Karen Matragrano

Deputy Chief Information Officer, Enterprise Services

Karen Matragrano,
Deputy Chief Information Officer, Enterprise Services​

Karen Matragrano began her federal career at the U.S. Department of the Interior in 2005, serving as a management and program analyst for the Appraisal Services Directorate of the Interior Business Center (IBC). Ms. Matragrano worked in numerous IBC organizations, focusing on process improvement, budgeting, and administrative management before taking on the role of Project Manager for the Customer Support Center (CSC) in 2009. As CSC Project Manager, Ms. Matragrano worked to consolidate 24 helpdesks, leading change in business practices and philosophy to match the pace of the quickly changing IT world.

Ms. Matragrano was named Service Delivery Director in 2016, leading the largest division within the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO). In this role, she led a team that implemented and managed modern and secure IT solutions to meet customer needs. She values customer feedback and continually looks for ways to improve the IT service experience. In January 2020, Karen Matragrano accepted the role of Deputy CIO for the Enterprise Services Division, performing similar duties as in her previous role.

Prior to working for the Department, Ms. Matragrano was a 5th grade elementary school teacher with Teach for America. She enjoys working directly with people to help improve service delivery, collaborating to find solutions that challenge standard ways of thinking and work for everyone.

Ms. Matragrano received her B.A. in International Relations from American University in Washington, D.C., and her MBA from the University of Maryland.


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