Post Assessment / Restoration

Generally, the activities that are conducted during this phase are those conducted after sampling has been completed, and injury has been determined and quantified. These activities include:

a.            Report of Assessment

b.            Restoration Plan 

c.             Demand for total damages

d.            Settlement (Consent Decree and Covenant Not to Sue/Litigation)

e.            Restoration implementation

Before restoration can be implemented, a final Restoration Plan (42 U.S.C section 111) is prepared that contains the following information:

a.            Evaluates restoration options and alternatives, including No Action – natural recovery

b.            Selects the preferred restoration option(s)

c.             Includes options for both primary and compensatory restoration

d.            Ties the benefits of the restoration action to addressing the injury

e.            Includes a monitoring component (recommended)

f.             Describes coordination with co-trustees

g.            Outlines the compliance with other laws – NEPA, ESA, NHPA, . . .

h.            Includes Public review by the general public, responsible parties, and affected agencies

Restoring resources injured from oil or hazardous substance spills is the main goal of the NRDAR process. Restoration actions include actions that accomplish the restoration, rehabilitation, replacement, and/or acquisition of equivalent resources, and that are intended to return injured resources and services to baseline condition and to compensate the public for interim losses. Restoration can include actions that improve the quality of natural resources off-site to address cumulative losses of resources or services over time as a result of the injury.

There are many options available for restoration, but regardless of which category the restoration action falls into, restoration actions must benefit an injured resource or service.

Restoration projects may be implemented by the trustees, the responsible party, contractors, partners, and/or volunteers. Often, restoration projects are completed and funded using several of these organizations.

Response versus NRDAR

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