About the OCIO

Our Mission: Through the effective and innovative use of technology and information resources, enable transparency and accessibility of information and services to the public.

DOI is in the process of implementing the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) Common Baseline. Visit our FITARA Implementation Plan section for more information.

The OCIO is currently implementing a series of technology


innovations and efficiencies to deliver improved services across the Department at lower costs. These initiatives include reducing operating costs and energy consumption by consolidating and centralizing the information technology infrastructure and compliance functions across the Department. We are also working to align information technology capabilities with business and mission areas. This alignment will increase effectiveness, improve transparency and increase productivity, while striving to improve service delivery and customer satisfaction.


Learn more

Contact us

  • DOI OCIO Telephone Number: 202-208-6194
  • This Twitter account is no longer updated but remains a living archive: @DOI_IT_Leaders​ 

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