National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

The Department has broad responsibilities to manage Federal lands and resources for the public’s benefit. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) applies to the execution of many of the Department’s responsibilities with the goal of ensuring that information regarding environmental impacts is available to decision makers and the public before decisions are made.

  • Requirements & Guidance for DOI

    NEPA requirements for Interior projects are determined by pollution control and environmental protection statutes, federal regulations, Executive Orders, Secretarial Orders, and Departmental Manuals. The Department provides additional internal guidance to bureaus and offices to ensure compliance.
  • Applicant Assistance

    The Department's bureaus and offices provide a wide range of services and expertise to protect and manage the Nation's natural resources and cultural heritage.
  • Review of Non-Interior Actions

    The Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance provides guidance to Interior bureaus and offices regarding the technical and policy review of non-Interior actions.
  • Categorical Exclusions

    Categorical exclusions are categories of actions that a Federal agency has determined normally do not significantly affect the quality of the human environment.