Natural & Cultural Resources Disaster Recovery

The Natural and Cultural Resources Recovery Support Function (NCR RSF) integrates Federal assets and capabilities to help local, State, Tribal, Territorial, and/or Insular Area jurisdictions address long-term environmental and cultural resource recovery needs after large-scale and catastrophic disaster events. As part of the National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF), the NCR RSF is tasked with facilitating effective recovery support to these disaster-impacted jurisdictions to build more resilient nation.

The NCR RSF coordinates advisory support and technical expertise to local, State, Tribal, Territorial, and Insular Area governments from Federal departments, agencies, non-governmental organizations, and private sector partners. The RSF assists these recovering communities in considerations related to the management and protection of their natural, cultural, and historic resources, community sustainability, and compliance with environmental planning and historic preservation requirements so they can more effectively integrate them into their recovery efforts. The NCR RSF also assists impacted communities in conducting post-disaster NCR assessments and studies so proposed solutions to Environmental and Historic Preservation (EHP) policy issues can be developed, and so impediments to recovery can be identified for consideration as early as possible.

The NCR RSF plays an important advisory role as local, State, Tribal, Territorial, and Insular Area governments develop their recovery priorities by coordinating the support of NCR technical and subject matter expertise to support community recovery planning efforts.  This expertise and assistance can include specific natural and cultural resource identification; resource assessment and management (e.g., fish and wildlife, historic and/or cultural properties); resource planning; environmental planning; historic preservation compliance; and community sustainability.

The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) serves as the coordinating agency for the NCR RSF. DOI works with the RSF’s Primary and Supporting agencies to assist recovering jurisdictions in accessing resources and assets to support their recovery. DOI works with the NCR RSF partners to identify, activate, and deploy specialized recovery personnel (e.g. architects, biologists, preservationists); who work to support recovery by identifying, coordinating, and encouraging the Local, State, and Tribal government leadership in disaster-impacted communities to take ownership of the recovery planning process.

The RSF’s Primary and Support Organizations have specific capabilities and resources that are critical to the Coordinating Agency’s (DOI) ability to execute the mission of the NCR RSF. In addition to the 15 Primary and Supporting Organizations for the NCR RSF, DOI also coordinates with a variety of NGO partners including faith- and community-based organizations, nonprofit entities, and members of the private sector.

NCR RSF Support Agencies:

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