and Water Development (Simpson)

Estevan Lopez, Commissioner, Bureau of Reclamation
Feb. 11, 2016

Parks Bills

Subcommittee hearing on
H.R. 87 (Blackburn), Shiloh National Military Park Boundary Adjustment and Parker’s Crossroads Battlefield Designation Act

H.R. 295 (Clyburn), To reauthorize the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Historic Preservation program

H.R. 1621 (Forbes), To modify the boundary of Petersburg National Battlefield in the Commonwealth of Virginia

H.R. 2817 (Turner), National Historic Preservation Amendments Act of 2015

House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Federal Lands (McClintock)

Stephanie Toothman, Associate Director for Cultural Resources, Partnerships and Science, National Park Service
Feb. 10, 2016

Native/Endangered Fish Federal Statues

Subcommittee oversight hearing on The Costly Impacts of Predation and Conflicting Federal Statutes on Native and Endangered Fish Species

House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water, Power and Oceans (Fleming)

Statement for the Record, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 
Feb. 3, 2016

Stream Protection Rule

Full Committee oversight hearing on Endangered Species Act and Clean Water Act implications of the Stream Protection Rule

Senate Environment and Public Works (Inhofe)

Joseph Pizarchik, Director, Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Enforcement
Feb. 2, 2016

Maritime Resources Legislation

Subcommittee hearing on
H.R. 3070 (Zeldin)A bill to clarify that for purposes of all Federal laws governing marine fisheries management, the landward boundary of the exclusive economic zone between areas south of Montauk, New York, and Point Judith, Rhode Island

H.R. 4245 (Pingree)To exempt importation and exportation of sea urchins and sea cucumbers from licensing requirements under the Endangered Species Act of 1973

House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water, Power and Oceans (Fleming)

William Woody, Chief, Office of Law Enforcement, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Jan. 22, 2016

St. George Draft Resource Management Plan

Subcommittee oversight field hearing on Ensuring Local Input, Legal Consistency, and Multi-Use Resource Management in St. George BLM Planning

House Natural Resources S/C on Federal Lands (McClintock)

Jenna Whitlock, Acting Utah State Director, Bureau of Land Management
Dec. 9, 2015

Gold King Mine 

Full Committee oversight hearing on Department of the Interior's Role in the EPA's Animas Spill 

House Natural Resources Committee (Bishop)

Sally Jewel, Secretary
Dec. 9, 2015

Lands BIlls 

Subcommitee hearing on 
H.R. 1838 (Farr), Clear Creek National Recreation Area and Conservation Act

H.R. 3668 (Cook), California Minerals, Off-Road Recreation, and Conservation Act

House Natural Resources S/C on Federal Lands (McClintock)

Kristen Bail, Assistant Director, National Landscape Conservation System and Community Partnerships, Bureau of Land Management
Dec. 8, 2015

Stream Protection Rule 

Joint Subcommittee oversight hearing on A Proposed Rule to Protect Streams and Wildlife from Adverse Impacts of Surface Mining 

House Oversight and Government Reform S/C on Interior (Lummis)

House Oversight and Government Reform S/C on Healthcare, Benefits and Administrative Rules (Jordan)

Janice Schneider, Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management 
Dec. 8, 2015

NPS Centennial Act 

Full Committee hearing on 
S. 2257 (Cantwell), A bill to prepare the National Park Service for its Centennial in 2016 and for a second century of protecting our national parks' natural, and cultural resources for present and future generations 

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (Murkowski)

Jon Jarvis, Director, National Park Service
Dec. 8, 2015

Coal Valuation Rule 

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Consolidated Federal Oil and Gas and Federal and Indian Coal Valuation Regulation 

House Natural Resources S/C on Energy and Minerals Resources (Lamborn)

Greg Gould, Director, Office of Natural Resources Revenue 
Dec. 2, 2015

Improving Tribal Justice Systems 

Full Committee oversight hearing on Tribal Law and Order Act (TLOA) - 5 Years Later: How have the justice systems in Indian Country improved?

Senate Indian Affairs Committee (Barrasso)

Larry Roberts, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs 
Dec. 2, 2015

NPS Centennial 

Subcommittee hearing on 
H.R. __, The National Park Service Centennial Act

House Natural Resources S/C on Federal Lands (McClintock)

Jon Jarvis, Director, National Park Service 
Dec. 1, 2015

Invasive Species 

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Examining Invasive Species Policy 

House Oversight and Government Reform S/C on Interior (Lummis)

Jamie Reaser, Executive Director, National Invasive Species Council
Dec. 1, 2015

Offshore Regulations 

Full Committee oversight hearing on Offshore Oil and Gas Production Regulations 

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (Murkowski)

Brian Salerno, Director, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
Nov. 18, 2015

Conservation Measures 

Full Committee hearing on 
H.R. __, Protecting America's Recreation and Conservation Act

House Natural Resources Committee (Bishop)

Kristen Sarri, Principal Depty Assistant Secretary for Policy, Management and Budget
Nov. 5, 2015

Regulations Review

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Agency Progress in Retrospective Review of Existing Regulations 

Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and Federal Management (Lankford)

Liz Klein, Associate Deputy Secretary 
Nov. 4, 2015

Minerals Legislation 

Subcommittee oversight hearing on U.S. Geological Survey Science for Effective Abandoned Mine Land Remediation 

House Natural Resources S/C on Energy and Minerals Resources (Lamborn)

Dr.Geoffrey Plumlee, Research Geochemist, U.S. Geological Survey
Nov. 4, 2015

Indian Affairs Legislation 

Subcommittee hearing on
H.R. 2009 (Grijalva), Pascua Yaqui Tribe Land Conveyance Act of 2015

H.R. 2719 (Kilmer), Tribal Coastal Resiliency Act

H.R. 3079 (McClintock), To take certain Federal land located in Tuolumne County, California, into trust for the benefit of the Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians

House Natural Resources S/C on Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs (Young)

Michael Smith, Deputy Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs 
Nov. 4, 2015

Federal Lands Legislation 

Subcommittee heairng on
H.R. 1815 (>Hardy), Eastern Nevada Land Implementation Improvement Act

H.R. 3342 (Fleming), To provide for stability of title to certain lands in the State of Louisiana 

House Natural Resources S/C on Federal Lands (McClintock)

Steve Ellis, Deputy Director, Operations, Bureau of Land Management
Oct. 28, 2015

Tribal Recognition Act

To provide that an Indian group may receive Federal acknowledgment as an Indian tribe only by an Act of Congress

House Natural Resources S/C on Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs (Young)

Kevin Washburn, Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs
Oct. 28, 2015

Recreation Fees

Full Committee legislative hearing on soon to be introduced bill to reauthorize and amend the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act

House Natural Resources Committee (Bishop)

Olivia Ferriter, Deputy Assistant Secretary - Budget, Finance, Performance and Acquisition
Oct. 28, 2015

Lands Legislation

Subcommittee hearing on
H.R. 1219 (Cole), Arbuckle Project Maintenance Complex and District Office Conveyance Act of 2015

H.R. 1296 (Hunter), To amend the San Luis Rey Indian Water Rights Settlement Act to clarify certain settlement terms 

H.R. 3062 (Womack), To prohibit the use of eminent domain in carrying out certain projects 

House Natural Resources S/C on Water, Power and Oceans (Fleming)

Letty Belin, Counselor to the Deputy Secretary of the Interior 
Oct. 27, 2015

Stream Protection Rule

Full Committee oversight hearing on the Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Enforcement’s proposed Stream Protection Rule

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (Murkowski)

Janice Schneider, Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management 
Oct. 21, 2015

Energy Development

Full Committee oversight hearing on the Government Accountability Office report titled Indian Energy Development: Poor Management by BIA Has Hindered Development on Indian Lands

Senate Committee on Indian Affairs (Barrasso)

Larry Roberts, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs 
Oct. 20, 2015

Energy, Interior Nominations

Full Committee nomination hearing for
Cherry Ann Murray, to be Director of th Office of Science at the Department of Energy

Victoria Marie Baecher Wassmer, to be Under Secretary of Energy

Mary L. Kendall, to be Inspector General at the Department of the Interior 

Suzette M. Kimball, to be Director of the United States Geological Survey

Kristen Joan Sarri, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Interior (Policy, Management and Budget)

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (Murkowski)

Mary L. Kendall, Nominee

Suzette M. Kimball, Nominee

Kristen J. Sarri, Nominee 

Oct. 8, 2015

Lands Measures

Subcommittee hearing on
S. 414 (Feinstein), A bill to provide for conservation, enhanced recreation opportunities, and development of renewable energy in the California Desert Conservation Area

S. 872 (Murkowski), A bill to provide for the recognition of certain Native communities and the settlement of certain claims under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act

S. 1295 (Bennet) and H.R. 1324 (Polis), A bill to adjust the boundary of the Arapaho National Forest, Colorado

S. 1448 (Wyden), A bill to designate the Frank Moore Wild Steelhead Sanctuary in the State of Oregon

S. 1592 (Flake), A bill to clarify the description of certain Federal land under the Northern Arizona Land Exchange and Verde River Basin Partnership Act of 2005 to include additional land in the Kaibab National Forest

S. 1941 (Gardner) and H.R. 2223 (Lamborn), A bill to authorize, direct, expedite, and facilitate a land exchange in El Paso and Teller Counties, Colorado

S. 1942 (Gardner) and  H.R. 1554 (Tipton), A bill to require a land conveyance involving the Elkhorn Ranch and the White River National Forest in the State of Colorado

S. 1955 (Murkowski), A bill to amend the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act to provide for equitable allotment of land to Alaska Native veterans

S. 1971 (Boxer), A bill to expand the boundary of the California Coastal National Monument

S. 2069 (Wyden), A bill To amend the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 to modify provisions relating to certain land exchanges in the Mt. Hood Wilderness in the State of Oregon

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on Public Lands, Forests, and Mining (Barrasso)

Steve Ellis, Deputy Director, Bureau of Land Management
Oct. 8, 2015

Water Bills

Full Committee hearing on
S. 1583 (Murkowski), A bill to authorize the expansion of an existing hydroelectric project

S. 1894 (Feinstein), California Emergency Drought Relief Act of 2015

S. 1936 (Udall), New Mexico Drought Preparedness Act of 2015

S. 2046 (Murkowski), A bill to authorize the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to issue and order continuing a stay of a hydroelectric license for the Mahoney Lake hydroelectric project in the State of Alaska

H.R. 2898 (Valadao), Western Water and American Food Security of 2015 

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (Murkowski)

Mike Connor, Deputy Secretary
Oct. 7, 2015

Indian Affairs Land Policy

Full Committee hearing on
S. 817 (Wyden), A bill to provide for the addition of certain real property to the reservation of the Siletz Tribe in the State of Oregon

S. 818 (Wyden), A bill to amend the Grand Ronde Reservation Act to make technical corrections

S. 1436 (Reid), A bill to require the Secretary of the Interior to take land into trust for certain Indian tribes

S. 1761 (Boxer),  A bill to take certain Federal land located in Lassen County, California, into trust for the benefit of the Susanville Indian Rancheria

S. 1822 (Boxer), A bill to take certain Federal land located in Tuolumne County, California, into trust for the benefit of the Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians

S. 1986 (Reid), A bill to provide for a land conveyance in the State of Nevada

H.R. 387 (Ruiz), To provide for certain land to be taken into trust for the benefit of Morongo Band of Mission Indians

Senate Committee on Indian Affairs (Barrasso)

Michaeal Smith, Deputy Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs 

Oct. 1, 2015

Soda Ash Competitiveness

Subcommittee hearing on 

. 2031 (Barrasso), A bill to reduce temporarily the royalty required to be paid for sodium produced on Federal lands

Senate Energy and Natural Resources S/C on Public Lands, Forests, and Mining (Barrasso)

Amanda Leiter, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Land and Minerals Management
Sep. 29, 2015

Briefing - Endangered Species Act Implementation

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Improving the Endangered Species Act: Perspectives from the Fish and Wildlife Service and State Governors 

Senate Environment and Public Works S/C on Fisheries, Water and Wildlife (Sullivan)

Dan Ashe, Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 
Sep. 29, 2015

Tribal Recognition

Subcommittee hearing on
H.R. 286 (Zinke), To extend the Federal recognition of the Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians of Montana

H.R. 872 (Wittman), To extend Federal Recognition to the Chickahominy Indian Tribe, the Chickahominy Indian Tribe –Eastern Division, the Upper Mattaponi Tribe, the Rappahannock Tribe, Inc., the Monacan Indian Nation, and the Nansemond Indian Tribe

House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Indian, Insular, and Alaska Native Affairs (Young)

Kevin Washburn, Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs
Sep. 17, 2015

Federal Land Policy 

Full Committee oversight hearing on agency implementation of the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act 

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (Murkowski)

Peggy O’Dell, Deputy Director, National Park Service 
Sep. 17, 2015

Animas River Spill 

Full Joint Committee oversight hearing on EPA's Animas Spill

House Natural Resources Committee (Bishop) and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee (Chaffetz)

Statement for the Record, Department of the Interior 
Sep. 15, 2015

Gulf of Mexico Energy Production

Full Committee oversight field hearing on The Impacts of Federal Policies on Energy Production and Economic Growth in the Gulf

House Natural Resources Committee (Bishop)

Lars Herbst, Gulf of Mexico Regional Director, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
Sep. 11, 2015

World Trade Center 9/11 Memorial

Subcommittee hearing on
H.R. 3036 (MacArthur), National 9/11 Memorial at the World Trade Center Act

House Natural Resources S/C on Federal Lands (McClintock) 

Statement for the Record, National Park Service 
Sep. 11, 2015

Federal Superfund Facility Cleanup

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Oversight of Federal Facility Cleanup under CERCLA

House Energy and Commerce S/C on Environment and the Economy (Shimkus)

Statement for the Record, Department of Interior
Aug. 17, 2015

Mitigation Requirements 

Joint Subcommittee oversight hearing on Federal Mitigation Requirements and Interagency Coordination Related to Economic Development on Federal, State, and Private Lands

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (Murkowski) and Senate Environment and Public Works S/C on Fisheries, Water and Wildlife (Sullivan) 

Ted Murphy, Associate State Director, Bureau of Land Management
Aug. 3, 2015

National Park Restricted Access

Joint Full Committee oversight hearing on Restricted Access at Biscayne National Park and Implications for Fishermen, Small Businesses, the Local Economy and Environment. 

House Natural Resources (Bishop) and House Small Business Committee (Curbelo)

Brian Carstrom, Superintendent, Biscayne National Park, National Park Service
Jul. 23, 2015

Water Management Bills

Subcommittee hearing on
H.R. 564 (Herrera Beutler), To amend the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 to reduce predation on endangered Columbia River salmon and other nonlisted species

H.R. 1772 (Carey), To direct the Secretary of the Interior to establish a nonregulatory program to build on and help coordinate funding for restoration and protection efforts of the 4-State Delaware River Basin region

H.R. 2168 (Herrera Beutler), To make the current Dungeness crab fishery management regime permanent

House Natural Resources S/C on Water, Power and Oceans (Fleming)

Wendi Weber, Regional Director, Northeast Region, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 
Jul. 23, 2015

National Park Service Concessions

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Modernizing the National Park Service Concession Program

House Oversight and Government Reform S/C on Interior (Lummis)

Lena McDowall, Chief Financial Officer, National Park Service
Jul., 22, 2015

Indian Affairs Legislation

Subcommittee legislative hearing on
H.R. 1880 (Lujan Grisham), Albuquerque Indian School Land Transfer Act

H.R. 2388 (Young), Subsistence Access Management Act of 2015

House Natural Resources Indian, Insular, and Alaska Native Affairs Subcommittee (Young)

Michael Smith, Deputy Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs

Statement for the Record, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Jul. 16, 2015

Forest and Timber Issues

Subcommittee hearing on
S. 132 (Wyden), A bill to improve timber management on Oregon and California Railroad and Coos Bay Wagon Road grant land

S. 326 (Flake), A bill to amend the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 to provide cancellation ceilings for stewardship end result contracting projects

S. 1691 (Barrasso), A bill to expedite and prioritize forest management activities to achieve ecosystem restoration objectives

Senate Energy and Natural Resources S/C on Public Lands, Forests and Mining (Barrasso)

Steve Ellis, Deputy Director, Operations, Bureau of Land Management
Jul. 15, 2015

Fracking on Federal Lands

Subcommittee oversight hearing on The Future of Hydraulic Fracturing on Federally Managed Lands

 House Committee on Natural Resources, Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources (Lamborn) 

Neil Kornze, Director, Bureau of Land Management
Jul. 15, 2015

Indian Country Juvenile Justice

Full Committee oversight hearing on Juvenile Justice in Indian Country: Challenges and Promising Strategies

Senate Indian Affairs Committee (Barrasso)

Darren Cruzan, Director, Office of Justice Services, Bureau of Indian Affairs
Jul. 15, 2015

Data Breach

Joint Subcommittee oversight hearing on Cybersecurity: The Department of the Interior 

House Oversight and Government Affairs S/C on Interior (Lummis) and S/C on Information Technology (Hurd)

Sylvia Burns, Chief Information Officer

Mary Kendall, Deputy Inspector General

Jul. 15, 2015

Tribal Land and Economic Development

Subcommittee hearing on
H.R. 1028 (Pearce), To provide for the implementation of the negotiated property division regarding Former Fort Wingate Depot Activity in McKinley County, New Mexico

H.R. 2684 (Young), To restore tribal economic development opportunity for the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas on terms that are equal and fair

H.R. 2733 (Amodei), To require the Secretary of the Interior to take land into trust for certain Indian tribes

House Natural Resources S/C on Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs (Young)

Michael Smith, Deputy Director, Bureau of Operations, Bureau of Indian Affairs  
Jun. 25, 2015

Water Use and Infrastructure BIlls

Subcommittee legislative hearing on
H.R. 1107 (Gosar), To require the Secretary of the Interior to submit to Congress a report on the efforts of the Bureau of Reclamation to manage its infrastructure assets

H.R. 1406 (Lujan), To make technical corrections to the Navajo water rights settlement in the State of New Mexico

H.R. 2273 (Lummis), To amend the Colorado River Storage Project Act to authorize the use of the active capacity of the Fontenelle Reservoir

H.R. 2749 (Valadao), To amend the Reclamation Safety of Dams Act of 1978

House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water, Power and Oceans (Fleming)

Estevan Lopez, Commissioner, Bureau of Reclamation

Jun. 24, 2015

GAO Report on Renewable Energy Bonding

Subcommittee oversight hearing on GAO Report Documents BLM's Chronic Mismanagment of Wind and Solar Reclamation Bonds

House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations (Gohmert)

Steve Ellis, Deputy Director, Operations, Bureau of Land Management

Jun. 19, 2015

Operation Something Bruin

Subcommittee oversight field hearing on the oversight of Operation Something Bruin, a multi-agency initiative focused on poaching and other illegal activities involving bears and other wildlife primarily in North Carolina and Georgia

House Oversight and Government Reform S/C on Government Operations (Meadows)

Luis Santiago, Special Agent, Southeast Region, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Jun. 18, 2015

Water Bills

Subcommittee hearing on
S. 593 (Barrasso), Bureau of Reclamation Transparency Act

S. 982 (Barrasso), Water Rights Protection Act

S. 1291 (Fischer), A bill to authorize early repayment of obligations to the Bureau of Reclamation within the Northport Irrigation District in the State of Nebraska

S. 1305 (Barrasso), A bill to amend the Colorado River Storage Project Act to authorize the use of the active capacity of the Fontenelle Reservoir

S. 1365 (Tester), Authorized Rural Water Projects Completion

S. 1533 (Barrasso), The Water Supply Permitting and Coordination Act

S. 1552 (Daines), Dry Red Water Rural Water and Musselshell Rural Water Projectst

Senate Energy and Natural Resources S/C on Water and Power (Lee)

Dionne Thompson, Deputy Commissioner for External and Intergovernmental Affairs, Bureau of Reclamation

Jun. 17, 2015

Tribal Land Legislation

Subcommittee hearing on
H.R. 1157 (LaMalfa), Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Mission Indians Land Transfer Act of 2015

H.R. 2386 (Young), Unrecognized Southeast Alaska Native Communities Recognition and Compensation Act

H.R. 2538 (Huffman), Lytton Rancheria Homelands Act of 2015

House Natural Resources S/C on Indian, Insular, and Alaska Native Affairs (Young)

Mike Black, Director, Bureau of Land Management

Jun. 16, 2015

Arctic Resources

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Arctic Resources and American Competitiveness

House Natural Resources S/C on Energy and Mineral Resources (Lamborn)

Brian Salerno, Director, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement

Jun. 16, 2015

OPM Data Breach

Full Committee oversight hearing on the recent data breach at the Office of Personnel Management computers disclosed by the agency on June 4

House Oversight and Government Affairs Committee (Chaffetz)

Sylvia Burns, Chief Information Officer

Jun. 16, 2015

Federal Lands Bills

Subcommittee hearing on
H.R. 482 (Bishop), Ocmulgee Mounds National Historical Park Boundary Revision Act of 2015

H.R. 496 (Cook), To Establish the Alabama Hills National Scenic Area in the State of California

H.R. 959 (Thompson), Medgar Evers House Study Act

H.R. 1138 (Simpson), Sawtooth National Recreation Area and Jerry Peak Wilderness Additions Act

H.R. 1554 (Tipton), Elkhorn Ranch and White River National Forest Conveyance Act of 2015

H.R. 2223 (Lamborn), To authorize, direct, expedite, and facilitate a land exchange in El Paso and Teller Counties, Colorado

House Natural Resources S/C on Federal Lands (McClintock)

Karen Mouritsen, Deputy Assistant Director, Energy, Minerals and Realty, Bureau ofLand Management

Statement for the Record, National Park Service

Jun. 10, 2015

Indian Affairs Legislation

Subcommittee hearing on
H.R. 487 (Mullin), To allow the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma to lease or transfer certain lands

H.R. 2212 (LaMalfa), To take certain Federal lands located in Lassen County, California, into trust for the benefit of the Susanville Indian Rancheria

H.R. 2387 (Young), To amend the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act to provide for equitable allotment of land to Alaska Native veterans

House Natural Resources S/C on Indian, Insular, and Alaska Native Affairs (Young)

Mike Black, Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs

Jun. 10, 2015

National Parks Measures

Full Committee hearing on
S. 145 (Flake), To require the Director of the National Park Service to refund to States all State funds that were used to reopen and temporarily operate a unit of the National Park System during the October 2013 shutdown

S. 146 (Flake), To authorize the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture to enter into agreements with States and political subdivisions of States providing for the continued operation, in whole or in part, of public land, units of the National Park System, units of the National Wildlife Refuge System, and units of the National Forest System in the State during any period in which the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture is unable to maintain normal level of operations at the units due to a lapse in appropriations

S. 319 (Murkowski), A bill to designate a mountain in the State of Alaska as Mount Denali

S. 329 (Murphy), To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate certain segments of the Farmington River and Salmon Brook in the State of Connecticut as components of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System

S. 403 (Klobuchar), To revise the authorized route of the North Country National Scenic Trail in northeastern Minnesota and to extend the trail into Vermont to connect with the Appalachian National Scenic Trail

S. 521 (Cardin), To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a special resource study of President Station in Baltimore, Maryland

S. 610 (Cardin), To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a special resource study of P.S. 103 in West Baltimore, Maryland

S. 782 (McCain), To direct the Secretary of the Interior to establish a bison management plan for Grand Canyon National Park

S. 873 (Murkowski), To designate the wilderness within the Lake Clark National Park and Preserve in the State of Alaska as the Jay S. Hammond Wilderness Area

S. 1483 (Alexander), To direct the Secretary of the Interior to study the suitability and feasibility of designating the James K Polk Home in Columbia, Tennessee, as a unit of the National Park System

Senate Energy and Natural Resources S/C on National Parks (Cassidy)

Victor Knox, Associate Director, Park Planning, Facilities and Lands, National Park Service

Jun. 10, 2015

Victim Services in Indian Country

Full Committee oversight hearing on Addressing the Need for Victim Services in Indian Country

Senate Committee on Indian Affairs (Barrasso)

Darren Cruzan, Director, Office of Justice Services, Bureau of Indian Affairs

Jun. 9, 2015

Energy Measures Bills

Full Committee hearing on
S. 15 (Hatch), Protecting States' Rights to Promote American Energy Security Act

S. 454 (Alexander), Exascale Computing for Science, Competitiveness, Advanced Manufacturing, Leadership, and the Economy Act of 2015

S. 784 (Heinrich), Microlab Technology Commercialization Act of 2015

S. 1033 (Coons), Quadrennial Energy Review Act of 2015

S. 1054 (Shaheen), A bill to improve the productivity and energy efficiency of the manufacturing sector by directing the Secretary of Energy, in coordination with the National Academies and other appropriate Federal agencies, to develop a national smart manufacturing plan and to provide assistance to small- and medium-sized manufacturers in implementing smart manufacturing programs

S. 1068 (Risch), A bill to amend the Federal Power Act to protect the bulk-power system from cyber security threats

S. 1181 (Cassidy), A bill to expand the Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing Program to include commercial trucks and United States flagged vessels, to return unspent funds and loan proceeds to the United States Treasury to reduce the national debt

S. 1187 (Coons), A bill to improve management of the National Laboratories, enhance technology commercialization, facilitate public-private partnerships

S. 1216 (Murkowski), A bill to amend the Natural Gas Act to modify a provision relating to civil penalties

S. 1218 (Murkowski), A bill to establish an interagency coordination committee or subcommittee with the leadership of the Department of Energy and the Department of the Interior, focused on the nexus between energy and water production, use, and efficiency

S. 1221 (Murkowski), A bill to amend the Federal Power Act to require periodic reports on electricity reliability and reliability impact statements for rules affecting the reliable operation of the bulk-power system

S. 1223 (Murkowski), A bill to amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to improve the loan guarantee program for innovative technologies

S. 1229 (Murkowski), A bill to require the Secretary of Energy to submit a plan to implement recommendations to improve interactions between the Department of Energy and National Laboratories

S. 1230 (Murkowski), A bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to establish a program under which the Director of the Bureau of Land Management shall enter into memoranda of understanding with States providing for State oversight of oil and gas productions activities

S. 1241 (Cantwell), A bill to provide for the modernization, security, and resiliency of the electric grid, to require the Secretary of Energy to carry out programs for research, development, demonstration, and information-sharing for cybersecurity for the energy sector

S. 1256 (Franken), Advancing Grid Storage Act of 2015

S. 1258 (Franken), Local Energy Supply and Resiliency Act of 2015

S. 1259 (Heinrich), National Laboratory Technology Maturation Act of 2015

S. 1263 (Hirono), Clean Energy Technology Manufacturing and Export Assistance Act of 2015

S. 1274 (Hirono), A bill to amend the National Energy Conservation Policy Act to reauthorize Federal agencies to enter into long-term contracts for the acquisition of energy

S. 1275 (Merkley), Job Creation through Energy Efficient Manufacturing Act

S. 1277 (Hirono), Federal Energy Savings Enhancement Act of 2015

S. 1293 (Heitkamp), A bill to establish the Department of Energy as the lead agency for coordinating all requirements under Federal law with respect to eligible clean coal and advanced coal technology generating projects

S. 1306 (Manchin), Energy Independence Investment Act of 2015

S. 1310 (Markey), Deficit Reduction Through Fair Oil Royalties Act

S. 1311 (Markey), Oil Spill Deterrent Act

S. 1312 (Murkowski), Energy Supply and Distribution Act of 2015

S. 1338 (King), Small HyDRO Act of 2015

S. 1340 (Markey), Coal Oversight and Leasing Reform Act of 2015

S. 1346 (Murkowski), E-Prize Competition Pilot Program Act of 2015

S. 1363 (Crapo), A bill to require the Secretary of Energy to submit to Congress a report assessing the capability of the Department of Energy to authorize, host, and oversee privately funded fusion and fission reactor prototypes and related demonstration facilities at sites owned by the Department of Energy

S. 1398 (Alexander), A bill to extend, improve, and consolidate energy research and development programs

S. 1405 (Franken), A bill to require a coordinated response to coal fuel supply emergencies that could impact electric power system adequacy or reliability

S. 1407 (Heller), A bill to promote the development of renewable energy on public land

S. 1408 (Peters), A bill to provide for a program of research, development, demonstration, and commercial application in vehicle technologies at the Department of Energy

S. 1420 (Cantwell), A bill to amend the Department of Energy Organization Act to provide for the collection of information on critical energy supplies, to establish a Working Group on Energy Markets

S. 1422 (Heinrich), A bill to require the Secretary of Energy to establish a comprehensive program to improve education and training for energy- and manufacturing-related jobs to increase the number of skilled workers trained to work in energy and manufacturing-related fields

S. 1428 (Barrasso), A bill to amend the USEC Privatization Act to require the Secretary of Energy to issue a long-term Federal excess uranium inventory management plan

S. 1432 (Cantwell), A bill to require the Secretary of Energy to conduct a study on the technology, potential lifecycle energy savings, and economic impact of recycled carbon fiber

S. 1434 (Heinrich), A bill to amend the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 to establish an energy storage portfolio standard

S. 1449 (Stabenow), A bill to amend the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 to add certain medium-duty and heavy-duty vehicles to the advanced technology vehicles manufacturing incentive program

H.R. 35 (Hultgren), Low-Dose Radiation Research Act of 2015

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (Murkowski)

Statement for the Record, Department of the Interior

Jun. 2, 2015

Western US Drought Conditions

Full Committee oversight hearing on the Status of Drought Conditions throughout the Western United States and Actions States and Others are Taking to Address Them

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (Murkowski)

Michael Connor, Deputy Secretary

May 21, 2015

Public Lands, Forests and Mining Bills

Subcommittee hearing on
S. 160 (Heller), A bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to expedite access to certain Federal land under the administrative jurisdiction of each Secretary for good Samaritan search-and-recovery missions

S. 365 (Hatch), A bill to improve rangeland conditions and restore grazing levels within the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah

S. 472 (Heller), A bill to promote conservation, improve public land, and provide for sensible development in Douglas County, Nevada

S. 583 (Risch), A bill to establish certain wilderness areas in central Idaho and to authorize various land conveyances involving National Forest System land and Bureau of Land Management land in central Idaho

S. 814 (Wyden), A bill to provide for the conveyance of certain Federal land in the State of Oregon to the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians

S. 815 (Wyden), A bill to provide for the conveyance of certain Federal land in the State of Oregon to the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians

S. 1240 (Heinrich), A bill to designate the Cerro del Yuta and Rio San Antonio Wilderness Areas in the State of New Mexico

Senate Energy and Natural Resources S/C Public Lands, Forests & Mining (Barrasso)

Timothy Murphy, Acting Assistant Director, National Conservation Lands and Community Partnerships, Bureau of Land Management

Statement for the Record, National Park Service

May 20, 2015

Native American Water Rights Settlements

Full Committee oversight hearing on Addressing the Needs of Native Communities Through Indian Water Rights Settlements

Senate Indian Affairs Committee (Barrasso)

Michael Connor, Deputy Secretary

May 20, 2015

Electricity Reliability and Forest Protection

Subcommittee hearing on draft bill
H.R. 2358 (Zinke), Electricity Reliability and Forest Protection Act

House Natural Resources S/C Water, Power and Power (Fleming)

Karen Mouritsen, Deputy Assistant Director, Energy, Minerals, and Realty Management, Bureau of Land Management

May 20, 2015

Nat'l Energy Security Corridors Act

Subcommittee hearing on
H.R. 2295 (MacArthur), National Energy Security Corridors Act

House Natural Resources S/C on Energy and Minerals Resources (Lamborn)

Timothy Spisak, Senior Advisor, Minerals and Realty Management, Bureau of Land Management

May 20, 2015


Joint Subcommittee hearing on draft legislation
H.R. __, To protect and enhance opportunities for recreational hunting, fishing, and shooting

House Natural Resources S/C on Federal Lands (McClintock)and S/C on Water, Power and Oceans (Fleming)

Steve Ellis, Deputy Director, Bureau of Land Management

May 19, 2015

Energy Supply Measures

Full Committee hearing on
S. 562 (Heller), Geothermal Exploration Opportunities Act of 2015

S. 822 (Wyden), Geothermal Production Expansion Act of 2015

S. 1026 (Barrasso), North American Alternative Fuels Act

S. 1057 (Wyden), A bill to promote geothermal energy

S. 1058 (Wyden), Marine and Hydrokinetic Renewable Energy Act of 2015

S. 1103 (Daines), A bill to reinstate and extend the deadline for commencement of construction of a hydroelectric project involving Clark Canyon Dam

S. 1104 (Daines), A bill to extend the deadline for commencement of construction of a hydroelectric project involving the Gibson Dam

S. 1199 (Murray), A bill to authorize Federal agencies to provide alternative fuel to Federal employees on a reimbursable basis

S. 1215 (Murkowski), A bill to amend the Methane Hydrate Research and Development Act of 2000 to provide for the development of methane hydrate as a commercially viable source of energy

S. 1222 (Murkowski), A bill to amend the Federal Power Act to provide for reports relating to electric capacity resources of transmission organizations and the amendment of certain tariffs to address the procurement of electric capacity resources

S. 1224 (Murkowski), A bill to reconcile differing Federal approaches to condensate

S. 1226 (Murkowski), A bill to amend the Mineral Leasing Act and the Mineral Leasing Act for Acquired Lands to promote a greater domestic helium supply, to establish a Federal helium leasing program for public land, and to secure a helium supply for national defense and Federal researchers

S. 1236 (Murkowski), A bill to amend the Federal Power Act to modify certain requirements relating to trial-type hearings with respect to certain license applications before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

S. 1264 (Udall), A bill to amend the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 to establish a renewable electricity standard

S. 1270 (Gardner), A bill to amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to reauthorize hydroelectric production incentives and hydroelectric efficiency improvement incentives

S. 1271 (Markey), A bill to require the Secretary of the Interior to issue regulations to prevent or minimize the venting and flaring of gas in oil and gas production operations in the United States

S. 1272 (Markey), A bill to direct the Comptroller General of the United States to conduct a study on the effects of forward capacity auctions and other capacity mechanisms

S. 1276 (Cassidy), A bill to amend the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006 to increase energy exploration and production on the outer Continental Shelf in the Gulf of Mexico

S. 1278 (Murkowski), A bill to amend the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to provide for the conduct of certain lease sales in the Alaska outer Continental Shelf region, to make certain modifications to the North Slope Science Initiative

S. 1279 (Warner), A bill to provide for revenue sharing of qualified revenues from leases in the South Atlantic planning area

S. 1280 (Markey), A bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to establish an annual production incentive fee with respect to Federal onshore and offshore land that is subject to a lease for production of oil or natural gas under which production is not occurring

S. 1282 (Manchin), A bill to amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to require the Secretary of Energy to consider the objective of improving the conversion, use, and storage of carbon dioxide produced from fossil fuels in carrying out research and development programs under that Act

S. 1283 (Manchin), A bill to amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to repeal certain programs, to establish a coal technology program

S. 1285 (Heitkamp), A bill to authorize the Secretary of Energy to enter into contracts to provide certain price stabilization support relating to electric generation units that use coal-based generation technology

S. 1294 (Wyden), Bioenergy Act of 2015

S. 1304 (Cantwell), A bill to require the Secretary of Energy to establish a pilot competitive grant program for the development of a skilled energy workforce

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (Murkowski)

Abigal Ross Hopper, Director, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Statement for the Record, Bureau of Land Management

May 14, 2015

Trust Land Acquisition Standards

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Inadequate Standards for Trust Land Acquisition in the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934

House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs (Young)

Kevin Washburn, Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs

May 14, 2015

Native American Education Management

Full Committee oversight hearing on Examining the Federal Government's Mismanagement of Native American Schools

House Education and the Workforce Committee (Kline)

Charles Roessel, Director, Bureau of Indian Education

May 14, 2015

Energy Infrastructure Measures

Full Committee hearing on
S. 411 (Barrasso) Natural Gas Gathering Enhancement Act

S. 485 (Boozman), APPROVAL Act

S. 1017 (Heinrich) A bill to amend the Federal Power Act to improve the siting of interstate electric transmission facilities, and for other purposes

S. 1037 (Risch), A bill to expand the provisions for termination of mandatory purchase requirements under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978

S. 1196 (Cassidy), A bill to amend the Mineral Leasing Act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to grant rights-of-ways on Federal land

S. 1201 (Shaheen), A bill to advance the integration of clean distributed energy into electric grids

S. 1207 (Hirono), A bill to direct the Secretary of Energy to establish a grant program under which the Secretary shall make grants to eligible partnerships to provide for the transformation of the electric grid by the year 2030

S. 1210 (Capito), A bill to provide for the timely consideration of all licenses, permits, and approvals required under Federal law with respect to oil and gas production and distribution

S. 1213 (King), A bill to amend the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 and the Federal Power Act to facilitate the free market for distributed energy resources

S. 1217 (Murkowski), A bill to establish an Interagency Rapid Response Team for Transmission, to establish an Office of Transmission Ombudsperson

S. 1219 (Murkowski), A bill to amend the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 to provide for the safe and reliable interconnection of distributed resources and to provide for the examination of the effects of net metering

S. 1220 (Murkowski), A bill to improve the distribution of energy in the United States

S. 1225 (Murkowski), A bill to improve Federal land management, resource conservation, environmental protection, and use of Federal real property, by requiring the Secretary of the Interior to develop a multipurpose cadastre of Federal real property and identifying inaccurate, duplicate, and out-of-date Federal land inventories

S. 1227 (Murkowski), A bill to require the Secretary of Energy to develop an implementation strategy to promote the development of hybrid micro-grid systems for isolated communities

S. 1228 (Hoeven), A bill to require approval for the construction, connection, operation, or maintenance of oil or natural gas pipelines or electric transmission facilities at the national boundary of the United States for the import or export of oil, natural gas, or electricity to or from Canada or Mexico

S. 1231 (Murkowski), A bill to require congressional notification for certain Strategic Petroleum Reserve operations and to determine options available for the continued operation of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve

S. 1232 (Wyden), A bill to amend the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 to modify provisions relating to smart grid modernization

S. 1233 (Wyden), A bill to amend the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 to expand the electric rate-setting authority of States

S. 1237 (King, Jr.), A bill to amend the Natural Gas Act to limit the authority of the Secretary of Energy to approve certain proposals relating to export activities of liquefied natural gas terminals

S. 1242 (King, Jr.), A bill to amend the Natural Gas Act to require the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to consider regional constraints in natural gas supply and whether a proposed LNG terminal would benefit regional consumers of natural gas before approving or disapproving an application for the LNG terminal

S. 1243 (Cantwell), A bill to facilitate modernizing the electric grid

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (Murkowski)

Statement for the Record, Bureau of Land Management

May 14, 2015

Mining Regulation

Subcommittee hearing on
H.R. 1644 (Mooney), Supporting Transparent Regulatory and Environmental Actions in Mining Act (STREAM Act)

House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Energy and Minerals (Lamborn)

Statement for the Record, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement

May 13, 2015

FY16 BLM Budget and Related (Alaska) Issues

Subcommittee hearing on the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Request for the Bureau of Land Management and related issues

Senate Appropriations S/C Interior, Environment & Related Agencies (Murkowski)

Neil Kornze, Director, Bureau of Land Management

May 13, 2015

Educational Opportunities for Native American Children

Full Committee oversight hearing on BIE: Examining Organizational Challenges in Transforming Educational Opportunities for Native American Children

Senate Commmittee on Indian Affairs (Barrasso)

Charles Roessel, Director, Bureau of Indian Education

May 12, 2015

American Mineral Security Act

Full Committee hearing on
S. 883 (Murkowski), American Mineral Security Act of 2015

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (Murkowski)

Suzette Kimball, Acting Director, U.S. Geological Survey

May 6, 2015

FY16 Budget - FWS

Full Committee hearing on The President's Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Request for the Fish and Wildlife Service and

S. 112 (Heller), Common Sense in Species Protection Act of 2015

S. 292 (Cornyn), 21st Century Endangered Species Transparency Act

S. 293 (Cornyn), A bill to amend the Endangered Species Act of 1973 to establish a procedure for approval of certain settlements

S. 468 (Hatch), Sage-Grouse and Mule Deer Habitat Conservation and Restoration Act of 2015

S. 655 (Thune), A bill to prohibit the use of funds by the Secretary of the Interior to make a final determination on the listing of the northern long-eared bat under the Endangered Species Act of 1973

S. 736 (Enzi), State, Tribal, and Local Species Transparency and Recovery Act

S. 855 (Paul), Endangered Species Management Self-Determination Act

S. 1036 (Gardner), A bill to require the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to provide certain Western States assistance in the development of statewide conservation and management plans for the protection and recovery of sage-grouse species

S. 1081 (Booker), A bill to end the use of body-gripping traps in the National Wildlife Refuge System

Senate Environment and Public Works Committee (Inhofe)

Dan Ashe, Director, Fish and Wildlife Service

Apr. 30, 2015

Hydraulic Fracturing Rule

Subcommittee oversight hearing on the Bureau of Land Management's Final Hydraulic Fracturing Rule

Senate Energy and Natural Resources S/C on Public Lands, Forests and Mining (Barrasso)

Neil Kornze, Director, Bureau of Land Management

Apr. 29, 2015

D.C. Airspace Security

Full Committee oversight hearing on Flying Under the Radar: Securing Washington, D.C. Airspace

House Oversight and Government Reform (Cummings)

Robert McLean, Chief, U.S. Park Police, National Park Service

Apr. 22, 2015

Interior Tribal Recognition Process Issues

Subcommittee oversight hearing on The Obama Administration's Part 83 Revisions and How They May Allow the Interior Department to Create Tribes, Not Recognize Them

House Natural Resources S/C on Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs (Young)

Kevin Washburn, Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs

Apr. 22, 2015

Poaching National Security Issues

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Poaching and Terrorism: A National Security Challenge

House Foreign Affairs S/C on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade (Poe)

Robert Dreher, Associate Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Apr. 22, 2015

Transportation and Indian Issues

Full Committee oversight hearing on Tribal Transportation: Pathways to Safer Roads in Indian Country

Senate Indian Affairs Committee (Barrrasso)

Mike Black, Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs

Apr. 22, 2015

Land and Water Conservation Fund

Full Committee oversight hearing on The Reauthorization of and Potential Reforms to the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF)

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (Murkowski)

Mike Connor, Deputy Secretary

Apr. 22, 2015

Oil Spill Safety Improvements

Full Committee oversight hearing on Innovations in Safety Since the 2010 Macondo Incident

House Natural Resources Committee (Bishop)

Brian Salerno, Director, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement


Apr. 15, 2015

White House Offshore Energy Plan

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Examining the Future Impacts of President Obama's Offshore Energy Plan

House Natural Resources S/C on Energy and Mineral Resources (Lamborn)

Abigail Hopper, Director, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Apr. 14, 2015

Federal Water and Land Use Issues

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Proposed Federal Water Grabs and Their Potential Impacts on States, Water, and Power Users, and Landowners

House Natural Resources S/C on Water, Power and Oceans (Fleming)

Statement for the Record, Bureau of Land Management

Apr. 14, 2015

Tribal Land and Employment Bills

Subcommittee hearing on
H.R. 329 (Young),To amend the Indian Employment, Training and Related Services Demonstration Act of 1992 to facilitate the ability of Indian tribes to integrate the employment, training, and related services from diverse Federal sources

H.R. 521 (Young),To provide for the conveyance of certain property to the Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation located in Bethel, Alaska

H.R. 812 (Simpson),To provide for Indian trust asset management reform

House Natural Resources S/C on Indian, Insular, and Alaska Native Affairs (Young)

Vince Logan, Special Trustee for American Indians

Statement for the Record, Bureau of Indian Affairs

Apr. 14, 2015

Environmental and Chemical Safety Oversight

Subcommittee oversight hearing on Oversight of the Management of the Federal Environmental Protection, Chemical Safety and Fish and Wildlife Agencies

Senate Environment and Public Works S/C on Superfund, Waste Management and Regulatory Oversight (Rounds)

Mary Kendall, Inspector General

Mar. 31, 2015

Dangerous Drugs in Native Communities

Full Committee oversight field hearing on Addressing the Harmful Effects of Dangerous Drugs in Native Communities

Senate Indian Affairs Committee (Barrasso)

Darren Cruzan, Director, Office of Justice Services, Bureau of Indian Affairs

Mar. 26, 2015

FY16 Budget Request - BLM, FS

Subcommittee oversight hearing on the Impact of the President's fiscal 2016 budget for the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service's Energy and Minerals Programs on job creation, domestic energy and minerals production and the deficit

House Natural Resources S/C on Energy and Mineral Resources (Lamborn)

Neil Kornze, Director, Bureau of Land Management

Mar. 24, 2015

FY16 Budget Request – USGS

Subcommittee oversight hearing on the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Request for the U.S. Geological Survey

House Natural Resources S/C on Energy and Mineral Resources (Lamborn)

Dr. Suzette Kimball, Acting Director, U.S. Geological Survey

Mar. 24, 2015

FY16 Budget Request – BOR, PMA, USGS

Subcommittee oversight hearing on the fiscal year 2016 budget request for the Bureau of Reclamation, Power Marketing Administration and the United States Geological Survey

House Natural Resources S/C on Water, Power and Oceans (Fleming)

William Werkheiser, Associate Director for Water, U.S. Geological Survey

Estevan Lopez, Commissioner, Bureau of Reclamation

Mar. 24, 2015

FY16 Budget Request – FS, BLM

Subcommittee oversight hearing on the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Requests for the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management

House Natural Resources S/C on Federal Lands (McClintock)

Neil Kornze, Director, Bureau of Land Management

Mar. 19, 2015

FY16 Budget Request – BLM

Subcommittee oversight hearing on the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Request for the Bureau of Land Management

House Appropriations S/C on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies (Calvert)

Neil Kornze, Director, Bureau of Land Management

Mar. 19, 2015

FY16 Budget Request – FWS, NOAA

Joint Subcommittee oversight hearing on the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Requests for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

House Natural Resources S/C on Water, Power and Oceans (Fleming) and S/C on Federal Lands (McClintock)

Dan Ashe, Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Mar. 18, 2015

FY16 Budget Request – BIA, HIS, OIA, OST

Subcommittee oversight hearing on the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Request for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Indian Health Service, Office of Insular Affairs and Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians

House Natural Resources S/C on Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs (Young)

Esther Kia'aina, Assistant Secretary – Insular Affairs

Kevin Washburn, Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs

Vince Logan, Special Trustee for American Indians

Mar. 18, 2015

FY16 Budget Request – OSMRE

Subcommittee oversight hearing on the fiscal year 2016 budget request for the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement

House Natural Resources S/C on Energy and Mineral Resources (Lamborn)

Joseph Pizarchik, Director, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement

Mar. 17, 2015

FY16 Budget Request – NPS

Subcommittee oversight hearing on the fiscal year 2016 budget request for the National Park Service

House Appropriations S/C on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies (Calvert)

Jon Jarvis, Director, National Park Service

Bruce Sheaffer, Comptroller, National Park Service

Mar. 17, 2015

FY16 Budget Request – NPS

Subcommittee oversight hearing on the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Request for the National Park Service

House Natural Resources S/C on Federal Lands (McClintock)

Jon Jarvis, Director, National Park Service

Bruce Sheaffer, Comptroller, National Park Service

Mar. 17, 2015

FY16 Budget Request – BOEM, BSEE, ONRR

House Subcommittee oversight hearing on the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Requests for the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement and the Office of Natural Resources Revenue

House Natural Resources S/C on Energy and Mineral Resources (Lamborn)

Gregory Gould, Director,Office of Natural Resources Revenue

Abigail Ross Hopper, Director, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Brian Salerno, Director, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement

Mar. 17, 2015

FY16 Budget Request - FWS

Subcommittee oversight hearing on the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Request for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

House Appropriations S/C on Interior, Environment and Related Agencies (Calvert)

Dan Ashe, Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Chris Nolan, Budget Officer, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Mar. 12, 2015

Bipartisan Sportsmen's Act of 2015

Full Committee hearing on
S. 556 (Murkowski), A bill to protect and enhance opportunities for recreational hunting, fishing, and shooting

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (Murkowski)

Steve Ellis, Deputy Director, Operations, Bureau of Land Management

Mar. 11, 2015

DOI Nomination

Full Committee oversight hearing to consider the nomination of Jonodeve Chaudhuri to be Chairman of the National Indian Gaming Commission

Senate Indian Affairs Committee (Barrasso)

Jonodeve Chaudhuri, Nominee

Mar. 5, 2015

FY16 Budget Request – DOI

Full Committee oversight hearing on Examining the Department of the Interior's Spending Priorities and the President's Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Proposal

House Natural Resources Committee (Bishop)

Sally Jewell, Secretary

Mar. 4, 2015

FY16 Budget Request – DOI

Subcommittee oversight hearing on the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Request for the Department of the Interior

Senate Appropriations S/C on Interior, Environment and Related Agencies (Reed)

Sally Jewell, Secretary

Mike Connor, Deputy Secretary

Mar. 4, 2015

Indian Irrigation Projects

Full Committee hearing on
S. 438 (Barrasso), A bill to provide for the repair, replacement, and maintenance of certain Indian irrigation projects

Senate Indian Affairs Committee (Barrasso)

Kevin Washburn, Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs

Feb. 27, 2015

FY16 Budget Request – BIA and BIE

Subcommittee oversight hearing to consider the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Bureau of Indian Education's budget request for fiscal year 2016

House Appropriations S/C on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies (Calvert)

Kevin Washburn, Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs

Mike Black, Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs

Charles "Monty" Roessel, Director, Bureau of Indian Education

Feb. 25, 2015

FY16 Budget Request – DOI

Subcommittee oversight hearing to consider the Department of Interior's Budget Request for fiscal year 2016

House Appropriation S/C on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies (Calvert)

Sally Jewell, Secretary

Feb. 25, 2015

FY16 Budget Request – Indian Affairs

Full Committee oversight hearing on The President's Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Request for Indian Country

Senate Indian Affairs Committee (Barrasso)

Kevin Washburn, Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs

Feb. 24, 2015

FY16 Budget Request – DOI

Full Committee hearing to consider the Department of the Interior's budget request for fiscal year 2016

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (Murkowski)

Sally Jewell, Secretary

Mike Connor, Deputy Secretary

Feb. 12, 2015

FY16 Budget Request – BOR

Appropriations hearing to consider the fiscal year 2016 budget request for the Bureau of Reclamation

House Appropriations S/C on Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies (Simpson)

Estevan Lopez, Commissioner, Bureau of Reclamation

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