OAS AKRO Aviation Safety Compliance - FAQ

1. How do I get my pilot approved?

Pilots are approved (maybe) when working for a vendor that OAS has a relationship with. That relationship consists of some kind of est. procurement. i.e. Aircraft Rental Agreement (ARA), Contracts, either Exclusive Use or On Call. We must have a prior relationship with the vendor before initiating their pilot in the certification process. Civil pilots may be approved as cooperators when requested by a DOI agency and departmental standards are met.

2. How do I get approval to use another Government agency pilot (State Troopers, Div. of Forestry, etc.)?

Other Government agency pilots can be approved in accordance with

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3. How do I get my DOI pilot qualification card issued?

When a vendor submits an OAS-64 pilot information form, that information will be reviewed for conformance with DOI standards and the appropriate qualification issued. Evidence of the required proficiency checks (135.293 a & b) or 135.297 a or g as appropriate of aircraft make and model are required to be submitted along with the OAS-64 for each aircraft make and model to be approved. Special use flight activities will require a flight evaluation in accordance with DOI standards.

4. How do I get my DOI pilot qualification renewed?

For point-to-point airplane pilots the normal expiration date is 24 months. An updated OAS-64 pilot qualification form must be submitted in advance of the expiration date to avoid lapses in currency. The evidence of proficiency required is the same as required for original issuance in the question above. Special use activities will require flight evaluation intervals (appropriate to the mission). For most special use activities, the flight evaluation interval is every 36 months. Please reference OPM-29 Special Use Activities for Crewed Aircraft

5. What about flying activities known as 'Special Use'?

Please reference OPM-29 Special Use Activities for Crewed Aircraft, which describes DOI policy pertaining to definitions of Special Use flight activities.

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