NEPA and Environmental Coordination Division (NEPA/ECD)

The Department has broad responsibilities to manage Federal lands and resources for the public’s benefit. Within the Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance (OEPC), the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Environmental Coordination Division provides guidance on implementing NEPA across the Department. NEPA applies to the execution of many of the Department’s responsibilities with the goal of ensuring that information regarding environmental impacts is available to decision makers and the public before decisions are made. 

The NEPA/EC division is also responsible for the coordination of FAST-41. Title 41, Federal Improvement Permitting, of the FAST Act, or "FAST-41," established coordination, reporting, and oversight procedures for certain infrastructure projects requiring Federal environmental reviews or authorizations.  DOI bureaus are frequently involved in the NEPA processes for these projects and/or have authorizations to issue for the project to proceed such as rights-of-way authorizations or special use permits.

The NEPA/EC division also tracks and distributes external Federal agency environmental documents for Departmental review. The NEPA/EC division coordinates reviews based upon the Department's jurisdiction by law or special expertise and then provides the Departmental response to Federal agencies.  

  • NEPA Program

    NEPA applies to the execution of many of the Department’s responsibilities, the program ensures that information regarding environmental impacts is available to decision makers and the public before decisions are made.
  • Review of Non-Interior Actions

    The Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance provides guidance to Interior bureaus and offices regarding the technical and policy review of non-Interior actions.